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Posts posted by princenickolas

  1. I also have been having the same issues. Same skill level as well... I have tried going through nginx and that seems to be a way more seamless set up and I prefer that over Swag which Spaceinvader One is using. 


    I am using an AT&T Fiber router and originally thought that was the issue due to the restrictions they place on it. So I did a IP pass through and switched to pfsense with no luck. I removed all restrictions I can think of to see if I can get it to respond with no traction. I went back to the AT&T router because pfsense was causing way too much lag and connectivity issues. (other problems i need to solve down the road). I went through every config file... Every setting in Unraid.. Followed all the guides and forum posts i could find on the issue with no luck. I just updated to 6.11.0 (thinking maybe this will fix some underlying issue i cant find) and nope, same problem.. 


    Could the issue be in the hardware we are using? Is there something in BIOS for peets sake that isn't allowing us to connect back to the server? That is about the only thing I can think of at this point for all the issues I've been having...


    To offer some more info to maybe be help speed the process along, just like rlentz2022, I am trying to get NextCloud to run off of a reverse proxy so i can access it from anywhere. I am using nginx to ease of use but am willing to switch back to swag if that will help fix the issue. I have a cloudflare domain directing back to a duckdns.org url to my home IP which should then be port forwarded to nginx and that will tell which docker to connect to. I get back error 522. If there is anything i am missing in this process, please correct me. I truly don't know how to fix this issue. 

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