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Posts posted by Shehan

  1. On 8/15/2022 at 4:51 PM, Squid said:

    hmm.  I'd have to look into this.  Nothing super obviously corrupted, but FCP is finding something, so somewhere there is something....

    so I made a new USB as it says in


    but still its giving me the error
    Possible rootkit or malware detected Rootkits can introduce viruses / malware to your system. Post your diagnostics in the forum for more assistance or email [email protected]



  2. 3 hours ago, crafty35a said:


    The instructions I had followed were to map the /netdata/dbengine subfolder, not the entire netdata folder -- I will try it the way you show here and let you know if I lose history again tonight. Is this the only change you made from the template defaults?


    Also, did you make the "delete obsolete charts files" change or was that not necessary?


    Edit - I'm not quite sure how to set this up, the container won't start with this setting ('netdata ERROR : MAIN : Failed to initialize database at /var/cache/netdata/netdata-meta.db, due to "unable to open database file'). Guessing I need to copy the db over manually before starting, but I'm not clear on how to do so

    you can copy the file to the new location using the command


    docker cp netdata:/var/cache/netdata/netdata-meta.db /mnt/user/appdata/netdata/netdatacache/netdata


    after that you need to set the proper permissions on those folders

    after that netdata starts up

    but i tried an update and the data is gone again :(


    maybe i set the permissions wrong or something


    Edit: I changed the permissions on all cache folders(/mnt/user/appdata/netdata/netdatacache/netdata) and now it seems to be working fine. i removed the container and installed it again and the data is still here. i dont know if this will persist through an update or not.


    I'll post an update after an update 😁

  3. On 5/6/2022 at 3:00 AM, naxos said:


    I've also been trying to figure this out. Data will persist through restarts, but it's gone after a container update. Do you have to store the data in an external DB to keep it through updates?

    +1 I'm having the same problem as well

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