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Posts posted by Asmundur

  1. Quote

    First, The default owner should be nobody for a directory of file.  The group should always be users  

    Why does Unraid then default all files written by me through SMB as "myname:users" and not "nobody:users"?


    I've googled for hours and find endless posts with people having issues, but don't seem to see a single post anywhere on what is "the best way to approach unraid+SMB" and 2) how to implement this best approach.


    You seem to have some insights. Would you have any pointers?


  2. I'm new to unraid, but pretty shocked that this issue is still present as of 2022-07-24.

    Have an accent character in my windows username and just kept getting failures setting up the installer with no helpful error messages.


    I mean, do I trust my data with this? can't even program an installer that works outside US of A? and not fixing a install blocker years later?


    Not a good look. In fact if I was in a serious setting this experience already disqualified unraid for any serious use.

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