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  1. I wanted to provide a (hopefully) final update. I was able to move several TB of files into and around (via unbalance) the drives after swapping the memory slots and upgrading OS. I do not know if the root cause is bad memory slot or older firmware, but for now everything is working again.
  2. Memtest ran without finding any issues, so I am now booted back up and transferring files. So far, so good. I hate introducing multiple changes during my troubleshooting, so of course I did this time. The memory is in different slots, and I did upgrade to the latest kernel. If it moves all files without issue, I may or may not pull one of the changes back to test.
  3. I haven't done that before, as I am still only a few days into my trial test. Do you have a link to the process?
  4. I am running the latest version of memtest right now. It has gone through 2 passes with no issues so far. I plan to run it for another 5 hours or so. I do have the 2 memory sticks in different slots, so this is not a perfect test, if one of the RAM slots is bad. Assuming memtest finds no errors, then I will boot back up and try the transfers again.
  5. Well, that's an unusual glitch. I rebooted the pc to run memtest from the unRAID boot menu, but as soon as I hit enter, it immediately reboots again. I have tried with just a single stick, and in different slots. I also went into the BIOS and turned of any memory enhancements (XMP). Anyone run into this before?
  6. Roger that. It is new memory and new mobo, so a def possibility.
  7. I tried to move files using unbalance, and it locked up after 363GB. I had to hard power down the server this morning. I have attached my original diag zip. homeserver-diagnostics-20220801-1642.zip
  8. I tried booting into safe mode and transferring the files after reboot, but ended up with the same issue. I am now unable to shut down the array or do any kind of reboot. I logged into the console, and I can move around the file system, but cannot reboot from there, either. I am able to run top, and the load is continuing to climb. It is currently at 11 (8 core/16 thread processor).
  9. I have a brand new server build, and I am trying to transfer about 3.5TB of files to a share on it. I can get a few GB into it, and then I get an error on transferring a file. At that point, it essentially just freezes the transfer up. Sometimes it freezes my PC to a degree, most of the time it freezes unRAID where I cannot shut down the array or reboot, then I have to do a hard power down. Right now, I tried to transfer ~12GB over, and it froze up again. Now my media share is completely inaccessible over the network. I am trying to stop the array, and it is stuck on 'Retry unmounting user share(s). I pulled down a diagnostic, since it appears I am going to have to hard power down my server again.
  10. I saw this mentioned in an earlier comment, but I don't see the fix mentioned. I have the Omada controller running in a docker container, but when I reboot my server and go back into the GUI, it is like it is the first time it has ever been opened. I have to input all the data and then restore from an old backup. It even has me update the docker container each time. It seems like none of the changes to the container itself survive a reboot, almost like it is all held in RAM, rather than on the cache drive (which is a 480G nvme drive, if that matters).
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