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Posts posted by PhilipJFry

  1. 3 hours ago, Joseph said:

    Are you able to downgrade to 6.11.1? I've had terrible SMB issues since the 6.9.x days and regretted updating to 6.10.x as things only got worse. I was quick to update to 6.11.1 after reading that SMB performance was better than it has been and and I can confirm for my gear this is true to an extent. Regardless, after reading some of the comments here, I'm holding off on trying any of the newer 'improvements' at this time.

    @Joseph. SMB issue was fixed for me. See here

    • Thanks 2
  2. Random Apps

    Something really wrong went on during getPopupDescription
    Post the ENTIRE contents of this message in the Community Applications Support Thread

    OS: 6.11.2 
    Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.6.1 Safari/605.1.15

    <br /> <b>Fatal error</b>: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4096 bytes) in <b>/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/helpers.php</b> on line <b>48</b><br />

  3. Dunno if this is the right spot for this.

    Random Apps

    Something really wrong went on during getPopupDescription
    Post the ENTIRE contents of this message in the Community Applications Support Thread

    OS: 6.11.2 
    Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.6.1 Safari/605.1.15

    <br /> <b>Fatal error</b>: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4096 bytes) in <b>/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/helpers.php</b> on line <b>48</b><br />



  4. Umm.. is this docker container meant to actually work?

    Using default settings OOTB, web page open with black screen.

    Changing to bridge mode, get a black screen with a white circle.

    Mouse click just bring up a "Failed to close file descriptor for child process (Operation not permitted)... huh.





  5. Hi @limetech
    Upgrade went ok.

    But SMB very unhappy now. Shares no longer visible on the network.

    Nov  7 16:51:36 Futurama  emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sde
    Nov  7 16:54:43 Futurama  dhcpcd[1229]: br0: failed to renew DHCP, rebinding
    Nov  7 16:54:43 Futurama  dhcpcd[1229]: br0: leased for 14400 seconds
    Nov  7 16:58:35 Futurama  smbd[29181]: [2022/11/07 16:58:35.887620,  0] ../../source3/smbd/open.c:958(fd_openat)
    Nov  7 16:58:35 Futurama  smbd[29181]:   Too many open files, unable to open more!  smbd's max open files = 16424
    Nov  7 16:58:36 Futurama  smbd[29181]: [2022/11/07 16:58:36.034052,  0] ../../source3/smbd/open.c:958(fd_openat)
    Nov  7 16:58:36 Futurama  smbd[29181]:   Too many open files, unable to open more!  smbd's max open files = 16424
    Nov  7 16:58:36 Futurama  smbd[29181]: [2022/11/07 16:58:36.050145,  0] ../../source3/smbd/files.c:1199(synthetic_pathref)
    Nov  7 16:58:36 Futurama  smbd[29181]:   synthetic_pathref: opening [events/albums/frame/_frame-singapore/2018-10-20181004_122419.jpg] failed
    Nov  7 16:58:36 Futurama  smbd[29181]: [2022/11/07 16:58:36.626251,  0] ../../source3/smbd/files.c:1199(synthetic_pathref)
    Nov  7 16:58:36 Futurama  smbd[29181]:   synthetic_pathref: opening [events/albums/frame] failed


    Other relevant info 🙂

    root@Futurama:~# cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max
    root@Futurama:~# cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr
    20256   0       3231614
    root@Futurama:~# sysctl fs.file-max
    fs.file-max = 3231614
    root@Futurama:~# ulimit -n
    root@Futurama:~# ulimit –Sn
    bash: ulimit: –Sn: invalid number
    root@Futurama:~# ulimit -Hn



  6. On 10/31/2022 at 8:31 PM, itimpi said:

    I can think about a more complicated scheduling option, but not sure about how easy it will be to present this in the GUI in a sensible way without quite a lot of work.   It might be possible to add it as a “hidden” option without GUI support where you have to edit the plugin’s .cfg file directly - would this be an acceptable compromise?

    I feel you pain here @itimpi.

    As a UX dev with > 15yrs experience, the webGui use of VueJS together with Jquery, Bootstrap and PHP ..is very *ahem*... unusual.. 🤪


    Yes 100%, a hidden option without GUI support would be more than acceptable!... Bazinga!   🙂

  7. Hi @ich777, cheers for replying. I certainly wasn't expecting that 🙂

    Re watch nvidia-smi, it won't make any difference as the Pending Tasks Queue doesn't have any items it to process.

    I can watch the progress of the unmanic search the files /folder when pressing "RESCAN LIBRARY NOW", but by the end.. there's nothing for it to do.

    The Plugin Flow, which is now located in Settings  -> Library -> Configure (different from the youtube vids), has the following configure, but the "Library Management - File test" just doesn't want to know about any files and doesn't seem editable. 😞



    Oh well.. 😞

  8. On 10/29/2022 at 1:50 AM, itimpi said:

    If there is some sort of schedule you would like to use that would not be satisfied by that then please describe it in more detail.   I do not promise anything but would see if the plugin could be made to accommodate it in any way.

    The first time I installed it @itimpi, the disks overheat function kicked in... which is great.. (really like that feature).. except.. post the end of the accumulation duration, all drives are on and running (this is some 2hours post the end duration/time) with nothing connected to the server.

    I have since shutdown, and reorganised the hot WD drives into a position next to a fan.

    My wish list for the "Parity Check Tuning" would be to have different start/end times per day (rather than a 1 size fits all approach).

    Perhaps a future feature? would be to "watch" the activity of the server say over 24x7 and to suggest a schedule based on periods/blocks of inactivity...


  9. On 10/28/2022 at 7:35 PM, ich777 said:

    I would really recommend to try unmanic because IIRC I can transcode .ts files just fine with it.

    @ich777. I tried unmanic and well... nothing happened.

    According to the docs: "Simply point Unmanic at your library and let it manage it for you."... Yer well..  ahem!.. that did nothing.

    Watched a year old youtube video, and installed some plugins. But again.. nothing. Pressed the "RESCAN LIBRARY NOW" button (why is it all in caps?), and I can see it looking at the library, but all that comes up in pending tasks are a couple of mp3 audio files... like.. what the.


    So sadly, gave up on Unmanic or every using NVIDIA on Unraid.... on well.. cheers anyway @ich777 👍🏻


  10. 16 hours ago, itimpi said:

    You can install the Parity Check Tuning plugin to give you more control.   It may be sufficient to simply use the plugins standard option to move parity check increments out of prime time.   With that plugin one of the scheduling options is ‘Custom’ which can give you anything supported via a Linux crontab type entry which gives even more control.

    Nice. Let me check that out @itimpi 👍🏻

  11. 16 hours ago, itimpi said:

    If you were simply copying off the external drive, then whatever happened to it is nothing to do with Unraid - sounds as if the USB drive might have a problem?

    Have you tried power cycling everything - that can sometimes help with this sort of problem.

    Sadly power cycling did nothing. The drive no longer mounts. As far as Unraid is concerned, its a 2TB drive with 0 bytes.

    Plugging into an iMac was similar, in that Disk Utility shows the external usb 3.0 media, but the physical volume remains unmountable.

    I'm not saying that Unraid did it, or damaged the FAT. Its just very coincidental that it happened when plugged into it and during a parity check.

    This is not the 1st time i have seen this. Had similar with a 4TB WD drive on an alternative NAS software and different hardware.


    Yup, the USB interface in general for serial comms is somewhat....  less robust that say direct SATA. Sadly, the USB interface in this instance is part of the whole HD circuitry.


    On well, lesson learnt.... I should have copied using an iMac across the network 🙂

  12. Hi @ich777, thanks for replying.

    Yes, i have all those settings set.

    Currently watching tdarr have a heart-attack. It saw the M2000 and even had a message saying it did.

    Although its saying "Transcode GPU", the M2000 is sitting there all quiet and the CPU is at 100% all threads (according to the dashboard).

    When it stops i'll try unmanic. (i did try this before, but forgot to mention in original post).

  13. Ok yes... its old... and haters are gunna hate (cheers TS), but will said card work in the Unraid infrastructure for "just" transcoding?

    The card shows up fine (v515.76 drivers as per nvidia site) in system devices, settings Nvidia Driver and Dashboard GPU.

    It sort of seemed working once under tdarr_node, but since then when starting EmbyServer, post-recording, Jellyfin or tdarr (with extra parameters --runtime=nvidia).. its a royal "up-yours" when trying to start the docker container.

    No amount of love can seemed to get any container to wanna talk to this bad boy.

    Am I flogging a dead horse?

    Update: OMG... seriously docker containers your ok to start these containers now after my rant above?.

    Let me see if Tdarr is BS'ing me... i'll be right back.

  14. Hi Unraid,

    (to be more specific re the title, an external usb drive connected to my unraid server has disappeared).

    This is a rant and doesn't necessarily need a reply, but I just need to vent my disappointment.

    Yesterday afternoon I attached a 2TB drive and started the long process (via Krusader) of copying (not moving because the unassigned devices plugin for hfsplus can't deal with permissions properly... but that's another story) files from the USB to the Array.

    Later the parity drive scheduled kicked in, and obviously the copy process slowed overnight.

    This morning, when i look at the usb drive... its... sigh.... empty and of zero bytes..... like ... whatttt...(the Krusader console also compained of some inaccessible files/folders).

    Unmounts, reboots and unplugging revealed same....  (another big sigh)... 

    Darn... wish that didn't happen.... 

    Rant over.

  15. On 10/10/2022 at 8:03 PM, JorgeB said:

    It's logged as disk problem, you can run an extended SMART test to confirm, it it fails replace it, or depending on the situation, you might try to do a full disk write, pending sectors should go back to zero then see if they come back again soon or not.

    Cheers 4 the info @JorgeB.
    Try as I might, SMART extended test kept returning read errors... so guess that's a negative for continued use.

    I tried unsuccessfully to remove it from the array. My fault for not following the instructions properly. But its now gone.. yay... sort of.

    Feedback: it would be nice if the guides (and the required actions) were a little more newbie focused... i.e 1 click (old school clippy comes to mind 🙂 ). For many of us oldies, we don't breath unRaid everyday 😜.


    • Like 1
  16. Hi guys,
    Recently I emptied an older 1TB WDC drive and added it to the array.

    It was originally one of those desktop usb style drives that i gutted and installed into the server.

    This morning, during the scheduled parity run, the drive has been flagged with read errors.

    SMART report attached along with its attributes.

    Should I retire this drive? or is it still safe to use for a little longer.


    And the big picture question:

    "At what point in a drives lifecycle should it be deemed no longer viable?".


    Obviously, the bad sector(s) are a pre-emptive indication that the drive will fail completely at some point. But until that happens, could it still be used for non-critical data and/or as a temporary scratch share (e.g for docker containers working directory)?


    With thanks




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