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Posts posted by spants

  1. 18 minutes ago, bigmak said:



    Here's my full docker run command.

    root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='pihole' --net='br0' --ip='' -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'TCP_PORT_53'='53' -e 'UDP_PORT_53'='53' -e 'UDP_PORT_67'='67' -e 'TCP_PORT_80'='80' -e 'TCP_PORT_443'='443' -e 'DNS1'='' -e 'DNS2'='' -e 'TZ'='America/New_York' -e 'WEBPASSWORD'='supersecret' -e 'INTERFACE'='br0' -e 'ServerIP'='' -e 'ServerIPv6'='' -e 'IPv6'='False' -e 'DNSMASQ_LISTENING'='all' -v '/mnt/disk1/appdata/pihole1/pihole/':'/etc/pihole/':'rw' -v '/mnt/disk1/appdata/pihole1/dnsmasq.d/':'/etc/dnsmasq.d/':'rw' --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --dns --dns --restart=unless-stopped 'pihole/pihole:latest' 

    Any tips on what to try?

    what is the server IP and the Pihole ip?

  2. 44 minutes ago, Actua said:

    OctoPrint is telling me an update is available, but when I update and restart OctoPrint. I get to the login screen, but when I log in I am unable to access the WebUI. Telling me it might be overloaded or something is wrong. 

    Its probably best just to update the when new versions arrive rather than updating inside the docker. The template just uses the official docker container .... so wait for an update notice in the unraid gui

  3. fyi, I had exactly this "problem" with the delugevpn container. It was because I screwed up and pointed downloads to a directory without permissions. A torrent would connect and then disconnect after a second or so because it could not write to the file. As Binhex says, check where the files are being downloaded to!

  4. GUIDE: An easy way to pass through a specific Printer, when you are using multiple printers and multiple copies of this template


    On the template, select the printer using the /dev/serial/by-id/ directory only. Do not use ttyACM0 etc.

    In OctoPrint,

    1) go to settings/serial connections and add /dev/serial/by-id/* to "Additional serial ports"

    2) save

    3) go to settings/serial connections and change AUTO in the serial port list to your device

    4) save


    Go and print!


    • Like 1
  5. New template, see 

    ,.......... Old template ...............


    I have just published a template that uses the excellent Docker image by nunofgs. Please direct all non unRaid questions to

    This template was constructed with knowledge from a thread at this REDDIT post - thanks to Jacob_xATLx and @Tergi.
    Please see Tergi's post on doing camera passthrough: Discussion on Video support on unRaid


    (If you are not using a camera, remove the camera variables)

    • Thanks 1
  6. I think that the node red team changed the user permissions inside their docker that conflicts with recent changes on unraid. I have seen this on several containers.


    I think that I just chmod 777 (container app directory) as a quick fix on mine.


    I maybe able to change it with extra params for user....


    Edit: fix here:

  7. 1 hour ago, Nosbus said:

    HI, im also a first time user installing MQTT on unraid via the docker template on the app store. The default/sample config file downloaded does have "user mosquitto" defined twice which causes the error below and the container does not start. Removing the duplicate config entry fixes the issue, but will continue to trip new users.


    Error: Duplicate user value in configuration.
    Error found at /config/mosquitto.conf:21.
    Error: Unable to open configuration file.

    Thanks for the info - I have fixed it. Strange that it has only just come to light, that hasn't changed for years!

  8. 14 hours ago, Skylord123 said:

    Can we get updated versions based on tags? This way we can keep this stable version under one tag but also be able to try out the newer versions.


    As nice as it is staying on one version the updates can be really important for security and performance.

    I tested Mosquitto 1.6.8 and Alpine Linux 3.11 today but had to revert to 1.48 and linux 3.3 as bug found, sorry