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Everything posted by Zonediver

  1. ...strange Plugin... and not working... 😉
  2. Hi experts, it happens now the 4rd time, i got a notification from my server: Docker critical image disk utilization: 16-03-2021 15:46 Alert [HORUS] - Docker image disk utilization of 100% Docker utilization of image file /mnt/cache/docker.img My docker.img has 10.485.760 kB and hosts only four dockers - three of them are stopped - so only plex is running. After 1-2 min all went back to normal... Docker image disk utilization: 16-03-2021 15:47 Notice [HORUS] - Docker image disk utilization returned to normal level Docker utilization of image file /mnt/cache/docker.img Can someone maybe explain, what happens in the background with my docker-system?
  3. Hello bonienl and nice that you are back again. I thought something bad had happened. I wish you all the best for your recovery 👍👍👍
  4. I use PuTTY 0.73 Well... working at the internal Terminal Window... thanks Squid 👍
  5. Using the command watch -n 1 grep MHz /proc/cpuinfo gives no output anymore (empty window)
  6. That's the solution? Uninstalling a "needed" Plugin? In my Case, its working, BUT... look at this... this is new since v6.9... By the way: Whats up with bonienl? He was not seen anymore since 11. Nov 2020... He is responsible for this plugin...
  7. As far is i know, this plugin is not compatible. And just a question: How did you get your i7-9700K (s1151 v2) working on an old Z170 mainboard (s1151)? Or is this a typo...
  8. I must use hdparm because of the sleep-plugin. Its the most important plugin for me. After wakup, the status of the disks is sometimes not uniform. The hdparm -y command brings them all to status "standby" which is necessary to let the server go back to sleep.
  9. Thanks for this hint - then it's a "cosmetic issue" 😉 Has this setting any impact on the GUI? Can i set it to 60sec as well?
  10. There must be something "wrong" with v6.9 When i set all disks to "standby" over the command hdparm -y $(ls /dev/sd*|grep "[a-z]$") >/dev/null 2>&1 all disk go to sleep, but the WebUI shows them as "active" which is not true of corse... Even after more than 20 minutes, the system does not recognize that the disks are in standby
  11. There must be something "wrong" with v6.9 When i set all disks to "standby" over the command hdparm -y $(ls /dev/sd*|grep "[a-z]$") >/dev/null 2>&1 all disk go to sleep, but the WebUI shows them as "active" which is not true of corse...
  12. Its not broken, just "vice versa" 😉 You can fix this. If the sleep plug-in is active, you can enter all drives (which you want to monitor) under "Monitor disks outside array:" There is something "the other way around" - but it is working 😉👍 It seems the plugin does not recognise the array correctly (last update from 6.2020)
  13. Updated from 6.8.3 and almost everything works - except for sleep. If the sleep plug-in is active, you have to enter all drives under "Monitor disks outside array:" - that is exactly the other way around. If you don't do that, v6.9 does not recognize the disks as active and puts the server into sleep. Otherwise everything works so far - well done Limetech - i am happy with the new release 👍👍👍
  14. Thanks for this hint - i can remember, that "there was something" 🤣 Anyway - it is active on my server, but... the old client on my Raspberry cant work with this setting. But Kodi with Plex on the Pi can 👍 So it's not server related, it was a client problem 😉
  15. Just a question: Where can i switch on/off the HDR tone mapping? Is this a Plex-feature?
  16. The Asus NIC is automatically recognized by unraid. But what you need to configure is a seperate ip-range - in my case 10.x.x.x (the other network is a 192.168.x.x)
  17. As far as i know, the 3rd PCIe-Slot is always connected to the chipset (on Mainstream-Platforms) - but maybe a Xeon can handle this different.
  18. @Intel: I think its by design - Intel CPUs can only handle x16 or x8x8 - The manufacturer determines how the lanes are interconnected by the chipset
  19. Is it possible to get an icon of a Lian Li PC-A70FB? Thanks a lot
  20. Ah ok - versteh - danke für die Links - schau ich mir gleich an 👍
  21. Hast du ein neues Plugin geschrieben? Das wäre interessant. Das S3-Plugin hat bei mir erst richtig funktioniert, nachdem ich die Disks kontrolliert in den Standby versetzt habe. Dieses Problem ist aber uralt und der Programmierer hat das nie "ausgebessert". Scheinar ist das ebenfalls von Hardware zu Hardware verschieden...
  22. Ja wenn der Server nicht schlafen geht, dann ist eine/mehrere Disks aktiv - daher auch das Prüf-Kommando, damit man sieht welche es ist. Bei jeder Disk muß "standby" stehen. Wenn das nicht der Fall ist, geht der Server nicht in den Sleep. Dann kann man schaun, ob auf der betreffenden Disk sonst irgendwas abgeht. Ich denke nicht, dass das etwas mit dem Plugin zu tun hat. Es könnte auch an der Hardware liegen - SAS-Disk z.B. sind da so ne Sache...
  23. Ergänzung: Mit folgendem Kommando kannst du den Status aller Festplatten auf active/idle oder standby prüfen: hdparm -C $ (ls /dev/sd*|grep "[a-z]$")
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