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Posts posted by Biost0rm

  1. 19 hours ago, ich777 said:

    I can create a game server for you and you can look if you can connect.


    My suspicion is that your ISP or something else is blocking inbound traffic from PlayFab.

    I really don't have much other guesses, I even now tried it with a buddy playing on a Xbox and me playing on my PC without a problem.

    Thanks for the offer.

    I did a bit more troubleshooting and discovered this likely was NAT in the end. What I discovered is if I move the valheim docker off my custom docker network to use host networking (or custom docker that shares the host IP range) that PlayFab was able to stay connected. 

    • Like 1
  2. 20 hours ago, ich777 said:

    Do you have any GeoBlocks in place?


    These messages are a bit strange since it says that it's connected but a few seconds afterwards the connection is lost and it tries to reconnect which never seems to work.


    @DIgitalOSH & @Biost0rm: have both of you yet tried to use another container? It seems rather strange that it is working fine for me (and you can also connect through your Xbox) but not for you. I can only think of an issue that the PlayFab server can't connect to your server?

    Have you done some NAT port mapping where the ports are different than 2456-2458 on your WAN (please keep in mind that the ports have to be the same on the WAN too)?

    No geo blocking in place. Port mapping at my router is 1:1 mapping with open ports on the container as well (confirmed via external portscan of public IP). 

    The oddest thing here is that removing -crossplay works entirely fine for steam users outside my network and for users inside my network. 


    I even deleted the entire container last night and re-created it, same issue is happening. 

    Switched game port to new port (2457) and same issue. 


  3. Interestingly, I am having a similar problem to @DIgitalOSH

    with -crossplay param removed steam users outside my network can access the server no issue (both IP and hostname resolution work). However when I enable -crossplay I see initial connection, then constant reconnects. 


    03/20/2023 17:09:11: PlayFab logged in as "PlayFab_BroHeim_2456_REDACTED"
    03/20/2023 17:09:11: PlayFab local entity ID is REDACTED
    03/20/2023 17:09:11: New session server "BroHeim" that has join code , now 0 player(s)
    03/20/2023 17:09:11: Register PlayFab server "BroHeim" with IP REDACTED:2456
    03/20/2023 17:09:11: Server 'BroHeim' begin PlayFab create and join network for server 
    03/20/2023 17:09:12: Zonesystem Start 6
    03/20/2023 17:09:12: Added 3 locations, 0 vegetations, 0 environments, 0 biome env-setups, 0 clutter  from locations_cp1
    03/20/2023 17:09:12: Added 1 locations, 0 vegetations, 1 environments, 0 biome env-setups, 0 clutter  from locations_mountaincaves
    03/20/2023 17:09:12: Added 27 locations, 25 vegetations, 5 environments, 1 biome env-setups, 3 clutter  from locations_mistlands
    03/20/2023 17:09:13: DungeonDB Start 6
    03/20/2023 17:09:13: ZRpc timeout set to 30s 
    03/20/2023 17:09:13: Load world: BroHeim (BroHeim)
    03/20/2023 17:09:13: Loading 234764 zdos , my id 2191084301 data version:29
    03/20/2023 17:09:14: Loaded 100000 dead zdos
    03/20/2023 17:09:14: Removed 0 OLD generated ZDOS
    03/20/2023 17:09:14: Loaded 9971 locations
    03/20/2023 17:09:14: Unloading unused assets
    Unloading 10 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
    The shader Hidden/Dof/DepthOfFieldHdr (UnityEngine.Shader) on effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.DepthOfField) is not supported on this platform!
    The image effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.DepthOfField) has been disabled as it's not supported on the current platform.
    The shader Hidden/SunShaftsComposite (UnityEngine.Shader) on effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.SunShafts) is not supported on this platform!
    The shader Hidden/SimpleClear (UnityEngine.Shader) on effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.SunShafts) is not supported on this platform!
    The image effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.SunShafts) has been disabled as it's not supported on the current platform.

    Unloading 10 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1660921.
    Total: 526.829589 ms (FindLiveObjects: 85.792995 ms CreateObjectMapping: 23.223719 ms MarkObjects: 416.457445 ms  DeleteObjects: 1.354810 ms)

    03/20/2023 17:09:28: Game server connected
    03/20/2023 17:09:35: PlayFab reconnect server 'BroHeim'
    03/20/2023 17:09:35: Server 'BroHeim' begin PlayFab create and join network for server 
    03/20/2023 17:10:05: PlayFab reconnect server 'BroHeim'
    03/20/2023 17:10:05: Server 'BroHeim' begin PlayFab create and join network for server 

  4. On 10/5/2022 at 10:06 PM, FixYouDeveloper said:

    While I agree with this standpoint, the Wireguard ports on the server are exposed? It would be prudent to recheck if we need to bump priority of 2FA / 1FA later down the line.

    Apple Passkeys it's really cool - would love this system of auth.

    Just how exposed will unraid servers be in the future? Perhaps we would be looking at defending from compromised internal gateways such as Wireguard, IoT devices, etc.

    WebAuthn in general would be a great addition here (adopting FIDO standard for passkeys, link for those who want to learn more: https://fidoalliance.org/passkeys/

    Google, Apple, and Microsoft support the standard today. This would be great to see integrated as a sign-in option to UnRAID, even if it can only support single-device passkeys due to likely lack of BLE availability on most servers that is required for CTAP in cross device authentication scenarios (e.g. browser to mobile). 

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