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Posts posted by kizer

  1. 2 hours ago, AgentP said:

    How frequently do you guys run your parity checks? Monthly? 


    I set mine to run at 12AM first of the month while I'm sleeping. I know mine takes approximately 9hours so I just leave it alone during that period until I get a notification from the server telling me its done. At first it seemed like much, but lets face it if your not running it often how do you really know your data is Parity protected if you have a problem? Just my prospective of course.

  2. 11 hours ago, Victor90 said:

    Is this normal? Does this mean my next parity sync once I add all my existing data (~9TBs worth of data) will take like 7 days?


    Honestly your numbers seem pretty much on par with what is considered Normal. I've come to the conclusion that things moving on unraid simply take as long as they need to take when your numbers seem normal. 


    No because your parity will be syncing at the same time your adding data. However when you run your Next Parity check Id guess since my system takes 9hours on my 4TB Parity that yours would probably take close to 15-20hours with your 8TB drive.  I personally have my Parity check set to run on the first of the month at 12AM. So when I'm sleeping it does its thing. 



  3. On 3/27/2022 at 1:47 PM, Renegade605 said:

    I'm looking for an option to have a container autoupdate most of the time, but not all of the time. For context, the use case is homeassistant updates are on a frequent minor revision with bug fixes and a monthly major revision with potential breaking changes. I'd like to have the autoupdate on while the latest version is only a minor revision but off when it's a major revision so I can manually review the breaking changes before updating.


    I've already figured a way for homeassistant itself to see a new version available and decide if autoupdate should be allowed or not. My plan was to have it modify the contents of "/boot/config/plugins/ca.update.applications/DockerUpdateSettings.json" to turn on/off the autoupdates. I can confirm this works by editing the file through the terminal, but I've been unable to give a docker container write access to this (or any) files on the flash drive. If someone knows how to achieve this, my problem is solved please let me know how.


    Failing this approach, is there another way that I can toggle the settings? My docker container can make http requests, send tcp or udp packets, connect via a websocket, and probably many more through extensions if there's a good way to accomplish this. It can also execute shell commands, but as far as I know that won't help because the shell will be jailed. If I'm wrong about any of this, please let me know.


    Basically if anyone has any idea how I could do this, please let me know.



    Side note: when editing the DockerUpdateSettings.json file, I noticed that setting a container '"update": false' makes the settings page show that the container is not autoupdating, but it still does. To stop it, the entire key must be deleted from the file. I'm sure this isn't high priority since you aren't intending for anyone to edit this file directly, but I thought I'd let you know anyway.


    Easy go into your Dockers tab for this plugin. Disable auto updates for all and then manually check each docker and not Homeassistant so you can update that particular one when you want, but all others will be updated. 


    Its the same thing I do. I have a VPN running with a killswitch to some of my dockers. When it updates it sometimes wrecks my connections to my other dockers. So I update all my other dockers and I manually update my VPN so I know to gracefully shut everything else down, update and restart my other dockers.  Same with the MyServer Plugin. I have that disabled as well because I've lost all outside connections before. So now I only update that one when I'm home. 


    You just have to remember to enable/disable future Dockers or Plugins if you turn off the all update feature. This solution isn't perfect for HomeAssistant, but at least you have more control.

  4. 4 hours ago, Hoopster said:

    Of course, this may be a non-starter for you but before you make that decision you should try the free 30-day trial of unRAID on a USB flash drive to get a better feel for how this works.


    100% agree. 


    If you have a Spare PC and a single drive or two give it a spin for 30 days. Install the Community App plugin and see what you can do with it. If your not satisfied then no harm other than some of your time. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Jaybau said:

    Just found this plugin:

    CA Auto Update Applications


    Oh sorry. I thought you just wanted a widget for Notifications. Yes that Plugin is a must for keeping things up to date automatically. Keep in mind you can select everything or you can tell it NOT to update specific things. For instance I have a Docker I use for VPN with a kill switch so I make sure to update that manually so it doesn't kill a few running things when it updates and I don't notice. 

  6. Think of it like this. 

    Machine boots up off USB

    Copies its OS to RAM

    Never has to access USB again unless you save a configuration then it writes to both Ram and USB

    Turn off machine and it repeats the above again on reboot


    While your idea of SSD sounds sound, but is there really a speed increase? Security Increase? Reliability Increase? Maybe on Boot only, but nothing beyond that. 

    Also while not using SSD it doesn't take up a sata connection or affect your license because your not giving up a slot and uses minimal power.  


    I like the added security if I'm hacked and somebody installs something on to my system. On reboot its erased since its in RAM unless of course the hacker understands how unraid works then they would either target the USB or in your case the SSD. 


    As for reliability my USB has been plugged into my machine since 2009. I have backups of it just incase it dies, but plugging away since 2009.



  7. Honestly no. I'll have to keep checking and hopefully be able to nail it down to a time frame and share another report. Like I said its bizarre. It'll go weeks or even months with no problem then happen two days in a row and then weeks or days again. 

  8. I have a share on my unraid server named uploads. 


    My windows PC talks to it and uploads things to it. For some odd reason it'll stay mapped and connected and work like a charm for weeks on end and then other times it'll just drop over night or a few hours later. So I login to unraid, change the security and then back and I can connect via my Windows 10 Pro machine. 


    At one time I believe in my smb-extra.conf file I had something in it, but I removed it because of an older machine couldn't connect at all. 


    Anyways what I'm asking for help on is there something I'm missing that I should re-add to keep my share from randomly dropping and not being connectable anymore. I know for sure a Windows Reboot doesn't fix it. I've not tried mapping it to another machine to see if it drops both or just the one machine. 


    I do know for sure if I try to look for the upload folder in my \\192.168.7.x it doesn't show up at all even if its set to public, but other shares do. This particular share is a Cache only share and I don't know if that makes a difference at all. Maybe my SSD is glitching some or something?


  9. Do you utilize the Cache Drive for your work at all? If you did its instant on and never turns off. 

    I only say this because if I was working on something and I wrote it to the array it would store it instantly on the Cache before writing it to the HDD array. 


    Obviously your usage and needs may vary. In the mean time you could just leave your drives up like you said and then when your done click on the main page to shut down your drives. 

  10. Possible Feature Request. 


    A Checkbox that could be checked like the over writing one after something is completed to send you a Notification? 

    For example I'm moving a fair bit of data and I've checked though out the day to update its status. If I simply received a message. 


    Your Dynamix File Manager Operation has been completed


    Obviously it would use whatever notifications you have already established in your settings. 



    • Upvote 4
  11. To be fair anything that I've encountered that is super easy to setup is very limited in features. 


    unraid is very easy to start, but when you start adding VM's, reverse proxies, GPU Transcoding and a few other things it starts to get a bit complicated.  I've seen several people say they can't figure things out and they are going straight to VM's and trying to setup access from the outside world when they can't even figure out shares. 


    In my opinion people should install unraid and start a little slower and figure out how it works out of the box before venturing down the complicated route. Nothing wrong with going crazy, but you just can't blame the forum or the OS when you first install it. The idea of slamming it into 5th gear and going 100mph when your still trying to figure the simple things first. 


    There are several people here that will help do the craziest things and videos have been made for a lot of things. People just need to have some patience and get their foot hold first before leaping into harder things that unraid can/will do for them. 

    • Like 2
  12. This might might not be the most politically correct statement, but I'll make it anyways. 


    "We are all Stupid Newbies" when we install unraid for the first time. Just like playing a game for the first time or trying any other software. It just takes some time and patience and you'll see.


    Eventually you'll be helping out somebody else for the first time with your experience and it becomes so much easier once you grasp it all. Until then keep asking questions until it all clicks. Trust me when I say this, IF YOU DON"T ASK somebody ELSE might miss the answer later. 

  13. 2 hours ago, trurl said:

    Unraid was already on v4.7 when I first started 11 years ago.


    Joe L. was a frequent contributor on the Unraid forum then. This was before we even had plugins. He also did many addons, such as the original preclear script and unMenu with its package manager.


    I discovered he lived in my city when I discovered that AVS thread. Joe L. made many posts to that thread starting on page 4.


    I think I found the same post from Xbmx now Kodi website pointed to it. 

    I also started on 4.7 and I must admit I was very excited too. 

    • Thanks 1
  14. @Maxrad Thank you sir. I'll give it an update soon.


    Thank you for taking the time to list out the steps. I myself will use it as well I'm sure many others will too. Understanding its the Official Plex Docker we are talking about here.

  15. 40 minutes ago, Maxrad said:

    I had a straightforward and trouble-free experience resetting my Plex password and signing-in Plex servers and Plex clients.


    I maintain 3 Unraid servers with one instance of official Plex docker container on each. I successfully reset Plex password and had my three Plex Media Servers sign in to my Plex account by updating a new PLEX_CLAIM value in the Plex docker container config. All good. Indeed, it was straightforward enough to encourage me to change Plex password routinely (say, every 2-3 months) as a basic security measure.


    Other than deleting your token what else did you do? Request a Password change on Plex and then just input the new Token? 

    A lot of us run the official docker and just want to get the word out. 

  16. Just threw up my 1500 last night. Crazy amounts of reserve for my system. Not sure why I had to restart my APC Daemon just now since I restarted my machine last night, but I'll keep an eye on it. 






    Yes I'm fully aware this is while its idling. I think when it was all drives spinning doing 1 Transcode last night I saw it with 90Minute uptime. Still not going to believe that 100%, but its just amazing seeing some numbers like that.  I haven't loaded up my router on to it yet or my monitor, but taking steps. ;)



  17. The Docker I'm running has the Plex token in the Template. Can't I just edit it there?

    Or do I need to generate the token first by doing everything suggested in that link? I'm not at home so I'm questioning things before I attempt them. Lol


    Nevermind not the same thing.