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Posts posted by DevanteWeary

  1. Well I like the concept but this thing has created nearly 4GB in less than 24 hours so there's no way using this is sustainable.


    Another thing that happened was as soon as I connected it to prowlarr and let it run for like 30min, a BUNCH of movies started upgrading.  

    Which is cool I guess but several of them didn't follow the custom profile I have set up. 

    For instance, I have negative score for Hindi language in my movies so that I never get Hindi, but the process of using bitmagnet completely ignored that.


    Several movie upgrades just flat out ignored my setup like that.  

    And one said it was one movie, then when I go to watch it, was a completely different movie (probably nothing to do with bitmagnet but also has never happened before).


    I want to like this app but those two problems mean I have to turn it off.


    And if I can make suggestions, of course dark mode but also exclusions. 

    Like I don't care about adult torrents, music, comics. So it'd be nice to disable those.


    Alright that's all and like I said, great concept!

  2. On 5/28/2023 at 5:53 AM, Bitbass said:

    I never figured out how to edit the defaults, but it appears this particular app does not allow for modifying the defaults anyway. You have to set the changes with URL switches. In my case, it's an image rendering size:




    As long as you specify this it allows you to override the defaults in the config file.

    Did you ever figure out an ultimate solution for this?

    Trying to edit a script inside a docker container to change one setting not available but normal means and kinda having the same problem you are.

    The file isn't showing in the /appdata folder.

  3. On 1/1/2024 at 8:13 AM, kryonic said:

    Thank you!


    I deleted the Libvirt image and it's working again.


    For anyone else that comes across this later, here's how to recreate the Libvirt file:


    Go to Settings -> VM Manager

    Turn on Advanced View

    Disable VMs

    Click the delete checkbox by the Libvirt path


    Enable VM again



    So uh... I did this and it uh... removed all my VM's...


    Probably should throw that in there. :P'

  4. 2 hours ago, Frank1940 said:

    You are not using both \\<Server-IP-address> and \\<server-Name> to access the server?  (Use one or the other exclusively.  Not both at different times.)


    Using the IP address.


    Been using Unraid for about a year I'd say and for the first couple of months, I could access by server name.  

    Then one day it stopped letting me so from then on all I could do is use IP.


    But that's another issue! ha

  5. 1 minute ago, itimpi said:

    Have you checked in Windows Credentials Manager that it has the password stored for your username accessing the Unraid server?


    Looks like it is stored in there after all.

    I guess it's just not applying to the authenticate dialog. 


    And still for some reason asks me to re-auth once in a while.

  6. 1 hour ago, Frank1940 said:

    Under the Unraid    Users   tab, You should have set up a 'Share Access' user with a password.    Then, for each Unraid Share, you should assign the user's access rights for that share--- 'No access', Read-only, or Read/write.   Now when you are presented with the screen that you have posted above, enter the user-name and password.  Then check the "Remember my credentials" box and click "OK".  


    If you want more information about what is going on, read this post and PDF attachments:




    Hope this helps...



    Hey brother, appreciate you trying to help.


    However I already have shares set up with correct access.

    I can access these shares no problem.


    My only issue is every few days, connecting to these shares asks for my password again.

    And just to reiterate, "Remember my credentials" does in fact not remember my credentials when it prompts me again.

  7. Hey everyone,


    Seems like every few days, I have to re-log into my network shares (shares from Unraid).

    I've tried my root account and my share account.


    Remember credentials does nothing.  

    In fact it doesn't even remember my password so I can just click OK next time.


    Has anyone come across this before? 

    Or is this normal behavior?


    Thanks for any info!





  8. On 3/25/2024 at 11:02 AM, miicar said:

    I had the same issue on 2 of my servers.  Seems as tho the "exclusive share" setting wasnt playing nice with recycle bin.  The quick fix was to make it a pool only, reboot and change it back to exclusive share again.   Seems to have fixed it (still cant understand why tho).

    I am monitoring this situation as my employee's use the recycle bin when they do dum stuff!  Its been a saviour (till it randomly wasnt and i figured out that toggle to make it work again).  Please report back if that fixes it!



    Thanks for the tip.

    Only thing is I don't have exclusive shares turned on. :<

    • Confused 1
  9. 23 minutes ago, dlandon said:

    Only files deleted through SMB (network shares) are recycled.  Files deleted using the File Manager, Krusader (or similar), or cli commands do NOT get recycled.


    Oh I didn't realize that. OK good to know thanks!

    The only thing with that is that I just tried deleting a file over the network and it didn't go into the .RecycleBin


    This is using using Windows Explorer over the network to delete a file on the Unraid server share.  

    Isn't that using SMB? Maybe I'm wrong.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Hey @dlandon


    Hey just wondering exactly how this is supposed to work and what it keeps in the Recycle Bin. 

    The reason I'm asking is because I noticed it wasn't recycling a bunch of stuff so I did some tests.


    Here are the things that I tested.


    • These WERE capture by RecycleBin
    • Swift Android App (phone): Uses SMB to backup Android apps. Looks like RecycleBin kept a bunch of test files it made.
    • Macrium (laptop): Set to backup my PC image over the network and delete images older than 7 days. Looks like RecycleBin kept the ones deleted by Macrium.


    • Were NOT capture by RecycleBin
    • Explorer (laptop): Files I delete via Explorer on my laptop do NOT get kept by RecycleBin.
    • Krusader (server): Files I delete via Krusader on the server itself do NOT get kept.
    • User script (server): I have a script running to delete a bunch of files nightly. They have NOT been kept.


    So I'm just trying to understand what gets put into .Recycle.Bin and what doesn't.  

    I was under the impression ANY file deleted on those shares were capture and saved until the configured amount of time.


    Thanks for any insight!

    • Upvote 1
  11. Hey guys.

    I use NPM to direct to two different hosted sites access via completely different external domains.  

    I use two separate NGINX containers - one for each site.


    I'm wondering if I can combine those into one container.


    Like instead of having


    for one site and


    for the other site (two different container appdata folders).


    I want something like 




    Is this possible using NPM?

    I see a Custom Location tab in Edit Proxy Host but not sure that does what I want it do to.  

    I tried to enter the correct folder in the location but I have a feeling this isn't exactly what I think it is.


    Thanks for any info/advice!


  12. On 1/18/2024 at 4:05 PM, bubbadrk said:

    That is exactly what I have. Possible your permissions are different but I doubt it. Have you tried deleting the container and erasing the appdata and re-installing with these settings?


    Wouldn't deleting the bz_done files in ProgramData/Backblaze/bzdata/bzbackup/bzdatacenter corrupt your online backup?

  13. Hey guys, just wondering if there is a log entry somewhere when you install a container for the first time.


    I want to set an alert in Graylog to remind me to add a new container to Kuma Uptime, but can't seem to find a log entry to do it. But seems so weird that there wouldn't be one.


    Just curious, thank you!

  14. Hey maybe I'm missing it but is there a dark mode option using this container?


    Also a second question...


    I set my /data container folder to /mnt/usr host so that I could access all my shares in owncloud.


    I loaded it up and watched the logs and it sat at "Correction permissions /data" so I got scared and stopped it.


    Is this safe? Should I let it do this?

  15. Guys I'm having trouble understanding this vs. MariaDB.

    I'm not expert but I have a fundamental understanding on MySQL and MariaDB.


    I also use Adminer to admin MariaDB.


    The thing I don't understand is in MariaDB, I create different databases for different things such as Fireflly3 and SpeedtestTracker.  

    Each one gets their own database within the MariaDB container. I can also create users, etc.


    But with my initial look into MondoDB, I'm not really seeing that it works the same way.  

    Do you not "log into" MondoDB and then create different databses (with their own unique names)?


    I tried to get into MondoDB from Adminer but it told me 

    None Of The Supported PHP Extensions (Mongo, Mongodb) Are Available.


    I have Graylog installed and I believe that's using MongoDB, I'm just not exactly sure how haha


    Thanks for any info guys! Ultimately I wanna get in there and create separate databases so it's nice and clean.

  16. 11 hours ago, mgutt said:

    And did you check if hardware transcoding is working?


    Yes it's working.


    However I think I have it figured out and all that typing was for nothing ha.

    Pretty sure it's because it was Chrome mainly being used to test.


    Everything else worked fine; apps, phone apps, Firefox (probably because it's forced transcoding), and anything that basically wasn't Chrome.


    tldr; Chrome sucks for Direct Play of HEVC 10. Transcoding still worked fine in Chrome though.

  17. Hey everyone,

    Last week upgraded everything but my hard drives.  


    Now all of a sudden many of my movies stutter like crazy. Entirely unwatchable. 
    The sound is fine but the video is constant stutter.

    This is either remotely or on the same network.

    I've tested several and all have the same or similar issues.


    Several MP4s BluRay-1080p x265 continuous stutter.     
    Only one the the MP4 BluRay-1080p x265's worked. However this one wouldn't load in Jellyfin.   
    Pretty much any MKV BluRay-1080p x265 works fine.  


    For the ones that don't work correctly, if I play them and manually select a quality... the only qualities that work are either automatically convert or anything 480p or below.


    Another thing is if I play via the web app on my laptop, this is where I can most definitely recreate the issue.  
    However, playing on my TCL Roku TV has no issues no matter what mix of quality and direct play I select.


    The main movie I am using as a test... if I select any quality from original to any of the 720p options, it shows Direct play and stutters.  
    If I select 480p or below, it shows that it's transcoding and works fine.  
    If I select convert automatically, it works fine.


    I'm more or less having the same issues in Jellyfin as well, although instead of stuttering, they just don't start.


    I'm killing myself trying to figure out why I have all upgraded hardware and getting far worse performance.  
    Everything was running perfectly on my much older tower.  

    Please see my specs below and thank you for any advice!!


    Using the official Plex container on Unraid.

    Here's what I now have: https://pcpartpicker.com/b/JsfPxr


    Old CPU is an i7-8700 with Intel® UHD Graphics 630  
    and the new one is i5-12500 with Intel® UHD Graphics 770. (this one has the dual codec engine)


    In my Plex container settings, I have /dev/dri set as device and I have also tried  /dev/dri/card0 and /dev/dri/renderD128.


    I have uninstalled and reinstalled Intel GPU TOP plugin as well as the GPU Statistics plugin for Unraid.

  18. 2 hours ago, itimpi said:



    Thank you!


    I guess the main thing I get is how does it work with the percentage full filter?


    The settings is called "Only move at this threshold of used cache space:"


    If I set that to 75%, and have the preference to Array > Cache, it seems to me that if the CACHE drive gets fill up to 75%, it'll move files from the array TO the cache drive thereby filling the cache even more.

  19. Guys still trying to get a handle on this awesome plugin which seems to have a lot of work put into it so thank you!


    So am I understanding this correctly?  

    This plugin (and Mover itself?) only moves OFF of the cache drive?


    Or does it follow the Array > Cache preference too?


    Basically I have some shares set as Array > Cache and at the end of the day, if the space becomes available on the cache, I want the files moved FROM the array (HDD ) to the cache (SSD).


    Basically I want the drives to be used as overflow but those files to eventually end up on the cache automatically.


    Is this possible?

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