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  1. When I set my sabnzb to send its traffic through delugevpn it appears to work based on the Ip output of curl ifconfig.io. However, when I add the 8080 port to delugevpn so I can access the sabnzb web interface, the sabnzb docker goes in to a continuous loop of rebuilding and never appears to complete the startup process. Has anyone run in to this before or have any suggestions?
  2. When I set my sabnzb to send its traffic through delugevpn it appears to work based on the Ip output of curl ifconfig.io. However, when I add the 8080 port to delugevpn so I can access the sabnzb web interface, the sabnzb docker goes in to a continuous loop of rebuilding and never appears to complete the startup process. Has anyone run in to this before or have any suggestions?
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