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  1. xdotool lets you simulate keyboard input and mouse activity, move and resize windows, etc. It's not installed on Unraid, it's on your own computer to simulate clicks and keyboard input. You should run it in your linux terminal. If you use MacOS xdotool should work natively, if you're on Windows then maybe WSL or some other hack to get it working. xdotool-demo.mp4
  2. Since adding a bunch of Traefik labels to every container is a pain I created a simple script with xdotool to automate the process The script is available HERE You need to install xdotool to run it. There is currently a bug so for now mouse clicks must be used. Therefore you need to find the right coordinates yourself like explained in the script header. Not sure if it works on Windows natively yet, but I guess you can just use WSL to run it. Have fun with all the time you saved adding labels manually. xdotool-demo.mp4
  3. I'm trying to automate the creation of Traefik labels for my containers using the `xdotool` When the `Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device` is opened and the keyboard arrow down is used to select the Config Type: Label it breaks the Key and Value fields where they only accepts numbers but not any other letters: The issue is present in both Chrome and Firefox.
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