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Everything posted by pgnyc

  1. how to do it ? is creating the docker app in the another unraid and copying the appdata associated is enough ?
  2. hi, subject : cannot do a tar incremental on a share linked to a docker. so , i have a share connected to a docker ( piwigo ) , and when i do a tar with incremental option, it doesn't work. Another share with a copy of the same files , no pb. i tried with the docker stopped , same effect. Can someone explain to me the reason why ? Regards, Pascal
  3. hi knex666 is the docker install MariaDB ? i installed 3 days ago for test with sqllite , was working but the install of onlyoffice document server was missing !!! So did a new install and was trying with MariaDB but got error. by the way , continued with sqllite and now i have onlyoffice document server running. regards, pascal
  4. hi ! First : thank you for this plugin second: Could you add the name of the system in the email subject status report ? i was pre-clearing 2 drives in 2 differents system at the same time and couldn't know which system it was in the email. thx.
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