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  1. Ah okay, so nothing wrong with my manual fix of the .ovpn file for now? With the command above it does indeed print the 4 matches of crl-verify.
  2. Just came here to say I'm having the exact same problem as @Yock, running docker on Synology. The latest update seems to have broken my PIA setup with openvpn. I'm getting the same error code indicating CRL cannot be read and I've tried the same troubleshooting steps mentioned above. My .ovpn file also looks similar and I have confirmed it is "Unix (LF)" in notepad. Unfortunately I cannot try wireguard as it is not supported on Synology (hoping for support for wireguard through wireguard-go or userspace one day). Praying for a fix. Thanks for all your help @binhex. EDIT: I have managed to get openvpn working with this fix suggested earlier (https://old.reddit.com/r/synology/comments/jwbtld/1819_trouble_connecting_to_pia/gcsi6xz/). Also not sure if this has security concerns by editing the .ovpn file.
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