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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Shares are just all the top level folders, if you use all old disks with data they will be recreated, though with default settings, but note that disks can't be added to an existing array without doing a new config or they will be cleared.
  2. Suggest replacing/swapping both cables to rule them out and rebuilding again, if it fails again in the future it's likely a disk issue.
  3. Should be possible to use all NICs, diagnostics might shed so light on the problem.
  4. You're likely to get a faster response if you post on that docker's support thread:
  5. Try redoing you flash drive, backup config folder, redo flash, restore only super.dat and the key file, both on the /config folder, see it it still goes up like that.
  6. Diags are after rebooting, if a clean shutdown is failing Unraid should save the diags on the flash drive, post those instead.
  7. libvirt.img was created at boot, which means it didn't exist before, not the that explains it but any reason you're not using the cache for that? Try moving the system folder to cache (set to cache="prefer", disabled services and run the mover), then set libvirt path to /mnt/cache/system/libvirt.img instead of mnt/user/system.libvirt.img, then reboot and post new diags if it happens again.
  8. IRQ17 is used by the NIC, so it's a problem if it goes down, since you have another NIC change that one to eth0, it might use a different IRQ, BIOS update might also help.
  9. Are those array or unassigned drives? Array devices have a spin down setting, UD devices spin down after 30 minutes if the UD plugin is installed, though spin down doesn't always work with USB drives.
  10. Not seeing any issues in the log, can you point a time where it happens? Or post new diags after some timeouts.
  11. Without diags it's difficult to guess what the problem is, you might want to try your luck in that docker's support thread:
  12. Disk looks mostly OK but there are recent UNC @ LBA errors, you should run an extended SMART test.
  13. Your cache pool is completely full, you need to free up some space, note that using different size devices in the pool with raid1 results in the GUI showing wrong available space, max usable space is the same as the smaller device size.
  14. Yes, like mentioned that issue tends to get fixed on its own. That's a different issue, and unlike the previous one, that one is important, those checksum errors are in the data/metadata, run a correcting scrub and check all errors are corrected.
  15. That's a good idea, you also might want to enable the syslog mirror/server feature to see if it catches something if it crashes again. That's likely fixable with a filesystem check: https://wiki.unraid.net/Check_Disk_Filesystems#Checking_and_fixing_drives_in_the_webGui
  16. Best bet would be to run Unraid without with all dockers disable, if there's no problem like that enable one them by one and keep monitoring until you find the culprit.
  17. Number of errors is pretty normal, especially if it went down during writes. Yes and no.
  18. If even the console freezes it's probably not just fs corruption, possible a more serious issue, but without diags difficult to guess.
  19. A few sync errors are normal, even expected, after an unclean shutdown, just run a correcting check (and you still need to delete the duplicate files).
  20. Please post the diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics it might still be visible somewhere, you can also look for old diags saved on the flash drive, logs folder.
  21. Likely there's some filesystem corruption because of all the crashing, start the array normally then type "diagnostics" on the console, they will be saved to the flash drive logs folder, upload them here.
  22. Default is v1, and like mentioned it's considered safe to clear but make sure backups are up do that before doing it.
  23. That will usually clear by itself, but if you want the clear-space-cache option is considered safe to use with btrfs check, check man page for more info: https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Manpage/btrfs-check
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