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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Looks more like a a router problem, not leasing a DHCP address, but some user have a timing issue with current Unraid, see if running this helps: inet restart
  2. You should post on the appropriate docker support thread. Sent from my iPhone, which I have. Case, charger, everything.
  3. That's the most likely reason, but difficult to diagnose remotely, if you can start swapping some parts, like RAM, PSU, board, etc.
  4. Cache filesystem is corrupt, best bet it to backup, re-format and restore the data, also since you're using a Ryzen based server see here and make sure RAM isn't overclocked, it's known to corrupt data in some Ryzen servers.
  5. Please post new diags just to make sure everything is as expected.
  6. This is clearly a hardware problem, though a weird one.
  7. That could still be a result of the previous issues, btrfs gets quickly corrupt with bad RAM, and if it keeps getting corrupt without an apparent reason it can serve as good warning there are still hardware issues.
  8. Yes, share only exists on cache now, if nothing else performance will be better, but there wasn't any lack of space issue, still see if it makes any difference.
  9. They are usually fine with Unraid, they should be avoided for any kind of RAID.
  10. And because of that there's no point in doing a pre-read when pre-clearing a new one, just clear and post-read.
  11. Yeah, they are weird like that, even the long SMART test completes in a few seconds before they are used for writes.
  12. In the future please use the appropriate support thread:
  13. That because those SMR drives don't read the platters when they know there's no data there, do a full write and then you'll get the actual read speed from the platters.
  14. Start here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=819173
  15. Please use the appropriate docker support thread:
  16. PCIe link width, that slot is x16 physically but only x4 electrically.
  17. Is a driver being loaded? You can post the diags to confirm.
  18. Problem appears to have been the disk, so wait for the SMART test to finish. Correct procedure in this case would be to re-enable the drive (if SMART test is successful).
  19. Look for one on ebay, this one is considered a reputable seller.
  20. Yes, but careful with Chinese fakes. It should, link limited to x4, but that's OK for most HDDs.
  21. The controller includes the SATA multiplier, replace it with any LSI with a SAS2008/2308/3008/3408 chipset in IT mode, e.g., 9201-8i, 9211-8i, 9207-8i, 9300-8i, 9400-8i, etc and clones, like the Dell H200/H310 and IBM M1015, these latter ones need to be crossflashed.
  22. Ahh, OK, Asmedia only makes 2 port controllers, so that controller uses 4 Asmedia chips, and looks like 4 separate controllers on the diags. By the photo I see they have an extra chip probably to link all those controllers, and likely that's the one that is causing is causing issues with IOMMU.
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