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Everything posted by jljude

  1. Moderators are great on here. Very helpful. Thanks itimpi.
  2. Hello, I've converted my array from reiserfs to XFS this past week. After I did all that, I installed a VM Backup and when I was about to logout of Unraid after all the work was done, I saw writes still happening to my cache Pool. I've narrowed it down to my Windows VM. I don't remember my VM writing constantly to cache, when it was idle, but I could be mistaken. It isn't very much data being written, but wanted to see if this was normal or not, for Windows. I have ended all tasks that aren't system tasks within the Windows VM, I think, but still get writes. My Windows image is on my SSD Cache pool drives. I wasn't going to post a diagnostics file as when I shutdown the VM, the writes cease completely, but seems moderators still prefer, so I've attached. Also on my cache, is my dockers: Plex, Tautully and Jellyfin. However, only stopping the Windows VM will cause all writes to stop. Been an Unraid user for a long time and love the product. Justin tower-diagnostics-20231227-1335.zip
  3. Any help here would be appreciated. Once again, when DISK1 is spun up, I can see what file got opened, but when I got to OPEN FILES to see what program opened that TV show, it isn't there. The folder may be there, but it is showing under SMBD, so I can't find out what program is causing that file to be opened and therefore what causes the disk to spin up.
  4. Ok, I'm on the latest Unraid version 6.9.1, and I keep seeing Disk 1 get spun up. When I go into File Activity, it was consistently scanning a specific TV show from one folder. I tried shutting everything down to see what was scanning, and it kept popping up. I then went into Open Files immediate after I refresh File Activity to find the "opened" file, and it never shows in File Activity. The parent folder may show up as SMBD, but that shouldn't cause the disk to keep spinning up and opening a TV Show, which then spins up Disk1. Thinking there was an issue, I deleted the entire series of that TV Show, but now today, it is doing the same thing with a new TV Show. Every few minutes, it will open up a specific episode, and never close it and therefore Disk 1 keeps staying spun up. Can't seem to find what is causing this constant opening of files. Here is a screen shot showing opening: I've attached the diagnostics, and hopefully someone can tell me. The Disks would keep staying spun up on the previous version of Unraid, and I thought the new one fixed this issue, which I think it did. This seems like a new issue as it is only on Disk 1 that this seems to be happening. I have Plex set to scan daily, but this thing seems to just randomly open episodes of a few different TV shows sitting on Disk 1 after Plex does it's daily scans. Any help would be appreciated. tower-diagnostics-20210325-1716.zip
  5. Per a few other forum posts, autofan may be my culprit with upgrading to 6.9.0. For the reason I need the autofan control, I will leave this as is, and then wait for a new release that should resolve this issue.
  6. Thanks for the replies. I will check out the bug. I thought I originally deleted this, as I was going to repost (and did) a duplicate one with some screenshots. I do have autofan, but will check the link and probably just wait. Glad it may be a bug with a fix coming in 6.9.1. Thought it was something I did wrong.
  7. Hello, I'm monitoring Files Activity and I keep seeing OPEN and ATTRIB, ISDIR opening disks. Could be plex, but 45 minutes after the scan, or whatever these are, the disks are still spun up. Any help in looking at my diagnostics to tell me what is causing them not to be allowed to spin down? I have disk settings to spin down in 15 minutes, except for CACHE. I even set the 15 minutes at a few disk levels specifically to 15 minutes and no change. [SOLVED] - new update to 6.9.1 fixed this issue. tower-diagnostics-20210308-0355.zip
  8. I've scanned the forums for all the potential reasons my disks won't spin down, and have made several tweaks and changes. It is possible the disks weren't spinning down on their own after the set 15 minutes before the update, but never noticed it. I can spin the disks down manually, but for some reason, if they get opened, they won't shut down after 15 mins, like I have the setting. Anything in the diagnostics that someone can see may be the culprit? Disk 1 and 2 had recent activity, but disk 3 hasn't had anything scanned or played in over 15 minutes, and I'm expecting the disk to spin down. Disk 4 has nothing on it, so no actions should have caused that to spin up either? I have the cache director already on, so even a read of directories shouldn't have caused disk 4 to spin up. tower-diagnostics-20210306-1010 (2).zip [UPDATE} version 6.9.1 took care of this issue.
  9. Hey randomninjaatk, I have darn near the same setup. Can you confirm which links I need to do, or is all I need to do is add this to my syslinux.cfg? label unRAID OS menu default kernel /bzimage append initrd=/bzroot i915.alpha_support=1 I'll make sure my bios is updated, but wasn't sure on the other links you had were those needed or were they just tries to get yours to work?
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