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Posts posted by Traxxus

  1. On 11/19/2019 at 10:26 PM, deusxanime said:

    I didn't want to install stuff into my container so I just used the zip version (no install needed on your desktop either) of this SQLite browser/editor. I stopped my Ombi container, opened the OmbiExternal.db with the SQLite editor program, ran the query above, verified it had added the column into the proper table, saved it, and then started the Ombi container back up again. Everything looks like it working again with movies and TV posters showing up, as well as the "no such columns" error now no longer showing up in the logs.



    Sounds a lot more daunting than it is, fixed it in less than a minute. 


    For anyone else as clueless as me, paste that line under the execute SQL tab, then hit the execute button that looks like a play  button, then close database.  ez

  2. Getting errors all of a sudden.  I've tried reinstalling, removing entirely, removing appdata folder. Not really sure what the error message is referring to. Just takes me to a blank screen with the Filezilla logo and a red x in the top left corner.


    [services.d] starting services
    [services.d] starting s6-fdholderd...
    [services.d] starting certsmonitor...
    [services.d] starting nginx...
    [services.d] starting xvfb...
    [nginx] starting...
    [certsmonitor] disabling service: secure connection not enabled.
    [xvfb] starting...
    [services.d] starting logmonitor...
    [services.d] starting statusmonitor...
    [logmonitor] no file to monitor: disabling service...
    [services.d] starting openbox...
    [statusmonitor] no file to monitor: disabling service...
    [openbox] starting...
    [services.d] starting x11vnc...
    [services.d] starting app...
    [x11vnc] starting...
    [app] starting FileZilla...
    [services.d] done.
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 passing arg to libvncserver: -rfbport
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 passing arg to libvncserver: 5900
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 passing arg to libvncserver: -rfbportv6
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 passing arg to libvncserver: -1
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 passing arg to libvncserver: -httpportv6
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 passing arg to libvncserver: -1
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 passing arg to libvncserver: -desktop
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 passing arg to libvncserver: FileZilla
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 x11vnc version: 0.9.14 lastmod: 2015-11-14 pid: 823
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 Using X display :0
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 rootwin: 0x43 reswin: 0x400001 dpy: 0x58127a00
    10/08/2018 09:24:08
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 ------------------ USEFUL INFORMATION ------------------
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 X DAMAGE available on display, using it for polling hints.
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 To disable this behavior use: '-noxdamage'
    10/08/2018 09:24:08
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 Most compositing window managers like 'compiz' or 'beryl'
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 cause X DAMAGE to fail, and so you may not see any screen
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 updates via VNC. Either disable 'compiz' (recommended) or
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 supply the x11vnc '-noxdamage' command line option.
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 X COMPOSITE available on display, using it for window polling.
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 To disable this behavior use: '-noxcomposite'
    10/08/2018 09:24:08
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 Wireframing: -wireframe mode is in effect for window moves.
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 If this yields undesired behavior (poor response, painting
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 errors, etc) it may be disabled:
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 - use '-nowf' to disable wireframing completely.
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 - use '-nowcr' to disable the Copy Rectangle after the
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 moved window is released in the new position.
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 Also see the -help entry for tuning parameters.
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 You can press 3 Alt_L's (Left "Alt" key) in a row to
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 repaint the screen, also see the -fixscreen option for
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 periodic repaints.
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 GrabServer control via XTEST.
    10/08/2018 09:24:08
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 Scroll Detection: -scrollcopyrect mode is in effect to
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 use RECORD extension to try to detect scrolling windows
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 (induced by either user keystroke or mouse input).
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 If this yields undesired behavior (poor response, painting
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 errors, etc) it may be disabled via: '-noscr'
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 Also see the -help entry for tuning parameters.
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 You can press 3 Alt_L's (Left "Alt" key) in a row to
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 repaint the screen, also see the -fixscreen option for
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 periodic repaints.
    10/08/2018 09:24:08
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 XKEYBOARD: number of keysyms per keycode 7 is greater
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 than 4 and 51 keysyms are mapped above 4.
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 Automatically switching to -xkb mode.
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 If this makes the key mapping worse you can
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 disable it with the "-noxkb" option.
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 Also, remember "-remap DEAD" for accenting characters.
    10/08/2018 09:24:08
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 X FBPM extension not supported.
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 X display is not capable of DPMS.
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 --------------------------------------------------------
    10/08/2018 09:24:08
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 Default visual ID: 0x21
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 Read initial data from X display into framebuffer.
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 initialize_screen: fb_depth/fb_bpp/fb_Bpl 24/32/5120
    10/08/2018 09:24:08
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 X display :0 is 32bpp depth=24 true color
    10/08/2018 09:24:08
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 Listening for VNC connections on TCP port 5900
    10/08/2018 09:24:08
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 Xinerama is present and active (e.g. multi-head).
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 Xinerama: number of sub-screens: 1
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 Xinerama: no blackouts needed (only one sub-screen)
    10/08/2018 09:24:08
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 fb read rate: 1898 MB/sec
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 fast read: reset -wait ms to: 10
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 fast read: reset -defer ms to: 10
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 The X server says there are 10 mouse buttons.
    10/08/2018 09:24:08 screen setup finished.
    10/08/2018 09:24:08

    The VNC desktop is: db2665148973:0


    Have you tried the x11vnc '-ncache' VNC client-side pixel caching feature yet?

    The scheme stores pixel data offscreen on the VNC viewer side for faster
    retrieval. It should work with any VNC viewer. Try it by running:

    x11vnc -ncache 10 ...

    One can also add -ncache_cr for smooth 'copyrect' window motion.
    More info:

    Reading locale option from /config/xdg/config/filezilla/filezilla.xml
    10/08/2018 09:24:55 Got connection from client
    10/08/2018 09:24:55 other clients:
    10/08/2018 09:24:55 Got 'ws' WebSockets handshake
    10/08/2018 09:24:55 Got protocol: binary
    10/08/2018 09:24:55 - webSocketsHandshake: using binary/raw encoding
    10/08/2018 09:24:55 - WebSockets client version hybi-13
    10/08/2018 09:24:55 Disabled X server key autorepeat.
    10/08/2018 09:24:55 to force back on run: 'xset r on' (3 times)
    10/08/2018 09:24:55 incr accepted_client=1 for sock=10
    10/08/2018 09:24:55 webSocketsDecodeHybi: got frame without mask
    10/08/2018 09:24:55 rfbProcessClientProtocolVersion: read: I/O error
    10/08/2018 09:24:55 client_count: 0
    10/08/2018 09:24:55 Restored X server key autorepeat to: 1
    10/08/2018 09:24:55 Client gone
    10/08/2018 09:24:55 Statistics events Transmit/ RawEquiv ( saved)
    10/08/2018 09:24:55 TOTALS : 0 | 0/ 0 ( 0.0%)
    10/08/2018 09:24:55 Statistics events Received/ RawEquiv ( saved)
    10/08/2018 09:24:55 TOTALS : 0 | 0/ 0 ( 0.0%)



  3. I may or may not have screwed up my permissions in an unfortunate incident with the newperms utility a while back, I was trying to run it from the command line on an unassigned drive and forgot the ' .', but I'm noticing issues caused by that I believe. 

    2018-05-19 05:42:10.655 Error App: Error in TheMovieDb
        *** Error Report ***
        Command line: /system/EmbyServer.dll -programdata /config -ffmpeg /bin/ffmpeg -ffprobe /bin/ffprobe -restartexitcode 3
        Operating system: Unix
        64-Bit OS: True
        64-Bit Process: True
        User Interactive: True
        Processor count: 8
        Program data path: /config
        Application directory: /system
        System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '/config/cache/tmdb-movies2/122/all-en.json' is denied. ---> System.IO.IOException: Permission denied
           --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
           at Interop.ThrowExceptionForIoErrno(ErrorInfo errorInfo, String path, Boolean isDirectory, Func`2 errorRewriter)
           at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String path, OpenFlags flags, Int32 mode)
           at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options)
           at Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.ManagedFileSystem.GetFileStream(String path, FileOpenMode mode, FileAccessMode access, FileShareMode share, FileOpenOptions fileOpenOptions)
           at Emby.Common.Implementations.Serialization.JsonSerializer.SerializeToFile(Object obj, String file)
           at MediaBrowser.Providers.Movies.MovieDbProvider.<DownloadMovieInfo>d__29.MoveNext()
        --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
           at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
           at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
           at MediaBrowser.Providers.Movies.GenericMovieDbInfo`1.<FetchMovieData>d__7.MoveNext()
        --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
           at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
           at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
           at MediaBrowser.Providers.Movies.GenericMovieDbInfo`1.<GetMetadata>d__6.MoveNext()
        --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
           at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
           at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
           at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.<ExecuteRemoteProviders>d__42.MoveNext()
           at Interop.ThrowExceptionForIoErrno(ErrorInfo errorInfo, String path, Boolean isDirectory, Func`2 errorRewriter)
           at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String path, OpenFlags flags, Int32 mode)
           at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options)
           at Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.ManagedFileSystem.GetFileStream(String path, FileOpenMode mode, FileAccessMode access, FileShareMode share, FileOpenOptions fileOpenOptions)
           at Emby.Common.Implementations.Serialization.JsonSerializer.SerializeToFile(Object obj, String file)
           at MediaBrowser.Providers.Movies.MovieDbProvider.<DownloadMovieInfo>d__29.MoveNext()
        --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
           at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
           at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
           at MediaBrowser.Providers.Movies.GenericMovieDbInfo`1.<FetchMovieData>d__7.MoveNext()
        --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
           at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
           at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
           at MediaBrowser.Providers.Movies.GenericMovieDbInfo`1.<GetMetadata>d__6.MoveNext()
        --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
           at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
           at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
           at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.<ExecuteRemoteProviders>d__42.MoveNext()
        InnerException: System.IO.IOException
        System.IO.IOException: Permission denied


    122 and a few other movies are being problematic wrt metadata, library scans are also somewhat slow sometimes.

    Here's a couple screens of permissions, including 122.

    How fix? :(

  4. So I got the basics setup with the cyanlabs guide, cool stuff. I used the command on github to create the htpasswd file, it does ask for name and password, appears to accept it, then gives me a 403 forbidden error afterwards. Ombi isn't using it in favor of app based auth and is working fine. 



    2018/04/22 12:46:59 [error] 378#378: *37 open() "/config/.htpasswd" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: _, request: "GET /movies HTTP/1.1", host: ""
    2018/04/22 12:47:05 [error] 378#378: *37 open() "/config/.htpasswd" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: _, request: "GET /tv HTTP/1.1", host: ""
    2018/04/22 12:49:04 [error] 378#378: *68 open() "/config/.htpasswd" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: _, request: "GET /movies HTTP/1.1", host: "" 


    My default looks like this. 

    location /movies {
            auth_basic "Restricted";
            auth_basic_user_file /config/.htpasswd;
            include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;



    Did I miss a step with the htpasswd file?

  5. On 1/31/2018 at 11:53 AM, grandprix said:

    My "time on" field is blank and all is well.  Using same model with the exception of VA (using 1500 for each PS).  Curious, the first screen shot, would you care taking another but only after you have initiated and confirmed (green ball) all drives are spun up.  It's worked for me, albeit, it's yet to get "tested" after upgrading to 6.4 fwiw.


    Another, all drives spun up.


    On 1/31/2018 at 4:39 PM, Frank1940 said:

    My suggestion is that you determine approximately  long the power will be out in your area before it is evident that this is a long term outage that will surpass the capability of any UPS to deal with.  In my case, the period is about thirty seconds!  If the power is out thirty seconds, it is going to be out for hours.  So I set my UPS so that if the power is out Thirty seconds, the server will start its shutdown.  Now, I have a very simple setup with any Dockers that might be attempting to write to the array.  (BTW, a power outage can really compound the shutdown problem if the Internet goes out at the same if you have one or more Dockers which are usually at that time.)  


    There are a couple of reasons for doing this.  the first one concerns the battery life remaining after the shutdown is completed.  It must be realized that it can easily take up to eight hours to recharge a discharged battery.  When the power comes back on, and you wait for a half hour until you think things are back to normal and the power does out again after the restart your server, the battery may not have enough reserve to shut it cleanly a second time.  


    Second consideration, the estimated battery run-time numbers are a SWAG  (Stupid Wild A$$ Guess ).  As batteries age, the storage capacity decreases.  In fact a five year old battery can't provide a two minutes of run-time at half-power.   You really want to keep that time on battery to a minimum as deep discharges don't help the battery aging situation. 

    Yeah, it should be shorter, I recall it used to be, but I started making it longer when it failed the first time. I live out of the way so if the power goes out it's usually for hours. Changed it to 2 mins/70%. 

  6. It used to work back when it was a plugin, but ever since it's been integrated, it's never properly shut down my Unraid server.  

    I've tried slightly different settings, but nothing seriously different. Time on battery is typically blank, however after the last time this happened I searched here, and read about a bug involving an empty field there, so added something, but no go. Am I missing anything here? 


    Edit: It's a Cyberpower 850, CP850PFCLCD, ~2 years old.

  7. 16 hours ago, binhex said:


    it could of been several plugins, rutorrent went up to ver 3.8.0 and because the plugins are saved to /config you would of been using ver 3.7.0, possible issues because of this mismatch, so deleting them forces the copy of the newer plugins to /config/

    Oh, okay. Makes sense.


    Other than that, been using it since November, no major issues. It refused to load a couple times, but resolved itself with a reinstall or upgrade.


    One oddity, there are 7 torrents, same ones every time (out of ~1000) that will do a recheck every time I restart it. Can't really figure why, there's no differences in those from the rest I can tell. I rarely restart it so not really an issue, just an oddity like I said.

  8. On 6/28/2017 at 8:08 AM, binhex said:


    you could try resetting the plugins folder, stop the container, delete folder /config/rutorrent/plugins and then start the container again.


    Had the same problem, this was it. It was probably Tracklabels, that's the only one i added i think.  Too bad, it was quite handy.


    Edit, no, added it back in to test, works fine. Must've been another.

  9. Yeah, that's definitely not normal. Mine was at 14 GB's, with 8-12 dockers after a year+, and multiple screw ups where at least one movie file ended up inside the docker image.  One or more of your dockers are creating, storing, or moving files to within the docker image, you have a filepath wrong somewhere.


    Cadvisor can show you what you want I believe, can help narrow down which one is the problem, but you still need to address the actual issue, and will need to delete and recreate your docker img (less painful than it sounds, just reinstalled the dockers and everything was like it was before).

  10. Thanks, works great. Deluge is nice, but definitely prefer rtorrent, especially when it comes to long term seeding of lots of files. Moved everything no problem, with the slight hiccup of the incomplete folder change not sticking. 


    Could you add tracklabels plugin? It adds tracker based labels to the category panel, very useful.



    Re: privoxy, a way I use it is to use Chrome as my primary browser, then firefox as my stuff I want to keep more private browser, which is running through the proxy. It's useful for many applications. 

  11. How about mediainfo, and ffmpeg? Are they doable?

    See here for ffmpeg.  Too many packages. Probably the same for mediainfo but I'll check it out.


    All right, that's cool. I spun up a VM and have them installed there, it's good enough. Been meaning to get a VM up and running for a while anyway for something else I needed, was a lot easier than the last time with the VM manager. 


    Thanks for the work everybody! This pack has been a life/time saver.

  12. Hmm, preclear finished fine, but got an error, it couldn't create the preclear results files.


    cp: cannot create regular file '/boot/preclear_reports/preclear_rpt


    There is a 0 kb file with no extension named preclear_reports, when I attempt to open it, it says it doesn't exist. Thumbdrive going bad?

  13. Well I got the new drive in, precleared, and rebuilt. It all went well, with the expected one error. I'll start a correcting parity check for overnight later.


    The original drive is probably fine, I just wanted to do the rebuild on a separate drive so I would still have the data just in case something went wrong with the rebuild. I'll do a preclear or two on it then keep it as a spare.

  14. Last write was the morning before the error, it's a movies only share and it just hit the high water mark to move to the next, so it's out of rotation for a while.


    I got smart enabled, used smartctl -a -A -s on /dev/sdh


    Ran a short test on it, looks good I think.


    Edit: Running a long test, I'll get back tomorrow. I do have a new drive ordered anyway, even if I don't use it for this always good to have a spare.

  15. Well I shut it down, reseated, restarted. A green notification popped up that said something along the lines of array has returned to a good state, something. Disk 2 is still reballed obviously though.


    Since there is a pending parity error that was never fixed, a rebuild will 100% fail right? I'm thinking the only real choice is to force a new config and tell Unraid to trust it?


    Included new diagnostic.

  16. Came home to disk 2 disabled today. WD 6TB Red.


    Disk is 7 months old, no problems (smart test attached, 6 months old though). Here is the log, the log goes back to the 2nd so I cut off some of it.


    Additional problem is, last 2 parity checks came back with 1 error, from this month and from last month, a scheduled non-correcting parity check that runs on the first, I never ran another one to fix it because I've been so busy it just slipped my mind. I've now decided to make the monthly a correcting check, not sure if that's the best option overall, but for me it is apparently. 


    A single parity error that was steady over a couple months itself is not a big deal I don't think, I'm inclined to think this disk read error is also not a big deal and just a glitch in the matrix, but both together are problematic. I do not have an extra disk, so as far I can tell, my only options are to force Unraid to trust the disk? A rebuild won't complete with the parity error present right?


    I do recall this happening before, I'm 90% positive it was the same disk, though it was last year sometime so I can't be sure. I just rebuilt it on the same disk, ran tests and checks, and everything came out fine. 


  17. Thank you. It is now saving settings correctly.


    Apparently I had more than one problem happening at the same time. Everything seems to be working, but I have no idea where it's downloading the files to.


    Read this to make sure you are using it correctly. Setting up file paths for dockers is a little different since it's relative to the container volume.


    So mine, in docker settings, is /data > /mnt/user/Misc/downloads/


    In deluge preferences it's set to /data/complete, which will put the complete folder inside the /misc/downloads folder.