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Everything posted by hawihoney

  1. @Tom: To make it faster I took an existing 6.6.6 machine. I stopped the array, switched User Shares to Off, started the array and after a minute or so I clicked Spin Down. Then, I thought, it would be better to test with 6.6.6 first before testing with 6.7.0-rc2. I opened Explorer on Windows and wrote \\tower2\disk21\test followed by Enter. On Tower2 all disks started to spin up. Then I copied a big file from my Windows machine to that particular disk. The small reads, I'm complaining about in my first post, did not happen. Upgrade to 6.70-rc2 and reboot: I opened Explorer on Windows and wrote \\tower2\disk21\test followed by Enter. On Tower2 only disk21 started to spin up. Then I copied a big file from my Windows machine to that particular disk. The small reads, I'm complaining about in my first post, did not happen. So, no additional reads with User Shares switched off. I will have a look at it a little bit. Don't know why all disks spun up on 6.6.6 when accessing disk21. I've never seen that before. I'm using this combo Windows, Total Commander, individual Disk Shares all day and night. I would ignore that for now. ***Edit***. 10 seconds after sending this post, all disks spin up. Read requests on all disks while that copy is still on it's way. That's the difference between 6.6.6 and 6.7.0-rc2. And before someone asks. No plugins, no User Shares, no Cache Dirs, whatever...
  2. Oh, I went back to 6.6.6. This weekend I will build a new machine - did buy an additional license today. I will set it up with 6.7.0-rc2 and report then.
  3. As I wrote in my first post it's what you see in a unRAID VM running on unRAID. It's nothing important, just a small GUI correction.
  4. Hm, I doubt you did get the point. I don't have virtualization support in a machine and part of the unRAID thinks I have. The part that's correct is the VM Manager. The part that's wrong IMHO is the VMS tab and the VMS page.
  5. When in a VM that's started without VM-compatible hardware, the UI shows two small inconsistences. Please have a look at the images. - Clicking on VM Manager brings up the information that I can't create KVM VMs (VM2.png). It's not possible to configure VM Manager. That's ok, I think. - The tab VMS is still shown (VM1.png) even on that hardware. Does that mean I can't create a VM but I can run a VM? Is this ok? - When entering the VMS tab, I'm allowed to create a VM, regardless of what the VM Manager reports (VM3. png). To sum it up: I can't configure the VM Manager, but I can create VMs and run them (at least I can try). IMHO, the VMS tab has to be removed in that case.
  6. Found an old USB stick and after some reboots because of wrong IP (had to add bridge mode in network settings and br0 in VM settings and br0 in my UNRAIDVM01 settings) an unRAID trial is running. The reboot however is not stable. When both sticks are in I get 101 errors on both sticks. BIOS is set for the main servers USB only - nothing else. I need to remove the second stick until base unRAID is running. Thanks by now. You got me up and running for the first steps. Now I need to figure out more.
  7. One stick is called UNRAID, the other one UNRAIDVM01. Unraid host boots with the correct stick. I bought a ton of these USB sticks because they are very handy. Will order a different one, but in the meantime: Anywhere in the Linux system must be that matching information. What bus/device is what /dev/sd? device. With that information I can add a hostdev section into the xml file. Any idea? Used both alternatives and trashed my Unraid host. Good luck I do have lots of backups. lsusb ===== Bus 002 Device 005: ID 0781:5571 SanDisk Corp. Cruzer Fit Bus 002 Device 004: ID 0781:5571 SanDisk Corp. Cruzer Fit lsblk ===== sda 8:0 1 14.7G 0 disk └─sda1 8:1 1 14.7G 0 part sdb 8:16 1 14.7G 0 disk └─sdb1 8:17 1 14.7G 0 part /boot ls == usb-SanDisk_Cruzer_Fit_4C530001120215120411-0:0 -> ../../sda usb-SanDisk_Cruzer_Fit_4C530001120215120411-0:0-part1 -> ../../sda1 usb-SanDisk_Cruzer_Fit_4C530001220213122434-0:0 -> ../../sdb usb-SanDisk_Cruzer_Fit_4C530001220213122434-0:0-part1 -> ../../sdb1 lsscsi ====== [0:0:0:0] disk SanDisk Cruzer Fit 1.00 /dev/sda [1:0:0:0] disk SanDisk Cruzer Fit 1.00 /dev/sdb dmesg ===== [ 12.648072] usb 2-1.2: new high-speed USB device number 4 using ehci-pci [ 12.727521] usb-storage 2-1.2:1.0: USB Mass Storage device detected [ 12.727960] scsi host0: usb-storage 2-1.2:1.0 [ 12.792076] usb 2-1.3: new high-speed USB device number 5 using ehci-pci [ 12.871523] usb-storage 2-1.3:1.0: USB Mass Storage device detected [ 12.871982] scsi host1: usb-storage 2-1.3:1.0
  8. This USB thing seems to be not that easy to solve. During my first steps with an Unraid VM I couldn't get past the assignment of my USB UNRAIDVM01 device. "/dev/sdb" is the USB host stick and "/dev/sda" should become the USB client stick. "Unassigned Devices" does recognize both USB sticks, "Tools > System Devices" does recognize both USB sticks but I can't find the USB stick on the VM page. I tried all three possible USB Controllers. None worked. What's wrong here? Thanks in advance.
  9. Please have a look at my Screenshots above. The 44 MB/s represent the activity I started. The xx KB/s are the activities I'm complaining about. If my job stops, the xx KB/s read requests stop immediately as well. Can't explain it better.
  10. Thanks, will do. ***Edit*** Wait, it can't be that easy. The small read request to the other disks always end with the read or write request to the single disk.
  11. Argh, it's happening again. I'm reading disk17 and all disks spin up and have low read activity. There's no hint in lsof or syslog. When looking at the server case I can see very minimal blinks of the activity LEDs. While disk17 ist constantly lit, the activity LEDs on all other disks circulate very fast (disk1, disk2, ...). That happens every 5-10 seconds. Sorry, was to fast with my previous post. Never seen that behaviour an 6.6.6
  12. For me, OP, I can no longer reproduce that unusual behaviour on 6.7.0-rc2. I went back to 6.6.6 and did re-test the complete scenario. Here, everything was as expected. Then I did install 6.7.0-rc2 as before and did re-test that whole scenario again. And this time Unraids behaviour was as expected. As this machine is mainly a backup and read-only machine with no dockers, no VMs and just two plugins I can't say what's the reason for this. I will stay with 6.7.0-rc2 on that machine and test a little bit further. Thanks for listening.
  13. I'm the OP and in my case I only write to individual disks. User shares are defined but I don't use them. The server has no Dockers, no VMs. The only two plugins are User scripts and Fix common problems. During a copy to disk21 all disks were spun up and showed read requests during the whole copy activity (around 10 minutes). As soon as copy to disk21 ended all read activity to the other disks stopped as well. One of the spun up and read disks is disk17. This disk is for backup purposes only. It's not used from anything but backup jobs beginning at 04:00 every night and running for approx. an hour. This disk was spun up and read for 10 minutes as well during that copy operation. This reminds me of one of the previous releases. I came late into the RCs, did mention something like "all disks spin up", had to read lots of "not happening here" and with the final release a patch to SMB was introduced that fixed that behaviour. I'm not at home currently, will look for this old thread tomorrow.
  14. Yeah, my Plex Docker is still working too with 'All'. I'm simply curious what this setting should do in a dockerized environment.
  15. What you describe is a radiobutton, no checkbox. Definetely. Here are two example sites where you can play with both controls. You want a radiobutton, definetely: https://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/TS/html401/cp0101/0101-RADIO.html https://www.ericmmartin.com/code/jquery/checkbox.html TL;DR A checkbox is the wrong control for a selection like that. It's simply confusing if you are used to traditional User Interfaces. Changing a checkbox should _never_ change another checkbox in the same set of checkbox controls. And in addition a checkbox does exist to switch them on or off. Out of a set of radiobuttons one and only one can be switched on. If you switch a radiobutton to on, the other button that was switched on before, goes off. Out of a set of checkboxes all, none or individual checkboxes can be switched on or off. To accomplish that every single checkbox reacts on it's individual handling. On that Unraid page you can't switch a checkbox off (wrong handling of a checkbox) and to make it worse switching a checkbox to on does switch another checkbox off. Out of thousands pages of existing documentation let me show you these: https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/controls/checkbox https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/controls/radiobutton The important text is this: - Radio buttons allow the user to select one option from a set. - Checkboxes allow the user to select one or more options from a set. [...] Because a set of checkbox options allows the user to select multiple items, each checkbox is managed separately [...] Handling of stuff like that goes back to Common User Access (IBM, Microsoft) from the 70s/80s in the last century. Standard controls like Radiobuttons and Checkboxes did not change their meaning in these ~40 years.
  16. No, I don't use something like Turbo Write. In fact I don't even know what it is. Are these Tunable Values? I changed md_num_stripes 4096, md_sync_window 2048 and md_sync_thresh 2000. All others are default. ***Edit*** These three Tunable Values mentioned above have been changed a year ago. I didn't change anything between 6.6.6 and 6.7.0-rc2.
  17. Did some tests in Safe Mode and without Safe Mode. 1.) What I see is, that writes are delayed. What I don't know is if this is the GUI lagging or a real diskwrite lag. E.g.: Copy a file between two individual disks with all disks spun-down. MC reports a successful copy. After that (!!!) the GUI shows that both parity disks and that individual disk are spinning up. This does not happen with 6.6.6. 2.) Copying like mentioned in my first post did not spin up all disks (neither Safe Mode nor without Safe Mode). 3.) But while writing this post I can see in a second window that all disks begin to spin up. This is true for Safe Mode and without Safe Mode. Something is waking up the disks. This does not happen with 6.6.6. There's one special disk in the array. Here I write backups nightly. This disk is ony used in the night, it's not used for anything else. Even this disk did spin up with all the other disks.
  18. In the Syslinux configuration there are checkboxes at the end of every option. You can't uncheck a selected option and you can't select more than one option. You need to select a new option to uncheck the previously selected option. For this kind of options the GUI element radiobutton was invented. It took me several attempts to find out that I can't uncheck the selected option. I even did stop the array because I thought that this option can only be changed while array is stopped.
  19. Thanks, will check. That server has no Dockers, no VMs. Only two plugins (User scripts, Fix common problems). Bet it will show up in Safe Mode as well.
  20. I do see a new setting in the PMS network settings. It's called "Prefered network interface". In the dropdown list there are the following entries: - All - docker0 ( - eth0 ( What do I need to set there? Default seems to be "All". Thanks in advance.
  21. After upgrade from 6.6.6 stable to 6.7.0-rc2 I see unusual reads whenever I write to a single disk. E.g. In this example I write/copy to \\tower2\disk21 from my Windows 10 machine (SMB). During the whole copy all other disks are spun up and are read at low speed. In the example shown in the picture a 40GB file is written. disk21 and parity/parity2 show the usual write activity. But the other disks are spun up and read as well. After the file is written reading the other disks stopps as well. Diagnostics and image attached. *** Edit: The Main page shows that same read activity for the flash drive as well. Forgot to mention that. tower2-diagnostics-20190127-1031.zip
  22. Thanks, but would it be better than connecting the backplanes itself? I mean, 8 lanes per backplane instead of 4 lanes per backplane. Will it give any benefit?
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