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Everything posted by hawihoney

  1. That's what I tried to do. As I wrote. The text "Start Preclear" in your plugin simply is plain text and no link. If I click on it nothing happens. So I issued preclear*sh the traditional way from command line - and your plugin shows progress. Regards.
  2. Just found your plugin and installed it as directed. Moved the preclear*sh script as directed and did reboot. I can see the plugin and start it. But the Link "Start Preclear" does nothing. I tested with Chrome and IE. Please see attachments. It's like "Start Preclear" is simply text and no link. Thanks in advance.
  3. So for every file, that's transfered from my machines to my cloud services, this kind of information is stored in your servers? Why?
  4. You compare apples wth peaches: * Yodlee is certified. I would trust them to some degree. * Storage Made Easy (or Vehera, Ltd.) is in no way certifed. I don't talk about S3. I talk about SME and their databases. SME doesn't mention that they collect and store account information of all used cloud services. Here is a second text from their site that proofs that. Why don't they write that? Instead their data-collection-list keeps everything open. With that kind of document they can store everything of a user: This is a NoGo for me. Honest? For me this sounds very obscure. I wouldn't trust this company. just my 0.02. Regards Harald
  5. Please read the FAQ. There you will find what will be stored on their side. BTW they forgot to mention that they need to store account information as well: So all my personal data, and all your business data, walks thru at least two companies you/I have to trust. For me this is one company to much. It's even hard for me to trust one single cloud provider but I need them currently. I would prefer a service on my unRAID box that _acts_ like a collector, builds a directory tree and gives access to the cloud services I need to use actually. Regards Harald
  6. I would like to see a plugin that allows to connect different cloud services from my unRAID machines seemless. This would be cool, really. But I don't want to register to an additional service just to get my files to Dropbox. And I don't want to send my Dropbox metadata to StorageMadeEasy. So, a solution, whatever it will be, should not bring an additional player into the game. Just my Cloud Services and me... Just my 0.02. Harald
  7. Tried to issue the Feature Request - but where? The 4.7 Feature Requests are closed and I didn't find a 5.0 thread ... Regards Harald
  8. Ah, thanks. I will issue a feature request. The button labeled "Move now" could offer "Pause" or "Stop now" if the mover is running. Regards Harald
  9. Sorry, but what is a cache-only share? I didn't find it in the manual. Regards Harald P.S.: Found it with search in the forums. Seems to be one of the new 5.0 features.
  10. Thanks for pointing out how stupid I am. I simply forgot the dot (.) in front of a huge directory - something a man like you will never experience ;-) So, do you have an answer for the question that was asked in this thread? Regards Harald
  11. I would like to re-activate that thread. I accidently hit the "Move now" button on the "Settings > Share" Web-GUI page. Move is moving TBs of wrong data. How can I stop the mover without trashing everything? Beside this thread I didn't find anything in the Forum or Wiki. Any help is highly appreciated. Regards Harald
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