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Posts posted by PhAzE

  1. Hey Squid, i'm getting what appears to be a false positive on a file i created on my USB:

    /boot/config/usb-rules.cfg corrupted	Your flash drive has possible corruption on /boot/config/usb-rules.cfg.


    This is the contents of that file (which just maps the zwave and zigbee controller from my HUSBZ-1 to static device entities on boot):


    SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", DRIVERS=="cp210x", ATTRS{interface}=="HubZ Z-Wave Com Port", SYMLINK+="zwave"
    SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", DRIVERS=="cp210x", ATTRS{interface}=="HubZ ZigBee Com Port", SYMLINK+="zigbee"


    There doesn't appear to be any corruption in the file, i've recreated it just to be sure, so i'm thinking there is some sort of string of characters that the scan is detecting as corruption.

  2. Was there ever anything dicovered with this?  Mine has done the same now since the 6.8.2 upgrade. Wouldn't reboot, then after a few tries it started but the array controls were missing from the GUI, just the powerdown and reboot buttons remained.


    Edit: after a third reboot, the start button returned.

  3. Hey there! I'm hoping someone can give me a hand with this. New to Nextcloud, trying to set it up using this guide:


    I setup MariaDB, edit the cfg file to uncomment the bind command, log into the db, create the user, db, add permissions, exit, restart the db container. I start up the nextcloud container, access the webGUI, fill it in and click finish, and it seems to just hang there for a while then i get a 504 gateway timeout.


    Not much data to go on from here.  This is on my nginx error.log


    /mnt/cache/AppData/Nextcloud/log/nginx# cat error.log 

    2019/08/05 20:44:57 [error] 338#338: *4 upstream timed out (110: Operation timed out) while reading response header from upstream, client: 192.168.1.x, server: _, request: "POST /index.php HTTP/2.0", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "192.168.1.y:10002"


    Where 192.168.1.x is the computer i'm setting this up from, and 192.168.1.y is my NAS IP.  I can't seem to figure out why a fresh install isn't working, is there a step i'm missing?  I'm not even at the Letsencrypt steps yet, this is just a local setup that's failing.


    EDIT: I guess moving the log file off the share, and restarting the container got it going.

  4. On 6/19/2019 at 1:37 PM, Squid said:

    Good to see you back PhAZe

    But, you are better off adding the settings into extra params or nuking the image and setting up log rotation

    The commands listed is a temporary solution

    Sent from my NSA monitored device

    Yea, this was more to prove that I had the correct docker as the culprit. I just nuked the image and set an extra param path. 

  5. On 4/11/2018 at 10:23 AM, vizi95 said:

    I had the same issue.  It has to do with docker log file sizes.

    Just run this and your utilization will come down a lot:


    truncate -s 0 /var/lib/docker/containers/*/*-json.log


    It's safe to use while the docker is still running.


    Aw man, this saved me. I had a docker with a port binding issue, I guess it was filling logs constantly, but after repairing the bind problem, i didn't know what was eating up the docker image file... logs. *shakes fists into air*

  6. On 2/19/2017 at 8:26 PM, yitzi said:

    What's the difference between this and PlexRequests?


    Ombi will check Plex directly to see if movies exist in your library vs PlexRequests which checks the movie manager (CP, Radarr, etc). 

    Ombi is based on .net vs PlexRequests which is based on Meteor.

    Ombi has full user management and collects user info from plex.tv that are friends with your account, to make login easy for them (aka use their plex credentials to log in)


    It started off as just a fork but has grown a lot faster than PlexRequests.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Every restart of the mylar docker seems to wipe the /app/mylar/cache folder (since its inside the docker and refreshed on each reboot). This cache directory holds the images used by the app, and are not re-downloaded on reboot.  I recommend having /app/mylar/cache folder mapped into the config directory, say /config/mylar/cache, after each git clone command.  Is it possible to update that so the images cache isn't lost every reboot?


    EDIT:  cache_dir = /app/mylar/cache/    can be set to /config/mylar/cache by default so new installs won't run into this. Doesn't look like its configurable from the Mylar GUI.


    Hmmm, seems you're right but what's interesting is we actually followed the scheme here and specify the cache dir on startup.  Unless I'm missing something.  ???


    It would seem the cache dir does not follow the data-dir switch. Luckily manually setting it seems to work.  :)

  8. Every restart of the mylar docker seems to wipe the /app/mylar/cache folder (since its inside the docker and refreshed on each reboot). This cache directory holds the images used by the app, and are not re-downloaded on reboot.  I recommend having /app/mylar/cache folder mapped into the config directory, say /config/mylar/cache, after each git clone command.  Is it possible to update that so the images cache isn't lost every reboot?


    EDIT:  cache_dir = /app/mylar/cache/    can be set to /config/mylar/cache by default so new installs won't run into this. Doesn't look like its configurable from the Mylar GUI.

  9. Hi Snoopy! Thanks for your work.

    I'm getting my LMS container logs full of:


    avahi-daemon 0.6.31 exiting.

    Found user 'avahi' (UID 104) and group 'avahi' (GID 107).

    Successfully dropped root privileges.

    avahi-daemon 0.6.31 starting up.

    dbus_bus_get_private(): Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

    WARNING: Failed to contact D-Bus daemon.



    Is there a way to fix it?


    Hi Snoopy, im getting this error too. My docker is set to host network.  Running the latest version of unraid.  Any suggestions?

  10. Result:


    tmux: error while loading shared libraries: libutempter.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


    http://slackware.cs.utah.edu/pub/slackware/slackware64-14.1/slackware64/a/utempter-1.1.5-x86_64-1.txz -> perhaps this is needed.


    After installing that, I get:

    error connecting to /tmp/tmux-0/default (No such file or directory)


    Then I run:

    touch /tmp/tmux-0/default


    and try again and get:

    no server running on /tmp/tmux-0/default  -> This is probably because i just made a blank file though.


    HOWEVER - After installing that dependency, I tried from the GUI again, and this time it still says "starting..." but now has the eye icon (which shows my invalid -R error meaning I forgot to modify the script after reinstalling).


    EDIT: Works now from the GUI.


    I've installed the plugin, downloaded the script, and made the modification noted above, but it seems to stay at "starting..." forever.


    I tried here and can't reproduce. Could you post what you see when you hit Preview (the eye icon)?


    I just reinstalled the plugin from scratch to make sure it was up to date.  I don't see an eye icon / preview button in the plugin interface. (Maybe i'm looking in the wrong spot?)


    I assume the eye icon appears once the script has started.  I'm running 6.2 btw, and using the interface under tools -> Preclear

  12. I checked to see what AUR was pulling. You should switch your application link to https://github.com/DobyTang/LazyLibrarian.  I almost skipped over this when I saw you linking to itsmegb on the first post.


    Thanks for putting in the work to make this.

    I just came to post the exact same thing.  DobyTang repo is still actively being developed as of 3 days ago.  Is this docker using itsmegb repo?


    Sent from my SM-T817W using Tapatalk



  13. I just installed this but it doesn't seem to save any requests entered

    Do you have any logs?

    You should probably ask on the plexrequestsnet github page.

    For me it wasn't saving any setting changes.  I went to my appdata folder and ran chmod 777 on the sqlit3.db file, restarted the docker, all good now.  It's possible the last update made the DB read only.  At least, that worked for me, now i can also save requests again.

  14. I am getting a Malwarebytes warning on the CA page.

    Looked at the appfeed, and there is only a single reference to macupdate.com, and that is the icon that PhAzE is using for PlexMediaServer.  In itself, that's not an issue since it's only an icon that's being pulled, but to fix it, PhAzE has to adjust the plugin template to pull the icon from somewhere else

    I actualy didn't setup the original XML files for CA, not really sure who did.  Anyways, that Plex icon is coming from macupdate.com.  I've copied the image to my git repo and updated the XML link to point to there.  I'll check all the other plugin xml files too and do the same but probably not until later today.  The problem should be fixed now.

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