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Posts posted by skoj

  1. <EDIT>

    Please ignore, not an unraid problem. Turns out a host was scanning a share 24/7.



    I've the same issue since upgrading from 6.7.0 to 6.8.1. All dockers turned off, no clients connected. Idle cpu was 5-10% before the upgrade.


    Has anyone run into this & fixed it? Minor impact but I hate to lose the capacity.



    Other odd thing is that there's network traffic even though all of the disks are spun down & the I/O counters are at very nearly zero.






  2. Just flashed my M1015 into a SAS2008 in IT mode using the instructions and ZIP file in this thread. Was pretty straightforward except that I had to try several motherboards until I found one that didn't give me the "Failed to initialize" error.


    Props to madburg for putting this together and to everyone that posted their experiences. It would have been a brutal process without this post!


    Not sure if anyone cares but I have CS2EE motherboard and I flashed to formware version P15 downloaded from LSI's support site. I'll test for a few days but things look good at first glance. No syslog errors, can read all drive temps and I can spin drives up/down from the web console.

  3. skoj, you can't preclear a drive assigned to the array.  If you want to preclear it you will have to stop the array, remove it from the array, then preclear and then assign it back to the array.


    Thanks, this turned out to be the problem. I never explicitly removed the failed disk from the array. I shutdown, unplugged the failed drive and restarted. The GUI led me to believe the drive was automatically removed from the array but it wasn't.


    I couldn't remove the drive from the array at this stage so I plugged the replacement drive into a different SATA port. That was enough for the preclear script to recognize it as a new disk and do its thing.


    The replacement drive is in the array now and all is well.


    Thanks everyone for the advice.

  4. I'm having an odd problem. Running 5.0-rc3 & preclear 1.13.


    I had a drive red-ball, I've replaced the drive, it's showing as "not installed" in the unraid web gui.


    Next step is to preclear the new disk which I do by executing :

    /boot/preclear_disk.sh -A /dev/sdg


    I'm certain that sdg is the replacement disk (and I haven't added it to the array) but I get the following error:

    Sorry, /dev/sdg is already assigned as part of the unRAID array.
    Clearing will NOT be performed


    Any idea how to troubleshoot this problem?

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