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Everything posted by jbrodriguez

  1. @H2O_King89 icould you try adding the server via https://ip (as per ), and selecting Secure in the add page. Please, let me know how it goes.
  2. Eventually it will (I hope). I haven't installed rc8 (not even rc7). What's your experience ? It doesn't add a server with the new url ?
  3. Thats the log address for a docker ? I will check. Would you mind opening a feature request at https://feedback.userreport.com/b5864402-1922-4c3e-810c-0e427f4d204a/ , to gauge interest ?
  4. Did you happen to rotate the device while in the screen ? If you rotate the device before entering the detail page, is it still duplicated ?
  5. To be honest, that's a good question. The bottom line is that it stopped because rsync itself threw an error, so the app reacted by interrupting the operation (in an ordered manner). .DS_Store is inconsequential, but what if it crapped while transferring "very_important_document.xlsx" ? If you were doing a move operation and the app just noted the issue, the source would still be deleted and you'd wind up with a potentially corrupted file on the target. rsync is finicky to say the least, I've skimmed through its code and it shows its age. Not sure if everything it checks applies to modern drives, but it is what it is. That's why I plan to add an operation history and replay/resume function. If the operation was interrupted you could take a look at the error, decide how to deal with it and resume the operation. This will take me some time. Any other suggestions are welcome.
  6. Actually, I mixed up. That's the default behavior. Most free space disk "from" checked, all other disks "to" checked. The idea is you probably want to free your more empty disk by transferring to all other disks. This is just an initial suggestion, you can change it by selecting/deselecting other disks. It doesn't make sense for the "to" column, as per below. It doesn't behave goofy. In SCATTER (and as itimpi mentioned), you can only have one source disk. As soon as you click on any "from" disk, it automatically deselects all others. There can be only one If a disk has its "from" checked, and you click on it, it will do nothing (it's a no-op). It will not transfer from multiple source disks, because that's not the purpose of this function (again, talking about SCATTER). If you follow the steps from the Quick Start, you shouldn't have a problem.
  7. Someone requested to have the cache disk available, so I added it. If you don't want to work it with it, you can safely ignore it. That's strange. Every disk has the to field checked ? I have never heard of that. What version of the plugin are you running ? The From disk checked is just a courtesy, the plugin selects the disk with the most free space, assuming that's the one you want to free, but you can always change it as needed. Not sure exactly what you're doing, but you should select the source disk first, then select/deselect any "to" disk. You can only have one source disk in SCATTER, so it will deselect all other disks, when you select any disk as source. Is this what you're referring to ? There's a "manual" here (and a quick start for the SCATTER function). I will put a link to it in the first post. Thanks and no problem, hopefully the plugin can do what you're looking for.
  8. Probably I'm not fully getting what you mean, but isn't this the result of writing to user shares ? You eventually have multiple shares in across disks ? Unless you exclude shares from specific disks (don't remember if that's possible) ? On the other hand, if what you want is to consolidate some share to a single disk, either consold8 (as mentioned by johnnie.black) or unBALANCE's GATHER operation will do the trick. Not sure that's what you meant. If it isn't, do you have a concrete example ?
  9. So, you identified the folder. The message is a general warning, the rsync command could fail due to permission issues, but it may work if the user under which unbalance runs has enough rights. It depends on your scenario really. I don't know how nextcloud handles permissions and such. If you're running it off a docker, I understand the docker safe new perms won't touch those files.
  10. If it happens again, in addition to the verbose logging, try starting the plugin from a tmux command line, to show when/if it crashes. Something like $ tmux $ killall unbalance $ cd /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unbalance $ ./unbalance
  11. That message means that the websocket was closed, because either the browser or the tab showing unbalance was closed. It's mostly informational. Do you have full notifications enabled ? If the operation was interrupted, it would send an email stating so. Otherwise, if it may have crashed. Let me know.
  12. Yes, I will definitely address this. @wreave is doing "find <source folder> -type d -empty -delete". I'm thinking about replicating it to delete the empy folder left behind. Does that sound ok ? (if you're knowledgeable in linux command line, please chime in).
  13. v3.3.2 is available ! 2017-08-20 - 3.3.2 This release fixes the issue with the wrong progress percentages. Also fixes the issue with the source folder not being removed. Finally, the plugin now checks for an update when starting. This is enabled by default, but can be turned off in the settings. @wreave I haven't found a reason why it wouldn't transfer data. If you want, let's pm to further troubleshoot. I will check into deleting the top source folder (if empty) in an upcoming release.
  14. It looks clean as well. So in your case it didn't move any data ? I'll check a couple more things and get back to you.
  15. That's right, I need to look into that.
  16. Hmm, so it doesn't delete the source. I'll check that part of the code.
  17. I'm changing working directory, but I'll double check.
  18. Could you send me the log ? And tell me which folders you had to manually delete ?
  19. Thanks. The log looks clean. I've added some logging to the app showing whether dry-run is on/off when starting an operation. I can't think of a reason why it ran so fast. How much ram do you have ? Can you update the app to 3.3.1 and try again with full verbosity (change it in the settings page) and dry-run ?
  20. v3.3.1 is available ! 2017-08-18 - 3.3.1 - Add dry-run logging - Add bitcoin address to the support fund
  21. Thank you for the kind comments ! Yes, I will add a bitcoin option
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