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Everything posted by jbrodriguez

  1. Ok, remove the contents of the file (/boot/config/plugins/unbalance/unbalance.conf), but leave it there (an empty file). Then start it from the command line again.
  2. Not really. So, if you try $ cd /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unbalance $ ./unbalance it comes up empty again ?
  3. This is the problem here. The executable isn't starting. This used to be an issue in 1.8.x, but it was "solved" I believe that installing via the github link doesn't create the conf file it expects, although it should work without one. Try the following : $ nano /boot/config/plugins/unbalance/unbalance.conf # <paste the following> SERVICE="disable" PORT="6237" RUNAS="nobody" # click control + x, then y, then <enter> to save the file Then go the settings page and enable the server.
  4. I will check if this causes trouble. Do you mean that all the buttons are disabled ? If that's the case, follow the quick start instructions. If that's not the case, please do the following $ killall unbalance $ cd /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unbalance $ ./unbalance and post the output here to check it out.
  5. v3.0.0 is now available ! 2017-06-28 - 3.0.0 This is a major internal redesign to allow for new features to be added. Starting with this release, you can now COPY files (as opposed to only MOVE them in the previous version). In upcoming releases, you will be able to validate the copy (VALIDATE operation) and use the completely new GATHER operation. GATHER consolidates user share folders into a single disk (think for example when you want to consolidate all the season of a tv show into one disk) Additionally, a support fund was established, if you want to show your support to the plugin developer. These are other changes: - Prevent spurious rsync lines in logs - Use system font in UI - Throttle websocket updates (for dry-run simulations) - Improve hostname detection in plugin's unRAID settings page - Bug fixes and improvements
  6. 2017-06-27 - 2.1.0 This release should become stable now, supporting unRAID 6.4.x The following changes were made: - Fix issue with multiple emhttp invocations - Fix issue with self signed certs - Other improvements and bug fixes With regards to the multiple emhttp lines in the go file, it will ignore commented lines now, but if there are 2 valid lines ( ), it will pick up the last one. Not sure how unRAID itself would manage that. Let me know how this version works for you.
  7. Thanks for the comment ! I wonder that myself, there should be like a transfer mechanism between app stores. Not sure if they'll get to it
  8. It's reading the address from the go file itself. But since you have 2 emhttp commands, it's picking the last one (even if it's commented out) Short term solution would be to remove the commented emhttp line, or change the emhttp text to anything other than that. Thanks for the report, I'll fix the plugin to make it work under your scenario.
  9. Yes, that's the issue I'll look into it
  10. Hi, olympia, What unRAID version are you running ? I've seen it work even in the 6.4.x RCs, just wondering. Do the dockers show up fine in the unRAID's webGUI ?
  11. Thanks ljm42 ! Yes, progress at last ! There no message other than the Unable to connect to server ? You're starting emhttp with -rp 80, 443 ? Can you please try this: - Stop the plugin in the settings page - in a terminal, run $ cd /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/controlr $ ./controlr Can you post the output ?
  12. v2.0.5 2017-06-23 - 2.0.5 This should fix the issue with the UI link in the Settings page of unRAID's webGui. Additionally, a minor fix for the mixed content bug was added. Thanks ljm42 for the report !
  13. 2017-06-23 - 2.0.3 The plugin will now start on the same protocol as emhttp. If both http & https are enabled, it will start on https. Additionally: - Fix Mixed Content error - Improve link construction - Fix issue with unescaped entities There's a pending issue with the Open webui link: it opens a blank page. You can still access the plugin's page by manually inputting your server address:port (say http(s)://Tower:2378/, or your custom address/name/port) Seems like global php vars such as $_SERVER isn't available in the .page "scripts", that would have been the definitive solution. I'll be looking for a workaround
  14. Updated to v2.0.2 2017-06-20 - 2.0.2 The plugin will now start on the same protocol as emhttp. If both http & https are enabled, it will start on https. Additionally: - Fix Mixed Content error - Improve link to the UI in the Settings page
  15. Yes, I hope to publish next week the updated app supporting 6.4.x, depending on some factors
  16. v2.0.1 is up ! 2017-06-16 - 2.0.1 - Add https port to unRAID UI settings - Fix issue with empty ip address I think this fixes both issues brought up by ljm42
  17. I think you can trust the certificate, but that's browser-specific. The first time I accessed https, I got the warning, subsequently it didn't show up again, but I haven't closed the browser, nor rebooted the workstation (using Chrome).
  18. Yes, port 2379. I need to add this to the UI settings. That's strange, I didn't touch that part. Does this happen on your 6.4.x server only ?
  19. v2.0.0 is up ! 2017-06-15 - 2.0.0 This release provides initial support for unRAID 6.4.x+. The app is now reachable via both http and https. When connecting via https, you'll get a warning since it uses a self-signed certificate, but you can dismiss it. It will generate the certificates if they're not present in their default location (/boot/config/plugins/controlr). You can use your own (maybe Let's Encrypt created), to prevent the warning from showing at all. Additionally, the following features/fixes were added: - Upgraded packages - Improved port detection - Modified jwt secret generation
  20. Yes, that's the use case I'm thinking for the copy feature I'll try to add it this time around.
  21. Internally, it uses rsync invoked (by default) with flags -avPRX So, by default it doesn't preserve hard-links. You can customize the flags passed to rsync though.
  22. Yes, I've seen the empty folders too. I guess it depends on the use case, generally those are folders names after user shares.
  23. Thanks, yes, it felt that way to me too, I do have many small files One more question, I formatted the drive to xfs and it shows it's using 4Gb. I checked on the command line and it's empty. Is that filesystem overhead ?? root@wopr:/mnt/disk13# du -bs /mnt/disk13 6 /mnt/disk13
  24. So, I'm thinking about adding a copy option after all. Users of the app will need to be aware of duplication and deal with it. I'm also considering adding a consolidate option (similar to consld8 from Freddie). I would really like to hook into the new "mover" functionality in 6.4, although that would mean losing realtime progress update as far as I can tell (as of now). Any thoughts ?
  25. So, I converted my first reiserfs to xfs. A full 4tb, took approx 26 hours. bjp999, I used turbo write and write speeds went up about 10Mb/s (roughly 44Mb/s from 34Mb/s). Is that an ok gain from turbo write ?
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