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Everything posted by jbrodriguez

  1. Hi Gico, thanks for the comments ! To be honest, you're right. The selected top level folder isn't deleted. I'm not sure what the general case should be here. Maybe delete it if it's empty, but what if it's actually a user share folder ? For now, better err on the side of caution Any thoughts, anyone ?
  2. It works remotely only via OpenVPN or similar. Yes, it needs access to the webGUI port. Maybe your companion plugin could act as a bridge between the webui and internet, adding some sort of token authentication. Should such be added please keep it optional. I am very happy with the fact that I can -only- access my server over VPN. There have been discussions about this. Honestly, I'm still on the "don't do it" camp
  3. It seems strange that rsync would do something like that. In the log, the calculation phase will have listed all the files in the "Cosmos ..." folder. Can you check it or send it over to check ?
  4. It works remotely only via OpenVPN or similar. Yes, it needs access to the webGUI port.
  5. You mean it shows the previous icons or no icon at all ? Some have the previous icons and some have the new ones I made. Ok, in that case I think it's a cache issue. What you did was replace the file (let's say sonarr.png) with the new file, keeping the name (sonarr.png). Since the name didn't change, the app retrieves it from the cache rather than fetching it from the server, showing a stale icon. The short term solution would be to delete the app and reinstall (or clear all its data). In the medium term, I will either: - Clear cache when deleting the server - Add a refresh cache function for each server If you're willing to reinstall/clear data, let me know if that works for you.
  6. kizer, actually, I just had a thought ... can you check the unBALANCE log on the server after a dry-run to see if it did complete ?
  7. Hi perhansen, I took a look at Unassigned Devices for ControlR. It wasn't as straightforward as I thought. But I'll have some free time soon, so I'll revisit this. To be honest this is quite easy to implement, since current logic is copy (via rsync), then delete. Not really sure about use cases though, because it will essentially create duplicate folders that will be hidden by the user share logic. Thanks for your comments!
  8. It's strange for the dry-run to get stuck, since it's not physically touching the files. I'm afraid I don't have many ideas about what could be the issue, do let me know if you find out more about it.
  9. You mean it shows the previous icons or no icon at all ?
  10. No, I didn't ... thanks for the heads up ! I'll check this out.
  11. v2.4.0 is now available on both stores (or should be pretty soon) ! 2.4.0 - 2017-02-10 This is a maintenance release, with updates to core app libraries. Also in this release: - Fix warning message created by missing token in api call - General improvements and bug fixes As previously mentioned, this is mainly to catch up with many libraries that were updated in the past weeks and to fix the warning about the missing token. @johnnie.black, would you let me know if the visual issue persists ?
  12. No, no need for the plugin for over-the-air to work. Are you on iOS or Android ?
  13. As in swiped it from recent apps and re-opened it? Many times, yes. I'll try a 'Force close' and see if it helps. The way over-the-air works is an red badge appears on the settings icon to draw attention, when you press Settings, it shows a message saying restart to update (or something close to that). It's strange that it seemingly didn't work for you. In any case, I have a new version on review in the stores, hope it becomes available soon. I'll also create a FAQ in the App's website ... there's too much info scattered around in the forum pages, it will be better to have a central location for common questions.
  14. I found out I missed updating a call to server with the new security token (thanks to Marv for bringing this up). You will get Jan 30 09:43:10 Tower root: error: webGui/include/DeviceList.php: missing csrf_token messages in the log, whenever you refresh the server in ControlR. I've fixed this in the latest code and I'm also upgrading core libraries in the app, so I'll release a new version in the next few days.
  15. v2.3.3 is available as an over-the-air release (won't appear in the App/Play Store) 2.3.3 Proper support for shutdown/reboot commands in unRAID 6.3.x Also in this release: - Improve reboot logic - General improvements and bug fixes Well, 2.3.2 supports the new security features, but unRAID 6.3.x also changed the invocation of the shutdown/reboot commands. @jademonkee, this release (2.3.3) should fix the shutdown command not working issue you raised. I checked the link you posted. I don't think they are related.
  16. Thanks jademonkee ! It should work, but I'll check it.
  17. Thanks for the comment ! Glad to know it's working
  18. Do not do this if you have docker applications running. Yes, I remember Squid mentioning that FCP's newperms is Docker-safe.
  19. v2.1.0 is now available ! 2017-02-03 - 2.1.0 This release implements real time move progress ! Progress is synchronized with rsync transfer updates. Also in this release: - Bug fixes and improvements The default rsync flags are now: -avPRX (previously "avRX --partial") The -P represents "--progress --partial", so this change is basically adding --progress, which is required to make rsync show progress as it transfer files.
  20. Hi thejamkel, what version of unraid are you running ? Can you send me the plugin log for that session (pm if you want) ?
  21. v2.3.2 is available as an over-the-air release (won't appear in the App nor Play store) 2.3.2 This release adds support for unRAID 6.3.0-rc9, which brings some internal changes in the way it operates. Also in this release: - General improvements and bug fixes If you're running rc9, let me know how it works for you.
  22. Sparkum, thejamkel, I found an issue with the ControlR plugin that didn't allow logs to display, if the server didn't have a password. Please upgrade the plugin to v1.1.5 and let me know if that solved it for you.
  23. v1.1.5 is available ! 2017-02-02 - 1.1.5 This release provides the following fixes: - Support getting logs for servers with no password set - Support 6.3.0-rc9 Should fix the issue where some users were not seeing logs in the ControlR app.
  24. Hi thejamkel, I think that should work. Let me check the code and get back with what I find. thejamkel, do you get a line starting with "auth:usr:..." in the plugin's log (/boot/logs/controlr.log) ? Did you add the server by ip or by hostname ?
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