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Everything posted by jbrodriguez

  1. Hi thejamkel, I think that should work. Let me check the code and get back with what I find.
  2. oh, thanks a lot Squid ! I'll check what changes are needed.
  3. Hi, I suggest that you select the sub-folders of the main folder. Or whatever level of granularity you want to work with. What the app does is (roughly): Given a folder, get the sizes of the first-level folder/files Allocate them across the target disk(s) (recreating the whole tree) An example If you have a folder structure such as this: - films -- bluray --- Movie1 --- Movie2 ... --- Movie 999 -- dvd and select films, it will try to allocate bluray (which might be in the TB range) and dvd. Unless you have an empty target disk, most likely it won't be able to allocate the bluray folder. If you select films/bluray, it will try to allocate the individual MovieX's, which will be roughly 50GB each, and that is very likely to succeed. The app depends on the user providing the "work unit" to operate on, to put it in other words.
  4. Yes it does! But I guess I am expecting "Real Time" statuses. See attachment; using Chrome, statuses are now shown but has been stuck in this state for about 2hours. I'm noticing it only being refreshed after the transfer of an entire share is complete. Should this be expected behavior or should the status be refreshed more often? Currently transferring 1.5TB of data to clear a disk for format to xfs. Oh ok. Currently, that's expected behavior. It refreshes after each rsync command has completed. I wrote about that when I first introduced the progress feature, but forgot to mention it in the updated github README. The thing is rsync's progress is somewhat difficult to parse, so I just track the whole operation, not the individual files. I'll eventually look into improving that
  5. It shows no activity (other than starting/stopping). Can you access the plugin's web ui (http://<server>:2378/) ? That should log something. Let me know how it goes, eventually I'll pm you to further troubleshoot.
  6. Hi cpthook, I generally use Chrome and it works fine for me Ff you check the raw log (/boot/logs/unbalance.log), does it show any progress ?
  7. Hi thejamkel and Sparkum, Can you check the plugin logs (/boot/logs/controlr.log) ? Do they show anything unusual ? Like a warning or error ? Let me know.
  8. Honestly, I'm not completely sure, but I'll look into it. If this means I need a separate codebase, I'll most likely not do it.
  9. Yes, that's really strange ! The next release is an update to the core libraries, I'll check if there's something that may fix this.
  10. Thanks for your comments ! Let me know how it goes.
  11. unBALANCE 2 is now available ! 2017-01-13 - 2.0.0 unBALANCE 2 now displays a disk explorer in its main interface, in order to improve the experience of choosing which files/folders need to be moved off of a disk. Also in this release: - General improvements and bug fixes The core operation is unchanged, but now the app is easier to operate.
  12. Well, another user was able to connect to the server .. it was a port matter. Please use the unRAID webGUI's port in the app, this is the officlal port to use.
  13. Sorry to hear that j123ss. I'll pm you to troubleshoot the issue.
  14. Can you share a screenshot of the plugin's settings page (from the unRAID webGUI) ?
  15. Well, the plugin was born out of my own requirements, which it has suited just fine for me. It has evolved during this time and perhaps the common usage scenarios are different, but I wouldn't go as far as to give it a "Bad UI" rating. If you don't like it, I do welcome suggestions and have implemented almost all (I think) of what I've received in the forums. On a fresh install, the initial instinct is to click on the "Home" tab. There is nothing on the settings page telling you "hey dummy, add a folder to move" so the home tab link will do something. Perhaps you could move the "which folders do you want to move" section to the home tab, so at least you see some action when you initially click on home. Also, I think the common usage is now to completely clean off a specific disk, for whatever reason, with all the folders included. Maybe populating the home tab with a share level deep drive list with check boxes for drives or individual shares as source, and valid destinations with checkboxes as well. For example, I could check just the movies on disk1 and have the destination be disk2,3,4 or I could check the entire disk1 and send it across all the rest of the drives. It seems a little off to want to empty a specific disk, but step 1 is to pick which folders I want to move. Since unraid's share system by default doesn't force specific disks for a share, it's conceivable that a user may have no clue which shares are on a drive when he opens unBALANCE, he just wants the drive empty, and expects to be shown a list of drives that can be emptied and a list of possible destinations. Thank you for your work on this, it's truly the go to plugin for novice friendly disk level data management, it's a function that should IMHO be Limetech's responsibility, but hey, that's what the community is for, to fill the holes in basic functionality. Thanks for the comments jonathanm. That's something I've thought about ... moving the "file explorer" currently on the settings tab to the home tab, under the currently selected source disk, populated with whatever folders are on the disk. This is what I'll be working on next, as time allows.
  16. That's good to know splnut ! Another user was also able to connect.
  17. In the settings page, there should be a green link with the text Open Webui ? It isn't there for you ?
  18. Hi JustinChase, if you feel it has a "Bad design", you're welcome to make suggestions on how it should work, I've implemented most of the ideas thrown around in the forum previously. Thanks for your comment.
  19. Well, the plugin was born out of my own requirements, which it has suited just fine for me. It has evolved during this time and perhaps the common usage scenarios are different, but I wouldn't go as far as to give it a "Bad UI" rating. If you don't like it, I do welcome suggestions and have implemented almost all (I think) of what I've received in the forums.
  20. Ok, v2.3.1 is now available on both stores (or should be pretty soon) This is a maintenance release: - Fix issue where the app hangs after invoking a server operation - Update network stack - Add debug logic Also in this release: - General improvements and bug fixes It should help troubleshoot some connection issues.
  21. Hi j123ss, By any chance, are you running your server on a static ip address ?
  22. I've just submitted for review an app update. It fixes the issue with the app hanging when invoking an operation. Also some additional debug logic. I'll post back when it's available in the stores.
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