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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. This is in the second post and should answer your question: and is why I asked you to read it. Delete the script for this drive.
  2. That might be right for your cameras, Mine is rtsp://admin:[email protected]. Be sure you have the 'Source type' set to Ffmpeg. Check and see if your camera is listed in the 'Presets'. Look up on Google to see if you can find a Zoneminder setup for your model camera. You will probably get better help on the Zoneminder forum.
  3. Cut down on the shared memory until you get about 50% showing on the Zoneminder UI /dev/shm. You need to limit the frame rate on your cameras to 5 frames per second. Then set these settings for each camera: 20 FPS might be too much for your situation. Cut it down to 10 FPS. Don't fill in the 'Analysis FPS'. Your camera frame rate controls this. You can change all these settings later if you want to increase the frame rate.
  4. You'd have to restart samba to have the changed settings applied. Probably the reboot cleaned it all up.
  5. Cut down on the 'Shared Memory' so there is more memory for Unraid and Dockers.
  6. Is this on a browser? You might be low on shared memory. On the Zoneminder UI, check the shared memory (/dev/shm). You want to shoot for about 50%, Where do you have the appdata/Zoneminder mapped?
  7. Remove all the stuff you have added to the smb-extra.conf file and let UD manage the share and the smb-extra.conf. Everything else looks good.
  8. It's not a good idea to manually enter shares into smb-shares.conf. Check that the 'Enable SMB Security?' is set to 'Yes' in Settings->Unassigned Devices. This permits the SMB sharing of your UD mounted devices.
  9. Not really, but there is a 'Syslog Server' built in that can keep the log on a crash, or lockup. Just enable the 'Syslog Server' and set the ip address of your Unraid server as the 'Remote Syslog Server'.
  10. If you are looking for support, this is the best place for it. Posting an issue on github that is really support is not going to get you help any faster, in fact it's rather annoying. Looks like an issue with the ADVANCED_SCRIPT environment variable. Get into the docker and run this: /etc/my_init.d/999_advanced_script.sh Your user script should run. If not, then check the environment variable: echo $ADVANCED_SCRIPT It should show 1. If not: ADVANCED_SCRIPT=1 and try again.
  11. As I suspected, you are using remote mounts. Do you have any other devices in UD? I am working on some time outs that should keep UD from becoming completely unresponsive, but I'm not sure it will help in your situation. I have several recommendations: - For the time being, remove the preclear plugin. UD and preclear are connected in several ways and could be interacting negatively. Reboot the server to be sure preclear is completely removed. This will occur if you update Unraid. - Update Unraid to rc5. There were some issues with earlier releases. - Update UD to the latest version I will release later today. Then see if you have any issues with UD hanging. If it hangs, I would just see if it times out. It may take minutes. Open another browser session and move on if you can. Don't try to stop the server or shutdown/reboot.
  12. I'm going to adjust some timeouts when UD tries to get the remote share size/used/free. It seems that the df command hangs for a long time when cifs mounts are off-line. There will still be a delay, but it will come back a lot quicker. There may be times when the device size/used/free doesn't show.
  13. Why can't the docker on Nas 2 see the shares on Nas 1 without the remote mount?
  14. That's the whole point of the remote mount. You mount a remote share and it is shared as SMB or NFS on the local server.
  15. I am totally baffled about why you would cross mount shares and re-share folders that are already shared and visible on the network. Why do you do this? What does it accomplish? Can you not see the complexity in doing this? You have to time the mounting of the shares to when each server is available. Each server depends on the other server and the network to keep the shares available. How are you using the remote shares locally? SMB or NFS? How are they shared remotely? SMB or NFS? About the only thing I could possibly do is to unmount the remote share if the remote server goes offline. Of course then I'll hear all about how the shares are getting unmounted when there is even a minor glitch in the network.
  16. There is now a face recognition capability in zmeventnotification. I have implemented the file structure and support for the this in the docker. I have not tested it so I don't know what additional needs to be done. There is explanation in the first post on how the docker handles the files and folders for the hook processing. Let me know what else needs to be done.
  17. Post a screen shot of UD when it loads properly. I need to see what devices you are mounting. Also post your diagnostics.
  18. Building a new docker to fix this. The author had a typo in the .ini file.
  19. I've updated the docker with the latest version of zmeventnotification. There are changes to some paths for zmeventnotification, but the biggest change is in the hook structure. Please read the first post and the zmeventnotification link on how to setup and use the hook processing. I do not have a system to do any hook processing. I followed the installation instructions for getting the hook processing setup, but there may be a few tweaks I need to make. If you use the hook feature, let me know if it is working for you.
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