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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Your second partition probably has the data you are looking for but there is no recognizable partition. It is the partition that shows the 'Insert' button. What format is the second partition supposed to be?
  2. Click on the + by the device. It appears you have multiple partitions.
  3. There are two groupings in UD. The upper grouping is physical devices. The lower grouping is SMB, NFS, and ISO mounted devices. Each grouping has different information and different operation. For example an iso mounted file won't have a temperature. Just look at the table headings for the two groups. They don't line up because the information is different. There is no way for the Mount and Unmount buttons to align in the different groupings. People will just have to ignore their OCD.
  4. This is recommended and is the way it is right now on Unraid: "The general recommendation is to enable L1D flush on VMENTER. The kernel defaults to conditional mode on affected processors." Maybe it is best to leave it alone. I don't know how you would communicate to a novice user what it means and why turn it on or off.
  5. It's very hard to help you when all I get is "Does not work...". How about you try this? - Look at the Docker log and see if there is anything in the log indicating an issue. - Show a screen shot of the URL after selecting the WebUI from the Docker selection drop down. It will also show any browser error. If you use the default Docker template, the URL should show up as "https://IP:8443/zm".
  6. A I read in the link you posted, that's about where my head exploded. Definitely not in my pay grade.
  7. Maybe it's this simple. The option/parameter is “kvm-intel.vmentry_l1d_flush=always,cond,never”. The parameter can be provided on the kernel command line, as a module parameter when loading the modules and at runtime modified via the sysfs file: /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/vmentry_l1d_flush The default is ‘cond’. If ‘l1tf=full,force’ is given on the kernel command line, then ‘always’ is enforced and the kvm-intel.vmentry_l1d_flush module parameter is ignored and writes to the sysfs file are rejected. EDIT: Maybe as you said a non issue for Unraid because we are running trusted VMs.
  8. I only read a little bit and it did give me a headache.
  9. That issue was with the UD plugin and didn't apply to array drives.
  10. I see this in my log: Jan 23 09:36:52 MediaServer kernel: L1TF CPU bug present and SMT on, data leak possible. See CVE-2018-3646 and https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/l1tf.html for details. Seems to be related to Intel HyperThreading, cpu pinning in VMs, and a malicious VM guest. Here is the /sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/l1tf file: Mitigation: PTE Inversion; VMX: conditional cache flushes, SMT vulnerable I think this is a potential issue on Unraid.
  11. You cannot use the root user and password for SMB access. Set up an Unraid user and login with that user.
  12. Go to Settings->Unassigned Devices and set up SMB Security and then turn on the share switch on the UD page and the device will be shared at //tower/. When on the UD page, click help and read about changing the mount point (share).
  13. The folder browser is built into Unraid and is not a UD function. You should file a bug report if you feel that it is a concern.
  14. I understand. Fortunately that is controlled by the style sheets built into Unraid and bonienl can tweak those and UD will follow.
  15. Keep in mind that changes such as this causes me to have to do version checking in UD to determine which version of Unraid is running so I can determine the "On" color to use. Between 6.6.6 and 6.7 there was a change in the drive used/free graphics that caused me to have to check the Unraid version to display the used/free graphics properly. The LT team is always looking forward (this is a good thing), but I have to always look backwards to maintain compatibility with older versions of Unraid. I don't mind some changes that make sense, but until the day that LT rolls UD into Unraid (probably not going to happen real soon) or I stop supporting older versions of Unraid (I really don't want to do this), I have to sort out backwards compatibility issues. This takes time and I volunteer my efforts as do many others. For example. This came from the drive used/free graphics change in 6.7 that I had to sort out yesterday. It was quite confusing to me at first because I did not know there was a change. The font awesome icons are a good improvement in the UI experience and were backwards compatible to 6.4, so that was not a big deal. I agree that the switches should be highlighted, but they have been blue for as long as I can remember and now we have to change them? My point is try to minimize the changes just for change sake. If a change really enhances Unraid, I will do what I can to accommodate.
  16. Looks pretty good to me. No darker than the icons.
  17. I think the blue color is the best. The switches everywhere need to be included in the change to a color when on.
  18. I am running two Windows 10 VMs. On one of the VMs I am able to install the 64 bit version of qemu guest agent. On the other VM I can only install an older version of the 32 bit qemu guest agent. This is the error I get: Any suggestions on how to solve this? A search of the Internet did not turn up anything useful. mediaserver-diagnostics-20190123-0743.zip
  19. There was apparently a change in the 6.6.6 and 6.7 versions related to the drive used/free. I'm testing on 6.7.
  20. I also use Chrome of that version works fine for me. I can't reproduce it. Do the disks and cache in the array show correctly? It's pretty much the same code used for all used/free displays.
  21. Make sure you have the latest version of UD. Changes have been made to the used/free graphs.
  22. I was working on the used/free display because it was not showing the graphic correctly and ended up scaling the used/free space on the disk drives by *1024. I've fixed that, but now I just realized that UD does not respect the used/free column setting in the Settings->Display Settings. I've fixed that now. I am finding issues with UD that have been there a very long time and fixing them.
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