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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. That port is for the default installation and may not apply if you have made changes. The best bet is to left click on the Docker icon and select WebUI. The URL shown in the address bar is the address to use for Zoneminder access. This occurs because Zoneminder has a self-signed certificate. You are secure, but the browser is telling you that the certificate is not certified and might be a problem. Use the default Zoneminder Docker settings and there won't be a conflict. Based on your previous ip in the error message, you will need to assign a 192.168.1.x ip address. If you don't understand about static ip addresses, stay away for the time being. It is not a requirement for Zoneminder operation, it just makes it easier to port forward if you are trying to access Zoneminder from outside your network and with potential conflicts with all the ports on the Unraid ip address. I recommend you start over by removing the Zoneminder Docker image. You won't lose any Zoneminder setup or data. Then go to CA and find the Zoneminder Docker and load the default template. Don't make any changes in the template. Then access the WebUI from the Docker selection. - this will be the URL to use for Zoneminder access. If Zoneminder fails after a while, look at the Zoneminder Docker log to see if it is any help.
  2. UD cannot recognize a drive unless Linux does. You probably have drives, cables, or NIC issue. Try each disk on a known working port to determine if it is the drive, cables, or or a NIC issue.
  3. I've updated UD and changed the icons to built in font awesome icons. I also reworked the edit script page and operation. It never really worked the way I wanted. For example, the run the script in the background switch defaults to on and is highlighted when it is on now. The layout of the page is cleaner. Let me know if there are any missing icons. I'm pretty sure I got them all.
  4. Look at your log and see why it won't mount. The remote share credentials shouldn't be a problem, but be sure you don't have any punctuation characters in the name or password - like ', ", $, parentheses, &, etc. Keep the share name and password simple characters and numbers. UD uses php, and a lot of characters are reserved and can't be used.
  5. There's no way to force UD to see a drive. It will be recognized by UD if Linux sees it and assigns a /dev/sdX assignment. Remove the UD plugin and see if it is recognized. Ruining Unraid on ESX is not supported.
  6. This is not an urgent issue even though you see it as important. "Urgent" means data loss or imminent data loss and LT puts a high priority on that. Marking an issue like this as "Urgent" consumes LT resources that can be better spent on other issues. Please change Priority to Annoyance. This is not necessarily an Unraid bug.
  7. I updated UD so remote shares (SMB/NFS) will mount properly when the array starts. You no longer have to add the User Script to re-mount the devices to overcome the shares not mounting. Someone that has this issue please let me know if it has been solved. It worked fine on my test server.
  8. I have two cameras using "Modect" and keep events for 30 days. My data folder is 50Gb. I don't know how you are filling a 500Gb SSD. Seems you have several options: Get a larger cache disk. Set up another SSD in Unassigned Devices dedicated to Zoneminder data. Dedicate one array drive for Zoneminder data and keep it spinning. Go to the Zoneminder forum and ask for a solution.
  9. Are you recording from all cameras using "Mocord" or "Record"?
  10. I have Zoneminder appdata set to my SSD cache and don't move anything to the array. You should consider the same.
  11. I think you have "Enable additional search results from dockerHub?" set to yes. Turn that off. If you continue to have problems, post on the CA forum for help.
  12. The ownCloud docker was developed to be as secure as possible for those not experienced with security and wanting ownCloud access on the net. Feel free to fork the Docker and make your own if it's such a problem. It is easier to manage ownCloud access if it is on it's own IP address. If you don't do this and you don't have a static IP address on Unraid, you can't port forward because the IP address changes.
  13. You probably would be better off getting support from traefik support forum. What is it you are trying to accomplish with traefik? Seems like a lot of work.
  14. The ownCloud certificate is self signed and traefik does not like it. You need to get a valid certificate. Try Lets Encrypt. They offer valid certificates for free.
  15. Update the plugin and then go to Settings->Syslog Settings and go to the Colors tab and click the Default button. This will load the new default color scheme that is more compatible with the black theme.
  16. You are getting that error because the certificate is self signed. To get rid of that you will need a real certificate.
  17. It doesn't. You just can't seem to sort out the ports, and assigning an ip to Zoneminder is an alternative. If you don't want to give it its own ip address, you'll have to sort out why port 8443 doesn't work.
  18. That ip is Unraid's. You need to select Custom: br0 as the network and assign Zoneminder its own ip address.
  19. Try assigning a static ip address to the Zoneminder docker.
  20. Are you using port 8443 for Unraid access?
  21. I have made an adjustment in system parameters to improve the performance of redis. Unfortunately the only way to apply the change is through a command line parameter. This means I had to change the docker template. There are two ways to make the change: - Go to CA and search for ownCloud and apply the default settings and make any changes necessary to your situation. - Switch to the Advanced VIew and append the following to the Extra Parameters Field. --sysctl=net.core.somaxconn=511 Edit: Seems there were also a few other system settings that needed to be set to fix the Redis performance issues that can't be set this way. I'm issuing an update of the docker that will handle the settings internally, but the docker has to be run 'Privileged' in order for them to take effect. When an update shows up, edit your template and remove the '--sysctl=net.core.somaxconn=511' from the 'Extra Parameters' and turn on the 'Privilege' setting.
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