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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. That's a connection refused message. That will occur if you try to access ownCloud with http:// which is what the nginx log showed earlier. If you look at the address bar you should see a lock or https:// indicating secure access. ownCloud refuses a http:// connection. It has to be https://. What shows when you click on the "DETAILS" button? Try another browser or computer. I suspect a browser issue.
  2. Yes. Deleting the appdata folder removes everything. Show me a screen shot where you see the error.
  3. Start over. Remove the docker image and any orphans. Delete the appdata/owncloud folder. Use CA to find the docker and apply the default template. Don’t make any changes.
  4. Show Unraid port assignments in the Docker allocations to prevent Docker ports being assigned to Unraid ports. Server type Dockers tend to want to use ports 80, 443, 8080, and 8443 that are potentially being used by Unraid. This causes Dockers to fail because of improper port assignments. An alternative approach would be to not allow any ports to be assigned to those potentially used by Unraid. i.e. reserve those ports (80, 443, 8080, and 8443) to be used for Unraid exclusively. Those users not astute at networking can cause themselves problems and extra support for Docker authors when they don't map ports correctly.
  5. What is an orphan image? Please show a screen shot.
  6. Log message seems to have a line feed causing a blank line in the syslog: Dec 6 05:15:38 MediaServer kernel: mdcmd (167): set md_write_method 0 Dec 6 05:15:38 MediaServer kernel: Not a big issue, but adds empty lines to the log. Also change the message to 'set turbo write enable/disable' rather than 'set md_write_method 0/1'?
  7. No you haven't. Get back to the 'Basic' mode and set the 'Network Type' to 'Custom: br0'. Set the 'Fixed IP address' field to your desired IP address. Be sure the IP address does not conflict with other static IP addresses on your network The WebUI port has to be 443. Http:// access is denied. You can only use https://. Example: If you don't know how to do this simple networking, then you should reconsider using ownCloud, especially if you want to access it outside your network. The ownCloud Docker itself is pretty secure, but you have to be careful mapping external ports to the internal network.
  8. You probably need to set a static ip.
  9. Unmount it at the end of your script. EDIT: The first post shows how to do this in the example script.
  10. How are you using the USB drive? Plug it in, do some action, then remove it?
  11. Left click the docker icon and then click the WebUI and see if you can get to ownCloud.
  12. Looks like your log message might have a line feed causing a blank line in the syslog: Dec 6 05:15:38 MediaServer kernel: mdcmd (167): set md_write_method 0 Dec 6 05:15:38 MediaServer kernel: Not a big issue, but adds to the log. Could you also change the message to 'set turbo write enable/disable' rather than 'set md_write_method 0/1'?
  13. Are you using the default template settings for networking? Use the default Docker template settings and then make changes after you have it running. Left click on the Docker icon and then choose WebUI to access ownCloud. It looks like you are accessing ownCloud with http://. You have to use https://.
  14. Look at the ownCloud log - appdata/ownCloud/log/nginx and see if there is any indication there of what is going on.
  15. You're Docker image is set to 125GB. That's way too much! You are actually using only 8.2GB. Delete the Docker image and create a new one of a more appropriate size and then re-add your Dockers. I would suggest 10 to 12 GB depending on if you are going to be adding more Dockers.
  16. Is LMS or any part of your server exposed to the internet?
  17. That seems to be excessive. Mine is 144,200k and I have about 5,400 tracks. That's why I suggested starting over. There is something about your media that is consuming a lot of memory.
  18. I have also been using this Docker for a long time. No problems at all like this. If it were me, I would remove the Docker, delete the appdata/LogitechMediaServer folder and start over. Once it was acting normally, I would add your media and keep an eye on it. EDIT: Be sure to use the template defaults.
  19. Look at the server and scan log for anything that could help. Rescan media.
  20. You are using a lot of the Docker image. I would check the Docker image and then force update the LMS Docker.
  21. Yes, that's normal. It's the way Zoneminder works. One folder is symlinks to the events.
  22. Why do you want to record videos with mocord? That will take a lot of storage. I don't use mocord and cant' offer an answer to your question. The Zoneminder forum might be your best bet.
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