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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Let me know if you have any issues with the updated UD. I cannot test the AD sharing capability. Based on your signature, you really should upgrade to Unraid 6.6.5
  2. I just added some notes to the first post on how to use a custom script when the Docker is started. This would solve your problem and your change would persist when the Docker is updated or re-installed.
  3. The Active Directory setting is not being considered by UD as SMB being enabled. I'll issue an update later that should enable sharing with Active Directory sharing and you can see if it works.
  4. Windows 10 has some issues with browsing SMB shares because of security concerns wirh SMB v1. See here:
  5. There should be an entry in the smb-extras.conf file for the share. I don't see that. It appears you may using active directory for SMB shares. Why are you doing that? I'm not sure how UD shares work on active directory.
  6. I have updated UD to provide more events for the device script. These additional events give more information on the status of the device when mounting/unmounting. The 'REMOVE' event was just before the unmount command was executed. If the unmount failed, there was no indication that it failed. There is now an 'UNMOUNT' event before the umnount command and the 'REMOVE' event is now after a successful unmount. I have also changed the default script so notifications can be sent when the events occur. Refer to the first post for more details.
  7. Please follow my instructions and try to mount and unmount the disk and then post diagnostics. I'm expecting issues when you try to mount/unmount the disk.
  8. Now try this one. The disk should show as not mounted. If it does, try to mount the disk and see if it will mount and unmount. Post diagnostics again. lib.zip
  9. Go to the terminal in Unraid, unzip and copy the attached file to /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/ then navigate to the UD webpage and refresh the page. Then post the diagnostics. lib.zip
  10. Show me a screen shot of the UD devices and post the /flash/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/unassigned.devices.cfg file.
  11. The sdc disk is one of your cache disks, but the cache disk is not that disk. It appears it is an old assignment in UD that is not for the correct disk. I.e you had a disk in UD that was moved to a cache disk? Or preclear is confusing UD. Do this: - Remove the preclear plugin in and see if that disk is removed from UD. - Then, reboot the server and see if it clears up. - Delete the /flash/config/plugins/unassined.devices/unassigned.devices.cfg file. You'll have to re-do any UD settings. Reboot the server.
  12. I guess I'm confused as to the usefulness of the optional metric on the gateway settings.
  13. Force an update to the docker and at the bottom you'll see the command to start zoneminder. You'll see the timezone being sent to the docker. Then display the docker log and early on in the starting process you'll see the time zone set in zoneminder.
  14. That log entry is so we can tell why the ping of the remote server did not work. If your remote is mounted, it shouldn't show. I'll take a look.
  15. The timezone is set when the Docker is started and uses the Unraid time zone.
  16. We were all at the same place at the same time.
  17. Uninstall and re-install. The repositories are different between Alex R. Berg and bonienl and the bonienl version will not be detected.
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