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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Be sure to set "Remove Aged Files on Schedule?" to 'Yes' to be sure the recycle bin does not grow too large. EDIT: A large recycle bin does not really have much value because it takes so long to find things.
  2. @warham Can you update to the latest version (today) and then go to the recycle bin shares tab? Let me know if there are any '?' on any share sizes. A '?' is shown if it takes too long to get the recycle bin size. My suspicion is that the delay is being caused by one or more shares having a very large number of files. Probably from a downloader or torrent. I want to get to the bottom of this because a large number of files going to the recycle bin is thrashing the recycle bin and the array. The solution is to exclude the share or certain file types. Having a large number of files in the recycle bin is difficult to navigate and unwieldy.
  3. There is a new version available that allows browsing individual shares from the 'Shares' tab. I've also done some more work on time outs when determining the recycle bin sizes takes too long.
  4. I've updated the plugin to time out if it takes too long to calculate the recycle bin size so it doesn't hang so long.
  5. The problem is that there are two IP addresses assigned to the DROBOSERVER. UD gets them both from the nmblookup and concatenates them together and a double IP address is created - "". This won't work when that is ping'd. Not sure of the answer, but I will probably apply a fix so the first IP address is used and the second one ignored. This might not work for you. The solution is for you to reference the DROBOSERVER by IP and not name unless my proposed solution works for you.
  6. The networking setup and port mapping for a Docker can be difficult. Glad you got it working. I recommended that you use https:// was for security. I really should remove the port 80 http:// access, but I don't want to cause anyone issues that is already using http:// access.
  7. Give me the result of these commands: /bin/ping -c 1 -W 1 DROBOSERVER and /usr/bin/nmblookup DROBOSERVER and post the results. Let me know if the commands take a long time to respond.
  8. @fibreiv copy the attached file into the /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/ directory and then navigate to the UD web page and refresh the screen. Post your diagnostics. lib.zip
  9. First off let me explain some things to you about the people that volunteer here on the forum. I like many others here have developed and support add on plugins and Dockers to the Unraid OS. We are NOT paid by LT. We do ask for contributions to help offset our time and efforts. That being said, I do appreciate that you are frustrated because your SMB mounts aren't working and I cannot provide instant gratification to solve your problem. In the future, try not to develop an attitude with any of us. You will not inspire anyone to help you that way. In fact you kind of pissed me off. Try to be patient and provide the information asked for so we can determine a solution. This is not a full time job for any of the volunteers and we have other commitments. Now, let's go back to your original post and start there. The basic problem is that UD does not see the server as being on-line. Did this SMB share mount properly on an earlier version of Unraid and now with 6.6.5 it doesn't? The lookup of the server and its shares is done through the master browser. That lookup was successful in your case. After that UD checks that the server is on-line and displays that status on the SMB icon and grays out the 'Mount' button if the server is not on-line. There is no reason to attempt a mount if the server is off-line - the mount would just fail. UD checks the server status using ping. I know you have been successful in pinging the server and manually mounting the share, but UDs logic is missing the server as being on-line. I'm preparing one file with some additional logging so I can try to figure out where UD is missing the server status as being on-line. Once I get it ready, I'll ask you to install it and run some tests then post the diagnostics. I can't reproduce the problem so I'll have to depend on you to collect some data for me.
  10. You probably have a large .Recycle.Bin and it is taking a long time to determine the Recycle Bin size. This may also have to spin up disks which can cause a delay. Do you have the cache dirs plugin installed?
  11. When a file is deleted from a SMB share, they are moved to the .Recycle.Bin and logged by the vfs_recycle module of SMB. Deleting files from the .Recycle.Bin itself does not log a deleted file. I don't understand why your file is not logging as deleted. I'll review your post again to see if I can see something about your particular file causing a problem.
  12. Correct. I did that on purpose. I don't think there is any value in logging deleted files from the .Recycle.Bin directory.
  13. The log.smbd is managed by the vfs_recycle module of samba. I do not have any control over the log except to enable it and let vfs_recycle manage the entries. I can check the settings for enabling the log, but I'm pretty sure it is right. I have no explanation for the file deletion not getting logged. What version of Unraid are you using?
  14. You are being rude. You are throwing a lot at me that has been confusing and now getting an attitude. I'm sorry if I can't follow everything. You are one of many people asking for help on UD and other plugins and dockers I support. I do the best I can. I can't reproduce your problem and can't see anything in the code that is causing a problem for you.
  15. Your diagnostics showed an attempt to mount the shares on Unraid startup. There may be an issue with that. There are times when things aren't ready to mount that early in the boot process. For example your VM might not be running. Try mounting the share using the 'Mount' button after the array has started.
  16. Give me some examples. I am doing some filtering because the UD log would get unwieldy.
  17. I don't see anything wrong with that. Run this command and see if the log has any entries: cat /var/log/samba/log.smbd
  18. Check the Settings->SMB->SMB Extras. You should see this: #vfs_recycle_start #Recycle bin configuration [global] syslog only = No log level = 0 vfs:0 #vfs_recycle_end This sets the logging of the recycle bin. See if there are any other global entries dealing with logging.
  19. UD thinks the server is off-line because it does not respond to a ping from UD. UD uses this command to ping: /bin/ping -c 1 -W 1 ip_address Try the command and see what the response is from your server.
  20. That is correct. Check your port forwarding.
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