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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. The only ports I would open are 8443 (8443 external mapped to internal 443 when you have a static IP) and 9000. Access ZM using https:// through port 8443 external, and the 9000 port is for the events notification. Be sure to enable the event notifications (OPT_USE_EVENTNOTIFICATION) in the options.
  2. Post your diagnostics. SMB and NFS share mounting works fine. There is something unique about your setup that is causing a problem. I suspect a networking issue. That's why I suggested a static IP. You would probably need a static IP address if the VM is a server anyway.
  3. That makes me suspicious about your network and ip addressing. Why are you setting up a Windows server vm on unraid. What does that accomplish?
  4. Posting log snippets has no value. Post your diagnostics. Check that you have the destructive mode enabled in the UD settings. That might be the issue with the gray format button.
  5. Your posts are confusing. The first one shows referring to the server by ip and it was a Windows server. Now it’s by name and not a Windows server.
  6. Is that IP address correct. Is Unraid on the same sub-net 192.168.86.x? The Windows server must respond to a ping so UD knows it’s alive.
  7. How would you feel about me providing a link to your script in the first post of this thread?
  8. I believe this is addressed in the next release of Zoneminder. I saw on GitHub where this was addressed. Seems to be related to running in a Docker
  9. New category needed? ‘Major’ - possible data loss.
  10. What he said. I’m just going to roll back and wait for the dust to settle.
  11. Zoneminder was changed a lot in the latest version. It's possible they made changes that changed the shared memory usage. The docker itself has nothing to do with the shared memory, except for specifying the amount of main memory to use for shared memory. In your case you are using a lot more memory from Unraid than is necessary, possibly causing Unraid to run out of memory at times.
  12. No. There are times when the status of the server is checked and the share not mounted.
  13. Here is your issue: Nov 6 19:44:12 alael-net2 unassigned.devices: Mounting 'Auto Mount' Devices... Nov 6 19:44:14 alael-net2 unassigned.devices: Error: Remote SMB/NFS server '' is offline and share '//' cannot be mounted. Nov 6 19:44:14 alael-net2 unassigned.devices: Error: Remote SMB/NFS server '' is offline and share '//' cannot be mounted. UD checks the remote server by pinging it. Be sure the server is online and will respond to a ping.
  14. Showing more of the same log messages has no value. If you expect to receive some help, you will post your diagnostics as requested.
  15. Check your shared memory. "/dev/shm" on the Zoneminder GUI. Try to keep it 50-70%. If it's too small, you are using too much main memory and starving Unraid. If it's too large you risk running out of memory for Zoneminder. You might want to check your camera settings, especially the buffers.
  16. Set the Settings->Unassigned Devices->SMB Security to 'Yes (Hidden)' and the Unraid shares will be hidden and not browseable.
  17. It is possible to mount, but I believe the '$' character caused some issues in the share name with UD, so It is not allowed by UD. I don't intend to make any changes to accommodate the '$' character. Rename the share.
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