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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Your port mappings need to look like this: These are the defaults. Be sure there are no other dockers trying to use these ports. If this is still not working, post your diagnostics.
  2. Unraid 6.6.3, FCP 2018.10.19 get a php error:
  3. Set Zoneminder network type to 'Bridge', not 'Host'.
  4. That is all correct. Clicking on the WebUI should take you to IP:8080/zm/ Click the 'Show docker allocations...' and confirm no other dockers use port 8080.
  5. Don't show advanced mode and show port mappings.
  6. The default port is 8080. Take a screen shot of the ip and port settings when installing the ZoneMinder docker. Post it so I can see what you are setting.
  7. Take a look at this: https://forums.zoneminder.com/viewtopic.php?t=25874 It seems 1.32 has an issue with your cameras. The fellow that hosts the package ppa that I get the Zoneminder software from is apparently working with those particular cameras to find and fix the issue.
  8. Why do you have the dynamix.s3.sleep plugin installed on a server running Zoneminder that needs to continually run? Remove networkstats.plg and NerdPack.plg. These may be impacting your Zoneminder. In Tips and Tweaks: Disable NIC flow control and NIC offload. Set 'CPU Scaling Governor' to 'Performance' and 'Intel Turbo Boost' to 'Yes'. Set Disk Cache 'vm.dirty_background_ratio' (%) to 5. Set Disk Cache 'vm.dirty_ratio' (%) to 10.
  9. It might not be called snapshot in your camera. Did you find anything about variable bit rate, rather than constant bit rate? What does your bit rate show on the 'Console' of Zoneminder? It shows at the bottom of the 'Function' column.
  10. I changed the unmount when the server is shut down to specify the cifs file system when the server is shut down that may help with this situation. The next time it happens, post the diagnostics captured from the shutdown so I can see more of what is happening. The shutdown diagnostics can be found on your flash drive in the /logs folder.
  11. UD started out as a way to mount USB drives to copy data to/from the server. If has morphed into mounting hard drives for VMs and Dockers and remote SMB/NFS shares. What you are asking for is taking UD to a feature set that is beyond the scope of where I care to take it. You are asking for what I feel is a one off feature that I don't have time or interest in implementing or supporting. You can mount the device manually and add to the SMB Extras to share it with samba to accomplish what you want. Post in general support if you need help with doing this.
  12. The '&' character is not a valid character in the mount point name. I updated UD and the '&' character will not be allowed in the mount point name.
  13. This docker doesn't run any version other than 1.32. It would be best to go ahead and sort out your camera issues. Start by checking your Zoneminder log for any issues related to the cameras. I would suggest disabling all your cameras except for one and get it set up to work properly, then add the second and so forth. I run two cameras at 15 fps each and do not have any tearing of the video at all. Some suggestions for your camera setup. - Start with a low fps set in the camera - I think you said 2 fps is set right now. - Look for something in the camera called 'Snapshot' and set to a 1 second interval. This setting is how often the camera sends a full capture so Zoneminder can synchronize the video. This helps prevent tearing of the video. - See if the camera supports a variable bit rate. This will cut down on the data to the camera. - Set the video quality to a low value. Don't set the video quality to the highest value. - Set the color in Zoneminder to 8 bit. Get the cameras working without tearing and then try to make adjustments in frame rate, quality, color , etc. Also post your diagnostics from your Unraid server. Maybe I can see something that could help.
  14. You need to keep the NAS running or unmount the remote SMB when the NAS is shut down. I'm not sure there is anything UD can do.
  15. Have you looked at any possible networking issues?
  16. Just thought of something. Several days ago, when Zoneminder was updating after a docker restart or an initial install, the Ubuntu php repository was passing php 7.3RC to the docker as the latest php version. Zoneminder is not compatible with php 7.2 or higher. This might be an issue for you. The thing to do is remove the docker and the re-install it. This would clear up any improper php 7.3RC update. I have also been doing some changes to the docker creation file and there have been some mistakes along the way. It should be all cleared up now.
  17. Ok. I don't see a problem with the frame rate. Are you using the right method for your camera? i.e. TCP. There are new features on the cameras. I would check the camera settings in Zoneminder and be sure none of the new settings affect your cameras. You might want to delete one of the cameras and set it up again from scratch using the new camera setting defaults.
  18. Did you set an ip address for Zoneminder or is that the Unraid server address? Please remove the docker and the xml file and install zoneminder with all the defaults in the xml. Don't make any changes until you get Zoneminder going. The default port is 8080.
  19. Left click on the Zoneminder docker icon and choose "WebUI" and you'll get to the UI.
  20. No. Once the databases are updated, you can't go back. What frame rate is set on your cameras?
  21. Take the SHMEM% to 25. Zoneminder does not need that much shared memory. What version of Unraid are you on? 6.6 has a CPU pinning page so you can do it through the gui.
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