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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. On the zoneminder console, you should try to keep /dev/shm under 70%. I would run /dev/shm around 40 to 50% (This is the /dev/shm on the zoneminder console, not the SHMEM% setting in the docker xml). You might be taking too much memory for zoneminder and not leaving enough for Unraid. Try to cut it down. This looks like a processor loading problem. You may need to pin some CPUs to the zoneminder docker.
  2. Nothing in the docker should be causing this issue and I don't know of any issues with the latest version. You might want to confirm your camera resolution is set correctly.
  3. I need more information than that to help you. New install or upgrade?
  4. Looks like a corrupted file system. Click on '+' on the UD page, then click on the four squares icon. That will do a disk file system check.
  5. Try one more thing for me. Click on the device on the UD page and be sure the attributes for the disk are shown. The issue was with the device that UD was trying to use to get the smart information for the disk. The device is 'nvme0', but UD was using 'nvme0n1' as the device and that failed. I think there might also be an issue with the device name when clicking the smart attributes because the device is displayed as 'nvme0n1' on the UD web page.
  6. I used your smart device file and fed it into UD as the smart report for the disk I have installed and UD showed '62 C', which is correct. I have no idea why it is not working in your system.
  7. php 7.2 is fully supported in ownCloud 10.0.10. Right now the Docker is using php 7.1. Because of php 7.2 features, I may have to implement php 7.2 in the docker for later versions of ownCloud, The issue with this is that ownCloud versions below 10.0.10 may not operate any longer with php 7.2. You should be sure you have upgraded to 10.0.10 to be ready for the time when php 7.2 will be required.
  8. Post the smart file from the above test as an attachment and not as copied test into the post.
  9. This has been covered many, many times. You had a browser session opened when you rebooted the server. Close all open browser sessions.
  10. I updated UD, and made a small change related to the temperature, but I don't think it will solve anything. I don't see a problem. Give it a try anyway and let me know if it makes a difference.
  11. Do the following at the command the line and then post the output file. smartctl -A /dev/device > /boot/smart Be sure to use capital A.
  12. It's not /media/usr/... It's /usr/... Copy the lib.php file to your flash drive. Get to a command shell (Terminal at top of Unraid page) and the execute this command: cp /boot/lib.php /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/
  13. No, but it is: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/ You missed the leading '/' and I forgot the trailing '/'.
  14. Just navigate to the UD (unassigned devices) page so it will check the drive temperature. You will see the temperature for the drive logged to the syslog. Then post diagnostics.
  15. I don't have a drive to try to simulate your issue. Install the attached file to: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include This will log the temperature that is found on the drive. Once you install the file, navigate to UD and then post your diagnostics. lib.zip
  16. Thank you. Glad to hear that you upgraded without issues.
  17. A new docker is available with Zoneminder 1.32. The major changes are: Update Zoneminder to version 1.32.1. Update php to 7.1. Update zmeventmonitor to 2.0. There are some notes on the 1.32 update in the first post that you should read about adjustments you need to make for 1.32. If you have a lot of events, the update might take a while. Be sure you have a backup. The update on my existing Zoneminder docker went without a hitch.
  18. Zoneminder has to be the most difficult software implementation I have ever worked on. The repository for 1.30 has moved, and the package has been modified so I've had to rework the docker so I could make a few changes. Changes have been made to the apache configuration. The package maintainers need to stabilize the packages and not make changes to stable versions. I should be able to update the docker and not have to make changes to accommodate changes to the package implementation. I've been struggling with the event notifications. I believe there are some issues with the Google FCM server right now. Event notification works, then doesn't while I'm trying to work on the docker. I'll give it a few days and then see if I can successfully update to zmeventnotifications to 1.6. It was working and then stopped. This was my bad. I forwarded port 9000 on my router to the wrong place. I've started the 1.32 implementation, and as I suspected, it will take me a while to work through the issues. I have it working and can see images live from my cameras, but I can't record events. I'll work on it as I get time. EDIT: I think I have 1.32 working now. I will do some live testing over the next few days.
  19. There is an update to the Zoneminder Docker. This is still version 1.30.4. I will be working on 1.32 soon. The update included: zmeventnotification updated to v1.6. The zmeventnotification.ini appears to be updated on each release. The zmeventnotification.ini file will be copied to the /config/ directory on every update of the docker. If you make any changes to the zmeventnotification.ini file, you'll need to make those changes after a docker update. Changes to Apache server for better security. If you have a problem with the Zoneminder webpage, clear your browser cache as the old settings will prevent the web page from showing up. You may get a php file display instead of the Zoneminder webpage.
  20. It's a known issue. @bonienl knows about it.
  21. Post diagnostics from trying to mount the SMB share. The issue is your server that UD thinks is offline. UD pings the server to be sure it is online. I don't know what server you are using, but be sure the server is set to respond to a ping.
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