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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. You have the recycle bin enabled on appdata, system, nextcloud, and temp shares. You should exclude those. Especially appdata and system. I suspect there is so much samba activity on those shares the recycle bin can't keep up. Try to limit the recycle bin to shares where you really need its capabilities.
  2. Correct, zero byte files are not moved to the recycle bin when deleted.
  3. I'm not sure I follow what you are up to, but I don't intend to waste my time with this script. What does this prove or disprove? When you say the recycle bin is not working, what is not working? If you are not getting any files to show up in the recycle bin, then there is a more basic issue. Please post the following files. You may want to PM these to me because they will have share information in them. /boot/config/plugins/recycle.bin/recycle.bin.cfg /boot/config/smb-extra.conf /etc/samba/smb-shares.conf
  4. cache.dirs is not starting when the array is started. i.e. on reboot.
  5. Give me some examples of the file extensions that are not showing up in the recycle bin when deleted.
  6. Some files will not be added to the recycle bin with certain file extensions or zero length files. Give me some examples of files/file extensions that don't show up in the deleted files. Please realize that when the recycle bin is started, it is up to Unraid to restart the samba service to enable the recycle bin. It can take several minutes for that to happen. Until samba is restarted to enable the recycle bins on the shares, deleting files will not show up in the recycle bin.
  7. Please post the following files. You may want to PM these to me because they will have share information in them. /boot/config/plugins/recycle.bin/recycle.bin.cfg /boot/config/smb-extra.conf /etc/samba/smb-shares.conf
  8. I realize that Zoneminder 1.32.0 has been released and I will eventually update the Docker for this new release. Please don't try to lobby me to update the Docker right away. I won't update it for a while for the following reasons: I need an official package available in the repository I am using to install Zoneminder. I don't intend to build it from source. I want version 1.32.0 to be stable and will give it time for all the issues to be worked out. I will need to build a Docker and test the latest version. Zoneminder has been a real challenge to update in place in a Docker and I have to work through that. There are some changes in the configuration in the latest version and I have to understand how all that works. I don't want anyone's Docker to fail after updating. I need to find the time to do this work. This is done in my spare time. Apparently no one feels this Docker is valuable enough to contribute towards my efforts, so I will work on it when I get to it. I don't expect to have the Docker updated for several months.
  9. I'm not sure what value this post has. Are you just whining, or would you genuinely like some help? If you want some help, look at the deleted files log to see if the files show up there, and post your diagnostics.
  10. Working fine for me. Look at the deleted files log and see if they show up there. I can offer assistance if you post your diagnostics.
  11. I run both my servers with php warnings on so I can look for these warnings in my plugins. Never thought I'd catch one from @bonienl. Like you said, not an error, but a php warning that doesn't affect operation. Just looks messy. Shouldn't the CPU pinnings be applied to the 'unRAID OS' and 'unRAID OS GUI Mode' entries in the syslinux?
  12. I see the following errors in the CPU Pinning: backupserver-diagnostics-20180908-1448.zip
  13. It really is time for @limetech to incorporate the UD functionality. I do not have the time nor the interest in updating UD for the new GUI.
  14. Do you have NFS support enabled in Settings->Unassigned Devices? Post diagnostics.
  15. Minor issue with Help on Docker settings:
  16. Looks like you've already assigned port 8080 to another Docker. time="2018-08-26T08:38:47.972990546-04:00" level=error msg="Handler for POST /containers/7a70384e6a06/start returned error: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint Zoneminder (24487fc46c84941c42341d099e0881241a3f454247236887121ec6575eeb1a3a): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use" I would assign Zoneminder its own IP address.
  17. Looks to be a network issue. Post your complete diagnostics.
  18. Remove preclear temporally to troubleshoot the shut down problem. Then re-install it. Yes. Diagnostics.
  19. Remove the preclear plugin. It is flooding the log with php warnings and makes it hard to find anything of importance. It would be better to post the /boot/logs/ log file and diagnostics after doing a gui shutdown. This will give information on what is happening when the array is being shutdown.
  20. Does the system log indicate anything about the error?
  21. I have an update ready to fix this. Wait for it to build and then update.
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