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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Instead of just complaining about it, how about posting some diagnostics so we might be able to help figure out what is going on.
  2. ownCloud has always worked fine for me. If Nextcloud works better for you, then go for it.
  3. After updating what? ownCloud, the Docker, or unRAID?
  4. What is this in your 'go' file? # # Modify cron daily to 00:01 and add cron for disk1/parity spinup @ every saturday 7:01 /usr/bin/python /boot/custom/modify_cron.py # # Start kuro automode daemon /usr/bin/python /boot/custom/kuroautomode.py start Is this an issue with spin up? Is the cron time set wrong?
  5. Try installing the Dynamix Cache Dirs plugin and see if it doesn't help. Directory access can spin up disks.
  6. This plugin logs disk activity by setting up inotify watches. It should not spin up disks. Your disks will spin down as they normally do. If you need further help, post diagnostics.
  7. File activity is logged in this plugin, but there is directory activity that may spin up a disk and not be noted by this plugin. If the all directory activity was logged, There would be a huge amount of activity logged that would be impossible to go through and make any sense out of it. As mentioned many times in the forums, post your diagnostics.
  8. I will wait until the version is stable.
  9. Is your Docker and appdata on an SSD cache or SSD UD drive, or on the array?
  10. I've not seen this issue. Did you install this Docker over an older version appdata? I would remove the Docker and the appdata and start over.
  11. The best way to get an answer to this issue is to post on the Zoneminder forum.
  12. Fixed in the next release. This same issue also showed up on samba and iso shares.
  13. I might be able to provide some assistance if you posted diagnostics. As I've said many times, a log snippet is fairly useless.
  14. It's possible that the spaces are causing an issue. I thought the naming of mount points did not allow spaces. For the moment, don't use spaces in the mount point name. When I get some time I can look into it further.
  15. It would have helped if you would have shown the log entry on your first post. I just guessed that you might have had more than one script file and ran a quick test.
  16. I just found that it is because you have multiple files and I don't handle that correctly. I'm working on a fix right now.
  17. Did you restart the Docker after placing them there?
  18. Go to a command line: docker exec -it Zoneminder bash
  19. I don't know where the app gets it's information. It is probably the Docker ID.
  20. Typo. Directory is '/appdata/Zoneminder/control/'. It is created by the Docker when it is first run. Go into the Docker and verify the scripts are at '/usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/Control/' .
  21. Works fine for me. You are clicking on the settings on the bottom of the LMS page?
  22. Try a different browser. What client is this?
  23. I have just upgraded the Docker to version 1.0 of the zmNinja Event Notification Server. There is now a configuration file to set the event server parameters. The file is appdata/Zoneminder/zmeventnotification.ini. Make your changes and then restart the Docker for the changes to take effect.
  24. You might have a memory issue. Try setting the shared memory lower.
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