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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. There is an app in the ownCloud Market that will do what you want. Log into ownCloud and then click on the icon in the upper left that says "Files". Click on the Market icon and then choose the Security category. You'll find the "Security" app that will limit brute force login attempts.
  2. Unzip and copy the attached file to /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/. Then go to the main page so the UD script will run. Refresh the page to be sure. Then post the diagnostics. Once that is done, you will probably want to uninstall UD and re-install to restore the original lib.php file so the log doesn't get out of hand. lib.zip
  3. Maybe not so simple. I did some testing and can't reproduce the problem. I will post a file to replace in the UD plugin that will do more extensive logging so I can see why UD is having a problem with your unassigned disks.
  4. I see the problem. UD thinks you have 12 disks assigned to the array because you have set the number of slots to 12. Don't leave any array slots as 'unassigned'. Set the number of array slots to the number of disks actually in the array. UD thinks all your disks are in the array and won't show them as unassigned devices.
  5. I don't see anything wrong. Uninstall the preclear plugin and reboot. There is a possibility it is interfering with UD. You need to reboot because the preclear plugin does not remove everything it should and leaves things behind.
  6. Yes he will. He's very responsive and would probably appreciate the pr. Do a pull request and you'll see how the help is done. Its pretty easy. The plugin currently does not set up the script for adaptive scan. I've asked bonienl to add that as an option.
  7. @Alex R. Berg you are all set on my github. I can do some testing for you and I'll release the updated script when it's ready.
  8. I can add an unzipped script to my github and you can do pr's to make changes and I'll release it as the zipped version for the plugin.
  9. Install User Scripts and set up a script to run on array start: sleep 60 usr/local/sbin/rc.unassigned mount auto This will mount any UD automount devices that haven't already been mounted. Any devices already mounted, will not be affected.
  10. Here https://github.com/dlandon/cache_dirs, but it's zipped.
  11. I don't understand what you want to do by "restarting" UD. There is nothing to restart. You can refresh the devices by clicking on the refresh icon in the upper right side of the UI.
  12. Looks to be an installation problem. Remove the docker and reinstall it. You may have to remove the appdata/Zoneminder folder.
  13. Those instructions look right. What errors are you getting? You need to address your owncloud with https://your domain, even on the local network.
  14. Install the Tips and Tweaks plugin and disable NIC offload and see if that helps.
  15. Thank you. Making another adjustment in the ownership checks and adjustments.
  16. Comment out the chown in 40_firstrun.sh and then post the ownership set on the directories. Show /var/cache/zoneminder and the event, images, and temp directories. I don't understand how the ownership is changing. I suspect I shouldn't be checking just the /var/cache/zoneminder directory. I don't see that on my system.
  17. Didn't used to work that way. Did something change?
  18. When I work on my Dockers, I use a custom baseimage I have created with some modifications for my specific purposes. That baseimage is downloaded when I build a Docker, but I can no longer remove that baseimage. It used to show in the Docker GUI as an orphaned container that I could remove. I can no longer do that. Docker ps results: REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE dlandon/baseimage latest 7c2dcf56b0c0 33 minutes ago 255MB
  19. I'll make a change to set permissions when the folders are created.
  20. Don't know, but the 40_firstrun.sh script should detect the incorrect permissions and change them to the correct values. It does log that it is doing that. Do the permissions get reset each time the Docker is started? Or when unRAID is restarted?
  21. The automount cannot be delayed. People use UD devices for Dockers and VMs and they need the UD device to be ready. I'm not an expert on the startup sequence of unRAID and the network, so I can't help there.
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