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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. 6.5.0 in the latest situation of false positive.
  2. I've reopened this as I have another server that is running 6.5.0 and I got an update notice: This is the OS setting:
  3. I'm considering this a one time fluke.
  4. I'm considering this a one time fluke.
  5. I've never er seen this before this release. Very strange.
  6. I am getting an update notice for the version I am currently running on my backup server: I also got this notice yesterday on my main server. backupserver-diagnostics-20180327-0756.zip
  7. From first post: The 420 seconds is the maximum time to allow unRAID to cleanly shutdown before forcing a shutdown. If the clean shutdown occurs in 60 seconds, then the system will shutdown in 60 seconds.
  8. Php error in latest FCP - 2018-03-25:
  9. How is this disk partitioned? It looks like UD cannot handle removing the partition. What is the file system? Can you show a screen shot of UD so I can see what it thinks is the file format? You will probably have to take this to another computer and use a partitioning tool to remove the partition.
  10. It looks like you might have an intermittent network issue. Check your unRAID network settings and the log.
  11. The only thing I can suggest is to remove the docker and then re-install it. If that doesn't work, then post your diagnostics. I would like to see your unRAID network setup and the complete logs rather than short snippets.
  12. You'll have to give me more information on why you can't access the GUI. How are you trying to access the GUI? You can left click on the Docker icon and the click the WebUI to get to the GUI. Did you change the Network or port settings? You should use the default port settings.
  13. Can I assume you found this information helpful?
  14. Glad it worked out. The end result you see is how it is supposed to work. It is probably related to the nvme drive. They are recognized by Linux differently and have been a challenge for me in UD as I don't have one to do any testing.
  15. UD does not think it is an encrypted disk. Show me a screen shot of the drive in UD. I'd like to see what file system UD is picking up. I believe you said earlier it was a nvme disk.
  16. Show me the output from the following command: cat /etc/unraid-version This is happening in the routine that shows the disk usage indicators. There are several possibilities for where is is happening. Do the following for me: - Switch to a white theme. The dark theme is too hard for me to read. - Click the + icon on the UD page to show the partitions. - Capture a screen shot for me to look at. I suspect you will see a usage display issue on the partition.
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