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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. I'll ask a moderator to sticky it.
  2. There are several things you need to check in your Unraid setup to help prevent the dreaded unclean shutdown. There are several timers that you need to adjust for your specific needs. There is a timer in the Settings->VM Manager->VM Shutdown time-out that needs to be set to a high enough value to allow your VMs time to completely shutdown. Switch to the Advanced View to see the timer. Windows 10 VMs will sometimes have an update that requires a shutdown to perform. These can take quite a while and the default setting of 60 seconds in the VM Manager is not long enough. If the VM Manager timer setting is exceeded on a shutdown, your VMs will be forced to shutdown. This is just like pulling the plug on a PC. I recommend setting this value to 300 seconds (5 minutes) in order to insure your Windows 10 VMs have time to completely shutdown. The other timer used for shutdowns is in the Settings->Disk Settings->Shutdown time-out. This is the overall shutdown timer and when this timer is exceeded, an unclean shutdown could occur. This timer has to be more than the VM shutdown timer. I recommend setting it to 420 seconds (7 minutes) to give the system time to completely shut down all VMs, Dockers, and plugins. These timer settings do not extend the normal overall shutdown time, they just allow Unraid the time needed to do a graceful shutdown and prevent the unclean shutdown. One of the most common reasons for an unclean shutdown is having a terminal session open. Unraid will not force them to shut down, but instead waits for them to be terminated while the shutdown timer is running. After the overall shutdown timer runs out, the server is forced to shutdown. If you have the Tips and Tweaks plugin installed, you can specify that any bash or ssh sessions be terminated so Unraid can be gracefully shutdown and won't hang waiting for them to terminate (which they won't without human intervention). If you server seems hung and nothing responds, try a quick press of the power button. This will initiate a shutdown that will attempt a graceful shutdown of the server. If you have to hold the power button to do a hard power off, you will get an unclean shutdown. If an unclean shutdown does occur because the overall "Shutdown time-out" was exceeded, Unraid will attempt to write diagnostics to the /log/ folder on the flash drive. When you ask for help with an unclean shutdown, post the /log/diagnostics.zip file. There is information in the log that shows why the unclean shutdown occurred.
  3. UD will unmount all devices when unRAID is shut down. You wouldn't have to unmount your device before you shut down unRAID. What probably happened is that the device you pulled and didn't unmount hung the shutdown. When unRAID is shutting down there is a timer that runs that will force a shutdown if things are hanging. When that happens, unRAID will attempt to write diagnostics to the /boot/log/ folder. See it the diagnostics were written there and post them and we can see more of what happened.
  4. No need to apologize. You haven't offended anyone. Many of those posting here have had to put up with a plugin that is barely functional at times and has caused too many support requests for a "nice to have feature" and not a "required" feature. We in general feel the script to do a preclear is fine, but the plugin has too many issues to be worthwhile and the developer has not been available to sort out the problems. Unfortunately, you are seeing a lot of frustration coming out that was not intended towards you, but at the situation.
  5. I happen to agree with this. If someone feels like they'll explode if they can't preclear a disk a gazillion times, the script works fine.
  6. If it were that simple, it would have already been done. The script still works and requires a little command line work, but from what I remember it's not that bad.
  7. Feel free to fork the preclear plugin yourself, make it work, and support it.
  8. There's your answer. Use it to prepare your disks for unRAID. You would not have to stop the array, insert the disk, start the array to run a preclear and then find out the disk is not suitable for the array and have to shut down the array again to remove it.
  9. Then if there are any issues with the reading of the drive, the disk notifications would let you know and you wouldn't have to look at the smart report.
  10. What he said. I won't touch the plugin.
  11. A message in the first post by LT officially stating it is un-necessary and can cause problems would go a long way.
  12. I like the idea of not pinning this thread and then mark the title as deprecated. As I said, it is causing more problems than it is worth. The kludges being offered are setting the stage for some problems.
  13. Agreed. It's best to not set an expectation for new users about a non-compatible plugin that will just frustrate them.
  14. Unfortunately this is probably a short term fix at best for several reasons: It is not a necessary to clear disks with preclear. unRAID handles clearing a disk without taking the array offline as in the past. This plugin has been tagged as not compatible with 6.4 and later versions of unRAID. There are style sheets in the plugin that replace some of the built in unRAID style sheets and break other things. The 6.5 series of releases has warnings from php 7.2 turned off for the moment. Those of us actively supporting plugins are fixing these warnings in our plugins now. Eventually as the next versions of php are released, the warnings will be errors and preclear may fail unless the plugin code is actively supported. Changes may have to be made to address the php errors. Right now the warnings are an annoyance if turned on and appear in the webgui, later they will be failures. Some changes need to be made to address issues that some users have experienced and there is no one actively supporting the plugin to make these changes. I doubt any other plugin author will adopt this plugin because it is not necessary for unRAID operation. Those wishing to pound on a disk just to make yourself feel good can find other tools to do the same thing. It is my understanding that the preclear script is still working. It has been more trouble that it is worth. As the supporter of UD, I can no longer offer any assistance or support for the plugin and don't appreciate the kludge offered here because I will end up with support requests I don't have the time or patience to deal with. UD will eventually be incorporated into the unRAID core and any preclear hooks in UD will probably be removed. I know those of you that carry the preclear banner will not like what I have said here, but preclear is on it's way out. Find another way!
  15. Looks like a memory issue. I'd take this to the Zoneminder forum. The link is in the first post.
  16. Put it in another computer (Windows?) and use partition tools to manage the partition.
  17. On the bottom of the dialog click on the "Run with CORRECT Flag" to repair the disk.
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