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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. The recycle bin won't show deleted files unless they are deleted with SMB.
  2. Your logs are full of mover entries and I can't see anything else. Turn it off, then reboot to clear it out. Then re-mount your disk so I can see what UD logs. Don't know. I need to see what UD does when it tries to mount the share.
  3. Several things: - Turn off mover logging. Your logs are flooded and I can hardly see anything. - I saw an attempt to share the disk with NFS, but you said you were trying to share SMB. It looks like active directory may be the issue.
  4. The partition/format of the disk has nothing to do with SMB sharing. You need to have SMB enabled, and the UD settings for sharing set properly. The SMB1 setting applies to remote server SMB shares. Post your diagnostics.
  5. I have changed the Docker to set the zmNinja Event Notification Server to secure by default. A self signed certificate is generated and used for the Event Notification Server. You can now also access Zoneminder securely using https. The same self signed certificate is used for the https access. You can supply your own certificate and copy it to config/keys.
  6. Go back to the first post and read about the UD configuration and sharing with SMB.
  7. Yes, but you can partition a disk on another computer and UD will accept it and format the individual partitions. Disks will spin down.
  8. Of three servers, only one had the problem. I rebooted and all is well. Possibly some residue from the support and project page fix script I ran on this particular server?
  9. Old template already filled in with default values.
  10. It is updated. On my test server with no docker installed, I get the new template.
  11. I have my Zoneminder Docker installed and after I made a change to the template I'm trying to update the template with the default values, but CA is presenting the already installed template.
  12. I have updated the Zoneminder Docker to include the zmNinja Event Notification Server. Zoneminder can now push events to your iOS and Android devices. There is a description of the event notification server in the first post. EDIT: You will have to get the default template from CA and re-install Zoneminder to enable port 9000 for the event notification server.
  13. If your server is very busy and there are lots of files in the recycle bin it can take a long time for the page to display.
  14. I use Acronis True Image on my Windows laptop. It also works on a Mac. Using a bootable restore CD, you can do a bare metal restore.
  15. Another option is to mount the disk in UD and share it SMB, then access it with SMB on the Mac. I'm not a Mac user, so I can't tell you how to do that, but there are some on the forum that will probably know how.
  16. The SSD would work fine if it is large enough for your needs and setting the share to cache would move the files to the array each night. You will have to keep an eye on the parity during a backup though. Time machine may do writes on the array files when it does a backup so the parity would spin up again for each backup. This is why I suggested a cache only share.
  17. UD mounted disks cannot be shared with the AFP protocol. My suggestion would be to change the quiet drive to a cache drive and set up the time machine backup as a cache only share so the parity disk will not spin up. All your time machine backups will stay on the quieter cache disk.
  18. The best way to identify the disk is by changing the mount point to something meaningful to your situation.
  19. No. It appears you have multiple issues. I didn't see any reason for the preclear errors, but did notice you had some flash issues.
  20. VMs have nothing to do with this status. It's probably because you left the UD web page and then came back. You can probably accomplish the same thing by refreshing the page, or clicking the Rescan icon in the upper right corner of the UD web page.
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