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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. If there is no /dev/disk/by-id/ UD cannot find the disk information. I don't know what you are doing with the volume mappings, but do not do that.
  2. Post or pm the unassigned.devices.cfg file. Something is wrong with it. UD thinks there is a mount point on that disk.
  3. It looks like the /flash/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/unassigned.devices.cfg file has a problem. Check the file for references to the disk that is a problem. Remove all of them and let UD recreate the disk entry.
  4. The problem is that UD is not getting a disk identifier. That is why there is nothing next to the icon on the UD devices page. When the device is null, the result is very messy and is why you are getting all the php errors. I've updated UD so a device that does not give a disk identifier will not be added to the UD devices. This doesn't solve your problem, but all those errors and the false indication of a disk being mounted when it is not is extremely messy. Please update once again to 2018.01.08a and then look at the UD page. Your devices should not show in the UD page. Then show the result of: ls /dev/ EDIT: Also: ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/
  5. Update to the latest UD 2018.01.08 and then try to mount both UD disks. It should refuse to mount them because the disks appear as null devices. This will log some information about what UD sees as the disk serial numbers. Post the diagnostics so I can see the log from the mount attempts. I don't think the device where those disks are mounted is providing the information UD needs to properly mount the disks, or UD isn't handling the information properly.
  6. I'm no expert on how unRAID mounts devices, but this does not look right at all. Where did the /UNASSIGNED and /UNRAID come from?
  7. UD did not mount those drives, but thinks they are mounted. How did they get mounted? What is the output of the command: mount
  8. I haven't run 6.3.5 in a while, but there should be an update button in the upper right part of the plugins page. Click on that and it will check for updates. There seems to be a problem with your configuration file. Please post the the /flash/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/unassigned.devices.cfg file.
  9. Some time ago the rc.disknfo was added to the preclear plugin to share the disk information needed for preclear with UD to cut down on the disk accesses. It seems that when a disk was being precleared and UD tried to query the disk for the information it needed it caused preclear/UD to appear to hang. The incompatibilities you mention are from changes in UD that are not kept up with in the preclear plugin. I assume that @gfjardim does not have the time to keep up like I do. I added a setting in the UD settings so the rc.diskinfo would be disabled unless it was absolutely needed. Unfortunately what I see is that users are turning on the UD setting expecting it to fix preclear functional problems, which it doesn't. When the rc.diskinfo is turned on, the incompatibilities come out in the form of UD support issues. I have made changes in UD to cut down on the disk queries and I really don't think rc.diskinfo is necessary any longer. I have been pondering about this for quite a while and I will probably just remove the rc.diskinifo from UD completely. There is a plan to incorporate UD into unRAID and I don't see preclear as part of that integration. I think preclearing disks is highly overrated anyway and not really necessary. I know, all you preclear fans are going to tell me how it's so important and you've had a gazillion disks fail right out of the box, etc. I just put a disk in the array and let unRAID do its thing. If the disk is going to fail, unRAID will detect it and I then replace it and rebuild it. Anyway, I'm going to remove rc.diskinfo from UD because it has increased the UD support issues, is very confusing to users, and I don't see LT incorporating the preclear into unRAID at this time.
  10. It looks like it was removed. I would suggest that there is an issue with the /flash/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/unassigned.devices.cfg file. Edit it manually and see if there remains anything referring to the disk in question. If so then remove it. If you are uncomfortable with manually editing the file, you can PM it to me and I will correct it.
  11. Set Settings->Unassigned Devices "Enable preclear rc.diskinfo daemon?" to "No".
  12. Not really. Just a bit hard to find the spot with the mouse that allows the dragging.
  13. Working now, but very difficult to choose the place to drag.
  14. That doesn't seem to work for me. I can't drag them.
  15. Is there a way to expand the columns - FIlename, Filesize, etc? I can't drag them as I would expect.
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