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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. At what? That I have this bad habit of adopting orphans like the ownCloud tasks? I have a history of doing this - Recycle Bin, Open Files, UD, Enhanced Log, etc. I just hate seeing a lot of work go into software to just be left behind to die. I'm really just going to get it on the Marketplace and eventually bring it up to the Nextcloud tasks version 0.9.5. I don't intend to do a lot of development. I have to say, the security behind ownCloud (and I expect Nextcloud) software development is pretty impressive and slows the development efforts while the code review and checks is happening.
  2. I am working on the tasks app for ownCloud. The developer has moved on and is working only on Nextcloud. I am going to get it uploaded to the Marketplace when I work out all the details.
  3. ownCloud 10.0.4 has an issue with DAV. This affects Android cell phone calendar and contacts apps. There is a work around that you can apply until the fix is implemented in 10.0.5. Get into the Docker and execute nano to edit a file: nano /config/www/owncloud/apps/dav/lib/Server.php Change this line: $this->server->addPlugin(new CorsPlugin(\OC::$server->getUserSession())); to: //$this->server->addPlugin(new CorsPlugin(\OC::$server->getUserSession())); This comments out the line.
  4. There are apps for Windows, Mac, and Linux desktops to synchronize with ownCloud, but I don't know how you would synchronize the files with unRAID. If you have a desktop computer or VM, you can install the sync app and have it do the sync for you. I am doing that on two Windows 10 desktop VMs I use.
  5. I've never tried anything like that. I would check the Zoneminder forums and ask there. The link is in the first post.
  6. I am currently using a Windows VM with FileZilla to backup my websites and the advantage of using Windows is that it does virus checking of the downloaded files. I'd like to switch to this Docker, but I don't know how to get virus checking of the downloaded files. Does it make sense to install a virus checker in the Docker? I have caught a lot of viruses this way and have had to go back and deal with those on the hosted server. I haven't seen any for months, so GoDaddy may be doing a better job of keeping the viruses off their servers, but I'd still like to scan for viruses myself. EDIT: I installed this Docker and I just use my Windows 10 VM to scan the share for viruses. Works fine.
  7. Filezilla has a server version I've used in the past.
  8. Try the Zoneminder forum. The link is on the first post.
  9. You have to set up and test the Zoneminder email inside the Docker with the Docker cli, not the unRAID cli. to get into the docker from the unRAID cli: docker exec -it Zoneminder bash Then test your email.
  10. Unassigned Devices. They are mounted at /mnt/disks.
  11. Did you follow the instructions for setting up the ssmtp email in the first post? The mailutils package is installed so you can test your email.
  12. You're trying to access a UD mounted share?
  13. You will need to set up DDNS to a URL in your router that points to your server. Forward port 443 in your router to the IP address of your ownCloud Docker. Install a legitimate certificate. The original post describes where to put the certificate and key. You will need to own the domain you will use to access your ownCloud. You cannot get a certificate is you don't own the domain. You cannot use a sub-domain. ownCloud is pretty secure out of the box if you use https for access and don't use a self-signed certificate. Once you have a certificate, test your security at this link: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/. It will tell you if you have any security issues.
  14. Have you saved the settings? If you have and they don't take, then your NICs don't respond to the settings. The settings may not work on all NICs. Tips and Tweaks doesn't verify the actual settings in the NIC. It just tries to set the parameters you select and if the NICs support them, the changes will take effect.
  15. The reallocated sector should not a problem. I see where you mounted the Sandisk, but I don't see any problems. It mounted and stayed mounted from the logs in the diagnostics. I need to see a log where it fails to mount. If it is staying under the historical devices, check cables and power supply connections. UD doesn't see it as on-line/installed.
  16. I'm moving the discussion of FCP not having the network running when it is dong the github check. In my situation, the network is being messed with at about the same time as FCP is trying to do network things. I think you should add a check for the network being up and running with a max time limit before doing the github check, etc. I think it is just happenstance that the network is dropping out at about the time you need it to be running, especially in my case.
  17. I kind of figured that would work. I've just updated UD so you can set that all remote SMB mounts will be forced to v1 in UD Settings.
  18. There have been some users getting errors on remote mounted SMB shares on the later 6.4 rc releases. Somewhere in the later release of 6.4 an new version of samba was included and has caused these and other problems. It seems that until recently, the default protocol for CIFS mounted shares was SMB v1. This is an older version of SMB and any device that speaks SMB will work on v1 without issues because it has been around so long. Because of security concerns, the Linux samba team decided that it would be best to default to SMB v3. The first issue I had to address is that not all SMB servers will use the v3 protocol, so a lot of remote mounts failed. My solution to that problem was to first try mounting a CIFS mount with v3, then v2, and finally v1. The idea was to mount the latest version of the SMB protocol that the remote server will support. This is now causing issues because of some incompatibilities somewhere. To address this problem, I have added a setting in the UD Settings so you can force all remote SMB mounts to mount with v1. If you are having issues with errors on your remote mounted SMB shares, then change the UD Setting to force SMB v1, then unmount and remount the remote shares. I've seen some having issues with remote shares with Dockers, and stale handle errors.
  19. @Squid can I assume by your silence that your issue is resolved? I have implemented a work around for the smb version mounting problem and will release an update to UD today.
  20. That feature is in unRAID and I can't implement it for UD. I would recommend you post a feature request for that to be added by LT.
  21. Yep. It may all be related. If this solves things for you, I will come up with a setting to get past it.
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