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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. @Squid sorry to be slow in responding. I just got back in town. Here is what I think is happening. Several releases ago of the rc series I made a change to how remote smb devices mount because the samba default protocol was changed from version 1 of smb to version 3. All legacy devices will use the smb 1 protocol, so there were no issues when mounting remote devices. With the change to smb 3 as the default, I had to make a change in the protocol used to mount the cifs device. I believe your issue is that the smb 2 protocol mount is causing your issues because the device was mounted with smb 1 in the past. Go to the/usr/local/emhttp/pluginins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php file and make a change at line 995. Change: } else { $ver = "3.0"; $params = sprintf(get_mount_params($fs, '$dev'), $ver, ($info['user'] ? $info['user'] : "guest" ), $info['pass']); to: } else { $ver = "1.0"; $params = sprintf(get_mount_params($fs, '$dev'), $ver, ($info['user'] ? $info['user'] : "guest" ), $info['pass']); This will force the cifs mount on your remote smb share to smb 1. Let me know if it works. If it does, I will have to provide a way to force smb 1 mounts if needed. This sure is fun trying to keep up with changes in samba!
  2. So you are mounting a remote SMB share and then sharing it with NFS to the docker?
  3. I was hoping to see the log from trying to mount the disk, but I don't see it in this log. Please try to mount the disk and then post diagnostics again so I can see the mount error.
  4. Is this a new disk? I would try a few things. - Try formatting another file system like XFS or ext4. - Use preclear to check out the disk and see what it comes up with. See if it can read the complete disk. - Try to format the disk on another computer OS. Windows?
  5. Are there any other partitions on the drive you are trying to format? Can you post a screen shot of the drive after you've clicked on the '+' sign? This will show all the partitions on the disk.
  6. I changed the wording and help description. The processes are actually killed at an event before the unmounting of the disks.
  7. Getting tired of the constant "Unmounting Disks" message when you are trying to stop the array and forgot you had a bash or ssh session open? Tips and Tweaks now has a new feature where you can specify the processes that will be killed when the array is stopped. For example if you specify bash and ssh, any bash and ssh sessions will be killed when the array is stopped so the array disks can be unmounted. Of course there is a risk in doing this because you may lose data when the session is closed, so be careful when using this feature.
  8. Sounds like a disk caching issue. Install the Tips and Tweaks plugin and adjust the disk caching. See if that doesn't help.
  9. Next release will only show the off-line message when the remote share is mounted.
  10. SMART report for drive Sony_Storage_Media_9B5001508030025912-0-0-20171104-1130. smartctl 6.5 2016-05-07 r4318 [x86_64-linux-4.9.30-unRAID] (local build) Copyright (C) 2002-16, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org /dev/sda: Unknown USB bridge [0x054c:0x02a5 (0x100)] Please specify device type with the -d option. Use smartctl -h to get a usage summary Could this be the issue? Someone more knowledgeable about USB devices might be able to help. UD depends on Linux to recognize the device and for udev to pick it up and report it to UD.
  11. Be sure you have the latest version of UD. If not then try once more after updating and then post diagnostics.
  12. @limetech, @bonienl Would it be possible to include all Unassigned Disks in the spin down timer management? I'm talking about the generic unRAID without the UD plugin. I could then remove the timer setting in UD and let unRAID manage the spin down. Seems cleaner and would better prepare UD for inclusion into unRAID.
  13. Here is how to get resolution to your problem: - Boot your server without any plugins and then post a defect report with LT describing the issue with a diagnostics report if it occurs without any plugins installed. - If it occurs with plugins installed, add plugins one by one to determine which one causes the problem. Then post on the appropriate plugin thread what you see. There are a lot of very talented and helpful people here that provide excellent support on this forum. I can see you are frustrated and want a resolution to your issue, but you need to take your intensity down a notch and give us a chance to help you. Support may seem to be slow at times, but most forum support is provided by people like me that do it as a part time effort. We do have day jobs and get back to you as soon as we can with help.
  14. Posting this same issue all over the forum does not help you get an answer and is not appropriate. Please post in the appropriate thread and be patient for an answer. See this:
  15. I'm struggling with the preclear integration in UD. While I think it is handy and seems to make sense, having two plugins provide functionality to UD is quite confusing to users, especially when it comes to support. Where does a person report an issue? I don't have an easy solution.
  16. Yes, but the order would be preclear first, then format to put the file system on the device. Preclear doesn't format. Preclear is tightly integrated with UD so it's hard to tell what is preclear and what is UD.
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