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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. It's really a partitioning issue. As a new data disk, unRAID will accept the UD partition and not reformat it. There have been issues where users would partition/format a disk with UD and load the disk with data, then try to put it in the array as a new data disk and unRAID would insist on a reformat. The UD partitioning/format has been changed so this no longer is the case and unRAID accepts the UD partitioning/format. This only applies to XFS and BTRFS disks formatted with UD.
  2. The UD partitioning is now compatible with the array partitioning. So you can go either way. UD or array format.
  3. The issue is that the format button is grayed because of the existence of the preclear log. Once the preclear log is deleted, the format button will be active.
  4. Click on the help button while on the UD page and read. It will tell you what to do.
  5. I've helped you all I can with this. Your issue is probably not with UD and I don't know enough about NFS to help any further. I would suggest you start a new thread and ask for some help from someone more knowledgeable about NFS.
  6. After looking at your log a little closer, you have several things going on here. The ping issue is probably from starting unRAID and the VM not running. When UD starts it cannot ping the VM. I suspect your share is set to auto mount. After the VM is running, the ping is successful because a mount is attempted. After some time I suspect you are then trying to mount the share and get the file not found error. The issue you need to concentrate on is the 'No such file or directory' error on the server. I don't know how you have the VM set for NFS sharing, but that's the heart of your problem.
  7. @gfjardim There are several issues with rc.diskinfo: Block out temperatures higher that 128 C. Only show unique open files and not duplicates.
  8. Update UD and the temperatures should not show as 128 C. This doesn't solve the monitor alarms, but at least the display is not unrealistic.
  9. Yes. 128 C is obviously not realistic.
  10. Nice work around, but let me suggest a longer term answer. - I'll not show a temperature of 128 in UD. I'll show it as something other than a '*'. The '*' indicates that the disk is spun down. Maybe just '-' to show an invalid or unknown temperature? - I have no control over the disk monitoring giving the alarms. I would suggest that LT change the background disk temperature monitoring routine to not use a temperature of 128 and ignore checking this out of bounds temperature for alarms. It may be that this is in @bonienl's wheel house to handle the disk temperature monitoring.
  11. Can you show me the output of this command? /usr/sbin/smartctl -A /dev/sdX Where X is the device designator.
  12. Not sure how to handle that one. Is there a way for me to display that dialog so I can allow the entry for UD devices? Maybe we should take this to PMs.
  13. It's a UD mounted drive. I don't think there is an option to set temperature thresholds to zero.
  14. I did end up making some changes that caused the duplicate open files to be counted.
  15. You have several options here. - Keep it removed and report the issue on the preclear blog and see if gfjardim will fix the open files reporting. - Go to the Settings->Unassigned Devices and turn off the rc.diskinfo daemon. The problem is that when preclear is installed, there is a background daemon that provides this information to UD to minimize the disk queries so preclear is not affected. The rc.diskinfo daemon is not reporting the open files properly.
  16. The comma would cause php an issue with string handling. Php thinks the comma delimits strings.
  17. What version of UD are you using? I'd sure like to see a screen shot of UD so I can see what you are talking about. Click on the '+' symbol so I can see the open files for each mount point. EDIT: DO you have the preclear plugin installed?
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