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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. I just made some changes regarding mounting remote SMB shares because of some changes in samba. Your issue might have been related to that change. Glad it's working for you. The UD log is available on one of the icons on the upper right of the UD page. Hover your mouse over the icons and you'll see a tool tip showing the operation of the icon when clicked.
  2. Glad you got it solved. Sometime ago I had to retire several external USB2 drives that Linux did not like anymore.
  3. That sounds like a master browser issue. Are you using VLANS? If so, unRAID may be isolated. If UD can't find the shares, the master browser is probably not visible to unRAID. Make unRAID the master browser? Try: smbtree --servers It should list the SMB servers unRAID sees.
  4. UD uses the lsof output to count the open files. Try updating once more. I don't think I filtered the duplicates properly and made a change. If the update doesn't work, please display the actual output from lsof and not just a description of what's happening. That way I can test to see what needs to be done for your case.
  5. UD uses the output from lsof to determine the open files count. I'm pretty sure lsof shows a file open for each process that has a file open, even the same file.
  6. How is the open files count wrong? Show me a screen shot where you think it is wrong and tell me why it is wrong. Response to your request for read/writes vs. speed toggle. I believe that is handled by unRAID for the array by a background daemon. It would not be practical for me to duplicate that feature for UD. Partly because UD will eventually be incorporated into unRAID and LT can then implement the feature if they choose, and I just don't have the time to invest in UD development right now. There is also a real estate issue on the UD web page. There is no room left for additional features without a major rewrite.
  7. It looks good. The rounding is just something we will have to live with. I actually believe the UD value over df when doing the df -H. I actually use the df value and do my own calculations.
  8. Update the UD plugin and let's see if the free space shows the real free space.
  9. I also find df quite confusing as far as rounding. I think displaying the actual free space reported by df would be better. It looks like the ext4 file system doesn't show all its overhead in the used space. Of all the values displayed, I think the actual free space is the most important. I understand about getting the questions, but it is what it is. I have to depend on df to tell me what values to use.
  10. The free space is calculated from size minus used. It looks like ext4 doesn't report the used space as one would expect. I'll change the free space value to the exact value from df for free.
  11. Anyone having SMB mounting issues should update the UD plugin and see if it resolves your problem. The error message from trying to mount a remote share with a higher protocol than it supports is something along the lines of 'host off-line' which is not very helpful and really doesn't explain the problem.
  12. Here is the situation. It is all related to samba. Samba used to default to the SMB1 protocol which all devices would understand. I suspect for security reasons, the default seems to be SMB3. I am implementing a scheme where the first cifs mount attempt will be SMB3, then if that fails SMB2, and then finally SMB1. This will mount the SMB share at the highest protocol the remote server will allow.
  13. You can pass the /mnt/user/r5000 to the docker directly with read/write privileges. Use "Add another path, port, or variable" in the docker template and map the share as a path specifying the unRAID share as the Host Path and the container path.
  14. I'll do some testing here first and then have you do some tests. I don't have a remote share that fails like you are seeing to test.
  15. Works fine for me. Samba was updated in rc10b. I think this is related to the samba version on the remote (security) and what version the remote wants to use. I have an idea about how to get around this with UD. It is coming up more and more. Can I PM you and have you do a few tests for me?
  16. You don't need UD to mount the NFS share. It can all be done through unRAID shares. I don't totally get how the shares all need to work, but unRAID share mapping can do it for you.
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