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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. It seems to me you could set up an unRAID share that is both SMB (Windows can see it) and NFS (sagetv can see it). Then pass the share through to the sagetv docker.
  2. I am getting even more confused. What is it that you are trying to do? If I recall your posts, you are trying to mount a NFS share in a VM with UD? Why are you doing that?
  3. I am not a zfs expert, but it appears those two zfs member disks were mirrors in a zfs setup. UD can't mount zfs disks. You will need to take them to another system that can work with zfs disks and remove the data from there. I know there is a zfs plugin for unRAID, but I have no idea how it works. I found this on mounting zfs member disks: https://www.svennd.be/mount-unknown-filesystem-type-zfs_member/ that might help. Show the UD log for the xfs disk that won't mount after trying to do a mount.
  4. The 'No such file or directory' message is because the server is off-line and the rc5000 file cannot be found. Here is a part of the UD log: Oct 26 17:25:36 Error: SMB share '' appears to be off-line. Oct 26 17:25:36 Error: Remote SMB/NFS server '' is offline and share '' cannot be mounted. UD pings the server at to see if it responds to check if the server is on-line before mounting the share. You need to see why the IP address does not respond to a ping. There are several issues I see here with UD. I made some changes to try to help with shares that go off-line by logging those events. The log entry is showing the wrong information though. The other issue is UD should not even try to mount a share that is not on-line. I'm going to work on cleaning up this situation.
  5. You seem to be making this way too complicated. Enter the IP address in the 'IP/Host' field -, click on the 'Load Shares' button and select the share you want. UD will take care of the rest. If that produces errors or the NFS share doesn't mount, show a screen shot of what you are entering into the dialog for IP address and share, and the UD log so I can help troubleshoot. If you are entering all kinds of syntax trying to get the NFS share to mount, it is difficult to understand and hard to see what UD might be doing wrong.
  6. The nmap package must be installed before the 'Check for servers on the local network' button will show. The nmap package does not install on any version before 6.4. I've been using 6.4 so long, I forgot that the nmap package won't load on a previous version. You just need to enter the IP address and then click the 'Load Shares' for the NFS shares to show.
  7. Try clearing the browser cache. If that does not let the check for servers button show, the nmap package is not installing. Please attach your diagnostics. Regardless, entering the IP address and then clicking the 'Load Shares' button should show the NFS shares on that server. If not, then your NFS share does not appear to be available.
  8. This is what I see when I choose NFS. Click on the 'Search for servers in local network' button to find NFS servers and the 'Load Shares' button to show the shares. If you don't see this, then update UD.
  9. If the 'Unmount' button does not show, then the share is not mounting. It sounds like you have a credential issue. The UD log is available on the webpage using the icons in the upper right of the webpage. Hover your mouse over the icons and it will show a tool tip of the operation when the icon is clicked. If you still have trouble, post a screen shot of the SMB mount on the UD webpage.
  10. Click on 'Add Remote SMB/NFS Share'. Let UD find the server (Click 'Search for servers in local network' and select the server) and the NFS share (Click 'Load Shares' and select the share). It will set up the proper syntax.
  11. It appears that you have a cable/USB port/Enclosure issue and not a file system problem.
  12. Show me the UD log. It is on the UD webpage at the upper right. There is an icon there to show it, and an icon to download it.
  13. There is no option regarding the log. There will be UD log entries when the cifs mount is attempted and some entries in the unRAID syslog. I'd like to see those log entries. Just telling me "it's broken" does not give me enough information to help you. What do you mean that you had to remove the share via the config file? Is that share auto mounted? Do you have the latest version of the UD plugin?
  14. Those parameters are set according to the type of file system, in this case cifs, and are not really available to modify by the user. The issue you are running into is the security level that samba uses when mounting a cifs file system. This has come up before and I do not have a good solution for UD to handle this situation. The solution that @johnnie.black came up with is the best solution for the moment until I can figure out a better way for UD to handle it. Limiting the smb protocol on the Freenas is the best answer.
  15. Your experience with the recycle bin plugin is not normal. I cannot reproduce your issue and will not be able to do anything about it until/when I can reproduce it. The recycle bin plugin depends on unRAID to initiate an event to allow the recycle bin parameters to be added to shares. I have no control over the triggering of this event. I suspect there is a plugin or something interfering.
  16. I'm running that version also and don't have any problems. Do you mind posting diagnostics? I wonder if there is a plugin or something interfering with the recycle bin plugin operation.
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