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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. I appreciate that you are excited to have it solved for you, but that is not a good solution having to do things manually. You should not have to initiate the recycle bin script to get the recycle bin to work. You also shouldn't need to run the samba restart. The script you ran is a recycle bin plugin event script that is run at about a 1 minute interval by unRAID. The purpose of the script is to add the recycle bin configuration to the shares based on the settings in the recycle bin configuration. The good news is that the script did not error out. The bad news is why it is not running as it should. Which version of unRAID are you running?
  2. That file should contain entries like this: recycle:repository = %P/.Recycle.Bin/ recycle:directory_mode = 0777 recycle:keeptree = Yes recycle:touch = Yes recycle:touch_mtime = No recycle:minsize = 1 recycle:versions = Yes recycle:exclude = *.tmp,*.ign,*.db-* recycle:exclude_dir = .Recycle.Bin for all enabled shares. At the command line execute this: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/recycle.bin/scripts/configure_recycle_bin and let me know if there are any errors.
  3. Be sure any Zoneminder appdata folders are removed. That's where the remnants would be located.
  4. I'd like to see the file /etc/samba/smb-shares.conf. It contains the names of all your shares. If you are comfortable with posting that in this thread, then please do. If not then PM the file directly to me.
  5. The recycle bin works only on unRAID SMB shares. Show a screen shot of your unRAID shares and tell me which one doesn't seem to work.
  6. Start your server and then do a gui shutdown. If something is holding up the shutdown, unRAID will force a shutdown after a time out. Then post the log found at /boot/logs. This should show what is preventing a shutdown. This is the log that is saved from the last shutdown. We can look at it and see what might be holding up the shutdown.
  7. You are installing packages from /boot/packages/ - tcl, expect, openvpn. I'd recommend finding another way to do this. Use the nerd pack for packages, and a docker for openvpn. These packages may be holding up a shutdown. EDIT: Also check this error: Fix Common Problems: Error: Docker application binhex-deluge has volumes being passed that are mounted by Unassigned Devices, but they are not mounted with the slave option
  8. It looks like you're updating an older existing Zoneminder installation. That won't work because the appdata layout is changed.
  9. I would say the 32 F temperature display is the problem and you need to post about it on the dynamix plugin thread.
  10. Go to a command line and execute this: /usr/local/sbin/samba restart See if it works then.
  11. Try this one for me: /usr/sbin/smartctl -A -d nvme /dev/nvme0n1 2>/dev/null | /bin/grep -m 1 -i Temperature | /bin/awk '{print $2}'
  12. Try this command: /usr/sbin/smartctl -A /dev/nvme0n1 Also try this one: /usr/sbin/smartctl -A -d nvme /dev/nvme0n1
  13. Try to restart the recycle bin. Turn on the "Log Deleted FIles?" and see if the file is logged. What is the share?
  14. Install the Tips and Tweaks plugin. You can see and modify the inotifywait watches.
  15. The Dashboard display is controlled by Dynamix. The UD temperature is displayed by the UD plugin. What is the output of this command? /usr/sbin/smartctl -A -d sat,12 /dev/nvme0
  16. I looked at the script and I'm not sure I am comfortable with it. It appears that the Zoneminder credentials are hard coded in the script. This may pose a security risk.
  17. I really don't know anything about the link so I can't comment on it. From what I saw it just uses cron to perform some tasks. It doesn't look like it has anything to do with the php-curl package.
  18. This is what you get when the array is stopped: Looks like something in particular with your system.
  19. It doesn't show usage. I would double it to see if that is enough.
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