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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. That has nothing to do with this plugin. That's a Windows 10 issue.
  2. 1. Do you have the preclear plugin installed? Can I see a screen shot of the UD page? 2. Underscores are turned into spaces when renaming the mount point.
  3. What do you mean by a "common script"? Here? This script is executed for all drives plugged in. Each drive has its own script here: This is the script that runs once for each drive.
  4. You need to actually mount the drive. To format, be sure destructive mode is on in Settings->Unassigned Devices. Then click on the disk name and click the X to delete the preclear file. The format button should then be active.
  5. I don't know what to tell you, but this issue has been there since I took over the UD plugin from gfjardim. Is it possible that a file system was created on that partition in the past? I am working on a fix that I will post once I am convinced I've tested it properly.
  6. I see the issue, but it has been this way forever. When a file system is not found on a partition, no other partitions are mounted after that.
  7. That's what I suspected. When did this start? Nothing in UD has changed that I know of that would affect this.
  8. It appears the log you posted was after you clicked the 'Mount' button. Please show a log when the auto mount does not work.
  9. You have one partition that has no file system, and a disk that is not set to auto mount. The Media share has been shared. I'm unclear as to what it is that is not working. Show a screen shot of the drive on the UD page after you have clicked on the '+' to show all the partitions.
  10. It doesn't look like your disks support discard. What does this command show? cat /sys/block/sdn/queue/discard_max_bytes cat /sys/block/sdo/queue/discard_max_bytes
  11. Looks normal to me for the theme you are using. I don't think that shows an alarm situation.
  12. You are saying that the size doesn't show properly at times? I added a timeout to the command to get the nfs size. If it is not showing correctly, I may have to increase the timeout. This was added to prevent hangs when the remote share drops off-line.
  13. The problem is that the folders don't have the proper permissions for Public access. You need to get to a command line and execute: chmod -R 777 /mnt/disks/samsung_... This should fix the permissions issue.
  14. The 'movies' folder has a permissions issue. What files system is on that disk?
  15. I was asked to add the php-curl package to the Docker for this script: https://forums.zoneminder.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=25499&p=102289#p97465 It looks like it changes the cameras to Modect when you are away from home and back to Monitor when back home. I don't know if this is interesting to anyone here, but let me know and I'll see about including the script in the Docker.
  16. There is no correct value. Just set it to whatever works. Try to double it to start.
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