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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Anyone having an issue with the smb mounts, please provide me with more information on your setup and a copy of the UD log. Be sure to let me know what version of unRAID you are using. Some changes were made to UD to better handle the situation when the remote smb share goes off-line, but there may be more areas where changes need to be made. From the reports in this thread, the issue seems to be with UD hanging when a remote smb share goes off-line.
  2. You'll have the same problem no matter how you mount it. It works fine unless your network is flaky or the smb share goes off-line. This is not a UD issue. Its the way the CIFS mount works in Linux.
  3. Look at Settings->Unassigned Devices. You can control SMB permissions there.
  4. What I did is not really a fix. It is a work around. The preclear rc.diskinfo has some issues and it is now disabled by default in UD with the option of re-enabling it if there are preclear issues. @gfjardim needs to put the time into fixing the issues with rc.diskinfo.
  5. Are you using the dlandon Zoneminder Docker? The template you are showing does not appear to be for this Zoneminder Docker, but the same principals apply. You can do what you want, but you are not doing it correctly. Leave the "Directory where events are stored" setting in the Zoneminder configuration to "events". You set the path where the data is stored in the Docker template.
  6. Update UD and see if the problem is solved.
  7. I've added a configurable option in Settings->Unassigned Devices to enable the preclear rc.diskinfo daemon that is causing the missing UD disks issue. It defaults to off and should not normally be needed unless the preclear operation is not proceeding as it should or appears to be hung. This should prevent the missing UD disks.
  8. I am going to look into a configurable option in UD that will default to not using the preclear background task that is causing this problem. It could be turned on to help with preclear issues, but would then potentially cause this problem. I will see if this is feasible and makes sense.
  9. The cli preclear works fine. The preclear plugin is pretty cool, but I would wait until @gfjardim updates it to clear up these kinds of issues. If people continue to have problems, I can disable the background task feature in UD until it is fixed.
  10. If you mean UD didn't see the drive, then yes. The preclear plugin has a background task that checks disk status and UD uses that for its disk status when the preclear plugin is installed. This was done to cut down on disk activity during preclears, but it seems to have some issues with certain drives. I would stay away from the preclear plugin for the time being until @gfjardim has a chance to update the plugin.
  11. If you have the preclear plugin installed, remove it and see if the disks show up.
  12. I have implemented partitioning xfs and btrfs disks in UD to match the setting of Settings->Disk Settings->Default Partition Format. The partition will start at sector 63 or 64 based on that setting. This should allow disks formatted and partitioned with UD to properly go into the array. With the release of 6.4.0-rc8q and the change to be compatible with 4Kn disks, there seem to be more issues with disks formatted with UD and put into the array. I had to change out my cache disk on rc7 and unRAID would not format it. I formatted the new cache disk with UD and installed it as my new cache disk. unRAID accepted the disk and went happily on its way. When I upgraded to rc8, the cache disk became un-mountable. I would have thought that the original formatted cache disk starting at sector 2048 would be rejected by unRAID and force me to format it. It did not and accepted that format. I'm seeing others that have upgraded that are probably having the same problem. Please consider this feature beta until it can be tested beyond what I could do with my limited supply of disks. For those of you with a tolerance to possibly having problems, please check it out for me and provide feedback. I'm not an expert on unRAID disk formatting and partitioning, but I think what I did will accomplish the job. Note: I reluctantly put the time into this feature because of the issues that have come up and I don't see LT folding UD into unRAID in this release. Hopefully this is all that is needed.
  13. Was the jumper installed when it was formatted and partitioned in the array? Can you post the /flash/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/unassigned.devices.cfg file? Can you try the disk on an sata port? The USB enclosure may be an issue.
  14. Yes. Or left click on the Zoneminder Docker icon and select 'WebUI'.
  15. How are you trying to get to the Zoneminder UI?
  16. I have added a 'control' folder in '/appdata/Zoneminder/' where you can put the PTZ control script. It will be copied to the '/usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/Control' folder in the docker image with the proper permissions set.
  17. That folder is in the docker image. You would have to put the script there. EDIT: Is this a typical situation for a PTZ camera? If so then I could add a folder to the appdata/Zoneminder for these scripts to be copied into the docker image.
  18. I think the command is "python3".
  19. The 53GB of files is in the recycle bin of a mount that isn't shared at the moment. It's really the same as the previous recycle bin plugin. The difference is that the shares only show if they are currently SMB shares. Mount points that have a .Recycle.Bin folder add to the 53GB shown. That's really the total recycle bin amount. Click the trash can icon and you can browse the actual .Recycle.Bin folders and see where the files are.
  20. The plugin is just fine. The 53G is all the files found in any mounts with a .Recycle.Bin folder. You have mounts that are not shared, and therefore do not show up in the 'User Shares' tab. Click on the Recycle Bin trash can icon and you'll be able to browse the shares and find the files. The 'User Shares' will only show SMB shared mounts. You can just empty the trash and it should empty all mounts with a .Recycle.Bin folder.
  21. I have updated the ownCloud Docker. nginx is updated to version 1.13.3. I ran the SSL security check against my URL and ownCloud passed with flying colors. If you want to test your URL and ownCloud, use the SSL server check here. You will not have a very good rating with a self-signed certificate. I have a CA certificate and running the SSL server check results in an A+ rating. Before this update I could only achieve a B.
  22. The Z80Pack Docker has been updated to z80pack release 1.35. Release notes are here.
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